Ephram Sha
Ephram Sha | |
![]() | |
Zone | Dark Astoria |
Coordinates | (2152, 0, 4418) |
Level Range | 50 |
Introduced By | Captain Nolan |
Introduces | Heather Townshend |
Enemy Groups | |
Ephram Sha is a hero contact in Dark Astoria at coordinates (2152, 0, 4418). His level range is 50. He is standing in the Flicker rune circle.
Ephram supplies repeatable missions. Each mission awards a choice of the following rewards:
- 10 incarnate threads
- This reward can be claimed once per 20 hours; additional rewards are limited to 1 incarnate thread
- 2 Reward Merits
- This reward can be claimed once per 20 hours; additional rewards are limited to 1 reward merit
- random super inspiration
Contact Introduced By
Ephram Sha is introduced to Heroes and Vigilantes if they follow the story arc given by Captain Nolan.
No introduction is necessary to acquire repeatable missions.
Contact Introduces
Wandering Master
Ephram Sha is a martial artist and spiritual guru of great fame. After mastering the ancient art of Kalaripayattu, he chose to wander the earth in search of inner harmony, rather than join the ranks of the Kalari Gurukkal. It was during these travels that he encountered Montague Castanella, who recognized Ephram's connection to the arcane realms. Montague invited Ephram into the Midnighter Club, where Ephram quickly became one of the Midnight Squad's most dependable agents.
The one quality that has made Ephram invaluable to the Midnighters is his clarity of mind; no matter the situation, Ephram Sha retains a firm grasp on his surroundings. This made him an obvious choice when it came time to send agents to Dark Astoria, where visions of horror haunt one's every step.
Wrong Alignment
I don't think it's safe for either of us to be seen talking to each other. Maybe if you were more like me I might reconsider.
Initial Contact
- From Eye of Judgement given by Captain Nolan:
Ah, Character. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Ephram Sha. I represent the broader interests for the Midnight Squad, here in the heart of darkness.
Dark Astoria is in turmoil, Character. Everywhere one looks, there is death and chaos rising to claim this world. My mind's eye is capable of ferreting out the sources of this darkness, but my powers alone cannot banish it.
The Midnight Squad has tasked me to seek out spirits of great power, and request their aid. If your aim is to turn back the tide of death in Dark Astoria, then we have a common goal. I will be here to fight against the darkness that emerges. However, if you wish to get to the bottom of what is happening, I would suggest finding Heather Townshend. She is helping two of my associates with the matters here in Dark Astoria.
Ephram Sha is a repeatable mission giver in Dark Astoria. You can always get various missions from him. Enemies in these missions will reward incarnate experience and have a chance to drop incarnate threads. Completing a repeatable mission will give you a choice of either two incarnate threads, five reward merits, or a single super inspiration.
- My meditations have revealed disturbing truths. We must act quickly.
- Your assistance is most appreciated, Character.
- Greetings, Character. Let us attempt to push back this darkness.
Too Busy
Your spirit is troubled, Character. One cannot combat the darkness with a divided mind. Return to me when you are unburdened with the weight of your current tasks.
Too Low Level
You are brave to come here, Hero. However, I fear that if you were to face the darkness now, your power would only end up feeding Mot. When you are stronger, come see me, and we shall face the darkness together.
- Inspirations (all)
A Shelter in the Storm
We have a problem, Character. My fellow Midnighters have placed down protective wards in Dark Astoria, in order to create a relatively safe haven from Mot's corrupting influence.
Unfortunately, it appears that the Talons of Vengeance have discovered these wards, and are attempting to tear them down as we speak. I'm sure you can imagine what would happen if they succeeded.
- Protect the Midnighter Wards
Please hurry, Character. Those wards represent one of the only safe havens we have in Dark Astoria. We can't afford to lose them.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The wards are still in danger, Character. Please do not take this predicament lightly.
Mission Objective(s)
This is the place Maharim mentioned. Hopefully the crystals are sturdy enough to withstand the Talons' attacks.
- Protect the Midnighter Wards
- 5 wards to defend
You have protected all of the Midnighters' wards, and ensured that they retain their haven in the darkness.
Ancient Souls
I bring news of dire consequence, Character. Mot's creatures have acquired the Cask of Djer, an ancient artifact of arcane significance. Were it simply some trinket, I would not be concerned. However, it is my belief that the souls of Djer's followers are contained within the Cask. If the Banished Pantheon find a way to feed those souls to Mot, the dark god's power would expand tremendously.
There is still time to stay their hand. You must stop the Pantheon before they bring the Cask to their master. When you find the Cask, destroy it. Mot is powerful, but it will be unable to catch an unfettered spirit.
- Destroy the Cask of Djer
The artifact is not far from here. Go swiftly, Character. I do not wish to contemplate the effects of the Cask's consumption.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Every moment of pause brings with it great risk, Character. Please do not delay; you must destroy the Cask immediately.
Mission Objective(s)
As you enter the warehouse, you hear hushed whispering in a language you don't understand. You can't seem to pinpoint the source of the noise.
- Destroy the Cask of Djer
- Destroy the Cask
- Fend off the Banished Pantheon!
You have freed the souls within the Cask of Djer, and escaped with your own.
Blade of Another Name
Character, I'm glad you're here. I can sense members of the Knives of Vengeance nearby, and it feels as though they are performing some sort of ritual. I cannot comprehend its purpose, but an immense amount of mystical energy is flowing through the subterranean caves nearby.
The Knives of Vengeance do not have a significant amount of experience in arcane rituals, Character. Whatever it is that they're doing, it's new and it worries me. I think you should investigate.
- Investigate the Knives Ritual
I'm glad you agree. Once you have discovered the nature of the ritual, please do whatever you can to stop it. Anything that the Knives are doing that requires this much arcane power spells trouble for our efforts.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The ritual is still ongoing, Character. I fear you still have much to do.
Mission Objective(s)
You can feel ripples of force pulsing through the entire cave. The Knives are planning something intense.
- Investigate the Knives Ritual
- Stop the ritual of ascension
You found a ritual intended to grant one of the Knives 'ascension', and put an end to it before its completion.
Enemy of My Enemy
My Midnighter colleagues have alerted me to a disturbing trend. We've been keeping tabs on all Knives of Artemis cells operating in Dark Astoria, but recent activity has dropped off. We believe that they are being hunted by their former sisters-in-arms.
If the Knives of Vengeance are hunting their comrades, that can only mean one of two things: either they're killing them, which strengthens Mot, or they're converting them. Either way, it will make our lives more difficult in the long term.
As strange as it seems, we're going to have to stage a rescue for the Knives of Artemis.
- Rescue the Knives of Artemis
We tracked a cell of the Knives of Artemis to this location. That was the last time we saw any of them. If you're going to search, I'd start there.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Were the Knives there? It's possible the trail has already gone cold.
Mission Objective(s)
This place has definitely seen recent activity. If you're lucky, you'll find the Knives of Artemis intact.
- Rescue the Knives of Artemis
- 3 Knives to rescue
You have prevented the Knives of Artemis from being converted!

Once rescued, the Knives become NPC Allies who fight with you.
Good Intentions
It is unfortunate, Character. I had hoped that, given a common enemy, we could make an alliance with the Tsoo, and work together to drive back Mot. Unfortunately, they have turned to extreme measures that we cannot abide.
In an attempt to prevent Mot from feeding off of the suffering of the citizens summoned to Dark Astoria, the Tsoo have begun to enact 'mercy killings'. They believe that if someone dies swiftly and peacefully, then Mot cannot gain from the death.
This practice needs to end, Character.
- Stop the Tsoo mercy killings
Our members have tracked the Tsoo to an abandoned warehouse nearby. We believe that they are holding their misguided ceremonies there.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Please, Character. The Tsoo are killing needlessly. I wish to prevent Mot's ascension, but I do not wish for us to lose our humanity in the process.
Mission Objective(s)
You can hear muffled cries as you enter the warehouse. This must be the place.
- Stop the Tsoo Mercy Killings
- 3 civilians to save
You have rescued citizens of Paragon from death at the hands of the Tsoo.
Prying Eyes
Do you know what a Scrying Orb is, Character? It is an artifact of significant power, capable of granting its user sight anywhere in this or any other world.
I'm not entirely sure how, but it seems that the Talons of Vengeance have managed to get their hands on one. Naturally, we can't allow the Talons to spy on our movements in Dark Astoria, but a Scrying Orb is not easily destroyed.
We've brought in one of our own to dispel the enchantment that empowers the Scrying Orb, but he's going to need your help getting to the artifact.
- Help the Midnighter Dispel the Scrying Orb
My associate, Mr. Brighton, will meet you at the Scrying Orb's location. He is knowledgable in the arcane arts, but he is not... well-suited to combat. You will need to protect him until he can dispel the Orb's enchantment.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to get that thing taken care of we talked about earlier.
Mission Objective(s)
Given what you're here to do, it's a sure bet that the Talons know you're here.
- Help the Midnighter Dispel the Scrying Orb
- Bring Mr. Brighton to the Scrying Orb
- Fend off the Talons of Vengeance
With the help of Mr. Brighton, you have destroyed the Scrying Orb.
Ritual Knives
As you must already know, the MAGI branch in Galaxy City was destroyed in the recent Shivan attack. The artifacts it held, however, were most certainly not all destroyed, and it seems that a few have made their way into Dark Astoria.
This is most unfortunate, Character. Most of the forces operating in Dark Astoria are capable of putting those artifacts to use, and few of those uses are ones we want to see happen. If you can track them down, we may be able to retrieve them before they can be misused.
- Retrieve the MAGI Artifacts
Excellent. We've detected the traces of three separate artifacts, that appear to have been moved to a nearby network of caves. Hopefully whoever brought them there does not yet understand their use.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Make haste, Character. Every second you delay, the chances of catastrophe grow greater.
Mission Objective(s)
This is the cave network that Maharim directed you to. Those MAGI artifacts should be here somewhere.
- Retrieve the MAGI Artifacts
- 3 artifacts to find
- Fight off the Knives of Vengeance
You've retrieved three precious MAGI artifacts from the Knives of Vengeance.

Legend says that every spell that Erraton ever knew is housed within these spellbound pages. If someone were to ever manage to open the book, they would have access to a near-limitless source of arcane knowledge.

These ashes are not technically those of Corpolo, but of his latest host. If this case were ever opened, the creature would seek out a new one immediately... which would likely end up being the poor fool that opened it.

This large crystal is made entirely of arcane energy. If it remains in one place for too long, it will begin to grow 'roots' in the material world. Given enough time, the roots would spread across the world, growing into a massive crystal forest of arcane power.
Thinning the Herd
I can sense them, Character. The Banished Pantheon. Normally they are scattered, but now I fear that they have begun to rally. They are gathering nearby, and if their progress continues, I fear that soon we will not be able to stand against them.
Strike at them now, while they are still rallying. Destroy their champions, and perhaps the rest will scatter.
- Defeat the champions of the Banished Pantheon
You will find the Pantheon nearby. Proceed with caution, Character. Mot's followers are not to be underestimated.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Pantheon host grows larger every moment we delay, Character. Please make haste.
Mission Objective(s)
As you enter, you hear the skittering of Mot's spawn echo off the walls. You can bet the Pantheon know you're here.
- Defeat Mot's Champions
- 3 champions to defeat
You have defeated the champions of the Banished Pantheon, and scattered their forces.
Notable NPCs
- Aghat the Bloodless (Incarnate Banished Pantheon Ravager)
- Keret the Soulstealer (Incarnate Banished Pantheon Ravager)
- Paebel the Watcher (Incarnate Banished Pantheon Ravager)