Mother Mayhem

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Mother Mayhem
Zone Neutropolis
Level Range 15-20
Introduced By == Level 15 ==
Introduces == Level 15 ==
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Mother Mayhem is a Praetorian contact in Neutropolis . Her level range is 15-20. In Praetoria she is also known as Praetor Tilman.

Heroes can find Mother Mayhem in the following missions:

Praetorians (Loyalists) can find Mother Mayhem in the following missions:


Overview History

Mother Mayhem
File:Archvillain Mother Mayhem 01.jpg
Praetor of Health
Real Name Shalice Tilman
Gender Female
Archetype Dominator
Affiliation Praetorians
Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital
Age Unknown
Romantic Associations Unknown
Known Family Unknown
Primary Powers Mind Control
Secondary Powers Psionic Assault
Zone Locations Praetoria
v  d  e

Shalice Tilman is the most powerful psychic in the world and the pioneer behind the revolutionary Seer Project. Known throughout the Praetorian Empire as Mother, Tilman devoted her life to taking care of others. When a freak accident involving an unstable psychic killed Shalice Tilman, the world mourned her death. Courageously, her colleague, Aurora Borealis, took Shalice's consciousness into her own, saving the woman beloved throughout the world.

Together the two women can do more to help the world than they ever could apart. With their psychic powers combined, Mother has saved the lives of countless psychics, helping them to become Seers. In turn, these Seers help prevent crime by detecting criminal intent and alerting the authorities before harm can be done. Under Mother's loving eye Praetoria remains a utopia: safe, secure, and pure of thought.

Taken from official bio.

Full History

Born during the Hamidon Wars, Shalice Tilman had tremendous innate mental powers. The sheer volume of refugees crammed into the confines of Praetoria City left Shalice, a telepath, a very confused young girl. At first, she was checked into a hospital, but it didn't take long for the doctors there to discover that she had a psychic gift. They sent young Shalice to a government-run facility for the gifted where she would learn to use her powers in the ongoing war against the Devouring Earth.

The war would end before Shalice was ready to join the Praetorian Guard. She had already earned a nickname among the staff for her particularly potent telekinetic powers: Little Miss Mayhem. When President Cole was elected emperor and dissolved the old governments, Shalice knew that he would need strong allies in the years to come, and she wanted to be one of them.

Cole instantly recognized the value of Ms. Tilman's abilities. He brought her on as his personal advisor, using her to uncover traitors and enemies during the changing of the guard. Under Shalice's watch, the transition to the new government went smoothly. At the young age of 22, Shalice Tilman was rewarded a Praetorship for her efforts--the youngest to achieve such an honor.

As Praetor, Tilman reformed the psychiatric hospitals of the world. Her treatments rehabilitated hundreds of thousands of people who would otherwise have been forgotten in the aftermath of the wars. With the help of an old classmate, Aurora Borealis, she founded the Seer Project, in which unstable psychics underwent treatment that not only saved their lives, but also enabled them to contribute to society. It was during the treatment of one such individual that tragedy struck.

The psychic in question proved to be more unstable than originally believed. During treatment, the patient's psychic abilities lashed out, killing several staff members. Praetor Tilman sacrificed her own life to contain the psychic energy of the patient before it could do any more harm. Desperate to save her friend and mentor, Aurora bravely took Shalice Tilman's psyche into herself.

The two remain merged to this day, serving as a reminder to all Praetorians about the risk unregistered psychics present to the Empire. But most importantly, Praetor Tilman has become a symbol for the devotion both women have to the Praetorian people. As protector of the innocent, healer of the sick, and nurturer of the weak, Praetor Tilman is now known by a new name, a new title that embodies her essence: Mother.

Taken from official bio.

Character Stats

  • Secret Identity: Shalice Tilman/Aurora Borealis
  • Occupation: Praetor of Health
  • Affiliations:Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital, the Seers
  • Archetype: Dominator
  • Powersets: Mind Control/Psionic Assault
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: 115 lbs.
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Purple
  • Distinguishing Marks: None
Taken from official bio.




You have made yourself legend by defeating the Praetorians, an evil version of the Freedom Phalanx from an alternate dimension.


  • Mother Mayhem's Praetorians profile for a list of her powers


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces


Praetorian contact description

Praetor and Asylum Warden
Shalice Tilman is the most powerful psychic in the world and the pioneer behind the revolutionary Seer Project. Known throughout the Praetorian Empire as Mother, Tilman devoted her life to taking care of others. When a freak accident involving an unstable psychic killed Shalice Tilman, the world mourned her death. Courageously, her colleague, Aurora Borealis, took Shalice's consciousness into her own, saving the woman beloved throughout the world.
Together the two women can do more to help the world than they ever could apart. With their psychic powers combined, Mother has saved the lives of countless psychics, helping them to become Seers. In turn, these Seers help prevent crime by detecting criminal intent and alerting the authorities before harm can be done. There are certain times, however, when Tilman requires outside help in order to keep the land of Praetoria safe from those who would seek to destroy it.

Primal Earth description

This twisted psion is Tyrant's closest advisor and possibly his biggest threat as well. She is organized and has large numbers of minions she has driven to her particular brand of insanity in her special asylums.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Character, it's been far too long since you and I have spoke. I have such fond memories of you from our time dealing with one of my troublesome little girls. I must apologize for them, as I don't think I ever did. I've made sure that those... girls have PAID for their BETRAYAL of my TRUST.

Ah... you'll have to forgive Mother. I can get very worked up when I'm betrayed by those who have earned my trust. But I know you would never betray me, would you Varasin? No, that's why I'm coming to you today to ask for your help.

What can I do for you, Mother?

Such a loyal man! I would just love to use you for help in the future after this whole little matter is done.

You may know that Mother rarely relies on outside help. My little daughters normally handle everything that needs to be done. But in this case, I simply must ask for the help of someone like you to help defend Mother and Praetoria from those who would seek to destroy everything we stand for.

I'll do what it takes to help you, Mother.

  • Mother cares about you, Character.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Mother doesn't need any thing from you right now, but thank you for asking. But I thought you knew that. Are you trying to sneak something past me? Are you?


Mother communicates telepathically, for the most part. She does not have a store.

Story Arc

The Woman Named DeVore


Part One: Organized Psychics

There are many little rogue psychics within Praetoria, Character. I do try to have each and every one of them visit my hospital so that they may one day serve Praetoria in a better way. But some... some insist on tarnishing my good name, belitting what my daughters stand for! I can't stand for this, Mother won't stand for this any longer. I send my little girls to handle them, and what do I see on my doorstep?

Destruction! Death! Hubris!

Ahem... I get oh so angered at the situation. I am speaking, of course, about the Syndicate and their little psychics. Oh, they thought they could hide from Mother's gaze, but they can't any longer. I sent some of my best girls to bring them in, Character, but oh, it was awful, just awful! The Syndicate slaughtered my precious girls, leaving their bodies in front of my hospital.

Do you think you could deal with these bad psychics for me? I would hate for any of my girls to get hurt, ever again.

Do you know where these Syndicate psychics are?

Oh ho, I do, I do. They keep themselves to their little meetings inside an office building in Berry's city. Yes, three of the worst ones are in there. Howard Milton, Eliza Kushmin, and Franklin Faris. All members of various corporations in Praetoria. Well, until Mother and her daughters found out about who they really were. They've got nothing left to live for, Character, except for the little group of Syndicate. Would you be a dear and make sure these bad psychics get what they deserve? In the eyes of the law, of course.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Mother wishes you the best of luck, Character. Know that I am watching you.

Mission Objective(s)

While Praetor Tilman might not be the most balanced of the Praetors, it is still a heinous crime to butcher Seers. Time to make sure these Syndicate answer for what they've done.

  • Arrest Syndicate Psychics.
    • 3 Syndicate heads to take in

You've arrested all the psychics that Praetor Tilman named.


  • Syndicate

Notable NPCs

  • Howard Milton (Syndicate Suit, Lieutenant, Enemy)
  • Eliza Kushmin (Syndicate Suit, Lieutenant, Enemy)
  • Franklin Faris(Syndicate Suit, Lieutenant, Enemy)
  • Vanessa deVore (Observant characters will see faint images of Vanessa during this mission)


Mother is so proud of you, Character. I was watching your progress the entire time. The nerve of those Syndicate to criticize me, to slander my name like that! They have no shame, no nobility, no class! When I'm through with them, oh, they will learn to respect Praetoria and its people, believe me, Character.

Praetor Tilman lets out a pleased sigh, calming herself.

But... let's speak of some other things, yes? I sensed a very... powerful force in that office building with you. A psychic force that should not be allowed to run wild, to roam outside of my... tender care. I intend to hunt this force down, Character, for the good of all Praetoria. After all, do we really want a force out there that could be as powerful as me, without having the care that I do for you all? No... no, we don't.

You've done such a good job, Character. I knew you would do it. Didn't I say you could? But you didn't believe me, did you? DID YOU?! YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE MOTHER, DID YOU?! From now on, I want to keep an eye on where you are. You are not leaving mother's sight, no matter where you go. Do you understand?!

Part Two: Running Away

Sometimes, Character, those scoundrels in the Resistance manage to kidnap my dear girls and break them off from my tender embrace. You would never want to be torn from my care, would you, Character? I would never treat you poorly, of course. But some people, they insist on believing that I am some sort... some sort of monster! Lies, hate, anger is poured into their minds, into their very souls, poisoning their thoughts about me. I can see them, feel them, and then... darkness, as if they are no longer there. But Mother... Mother will not stand for her girls leaving her side, Character/

There is one such girl, she was such a good dear when she was one of my little ones. But now, she goes by the name Beholder, a part of those terrorists in the Resistance. I have spent some time trying to track her and the man who kidnapped her from my grasp, Hatchet.

And now... I have found them. Trapped like rats in the tunnels. And you... Character... I want you to bring them to justice for all that they've done.

What are their crimes?

You need to know more of their crimes, other than the fact that the man forced one of my own daughters from my side? You would doubt me?!

Mmm... I apologize, Character. It is a very... sour subject, yes? Mother does not mean to yell at you. I never do. Their crimes are many. My... sad, former daughter, Beholder, has wired many of my little girls to have psychic explosions. She betrays her own sisters out of some... some anger towards me! Do you know how many of my girls have died because of her, how many people in Praetoria have suffered? Too many, Character!

Here is the location of her and her little man, Hatchet. I want you to bring them in. Show them that Mother is always willing to bring one of her daughters back into her flock, but is not tolerant of those who would strike at her family.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please, Character, do not keep Mother waiting. I've spent too long yearning to have my little girl back in my arms.

Mission Objective(s)

Tilman's own personal issues with Beholder are obvious, but you can't allow this woman to wire more Seers to become psychic bombs, not when there are innocents at risk.

  • Bring in Hatchet and Beholder
    • Bring in Beholder
    • Take down Hatchet and his pet ghoul
    • Defeat the former Seers

You've brought in Hatchet and Beholder, ending their reign of terror.


  • Resistance
  • Beholder (Resistance - Former Seer)
  • Hatchet (Resistance - Ghoul Tamer)
  • Marty (Ghouls)

Ambush! Beholder will summon several Seers to aid her, after the character has talked to her.

Hatchet is known in the Resistance for his 'pet' ghoul, a monster that he trained on his own. Many fear ever having to fight Hatchet, knowing that he is not one to show any mercy.
Beholder is a rare sight; a former seer who has broken completely from Praetor Tilman's network. She is infamous for the amount of chaos and destruction she has caused within Imperial City.

Beholder looks up at you with a weakened plea.

Don't let... don't let Mother take me back. I don't want to go back, I don't. She made me this way... She stole my life, just to have her own pleasures. She MADE me into this... I used to be happy, used to be normal! Just don't send me back to that place, that nightmare!

And the people you've hurt? What about them?

They deserve it for putting up with a government that allows filth like Mother! They could stand and fight with us, but they let it go. And for that, they need to suffer until they get the message. Tilman is a beast who deserves nothing but death!

I won't stop until I get my vengeance... you have to let me go, you have to let me continue my fight against her! Against the people!

You and I are enemies, as long as you continue hurting innocents for your cause.

Then the others will deal with you!



You're an absolute darling, Character. Mother is so happy that you've brought these criminals to justice. They won't be harming any more innocents, that much I can guarantee you. I heard those... vile words they spoke about me. I've... I won't bother giving them anything more than a moment's thought. I've been looking into the mind of my sweet, sweet Beholder, now that she's back in my loving care. So full of secrets, brimming with... life. She is such a silly girl, thinking I'd just let her die like that.

Oh, but I do go on. Mother is so sorry, Character. You're so... so admirable for being patient with me. Beholder's mind revealed what I've thought for quite some time. The Resistance is gaining more rogue psychics, thanks in part to that woman, Vanessa DeVore. The wretched... vile... lower than filth... piece of trash... woman... deserving nothing more than to be stomped beneath my heel! She steals my girls, she attacks me, she spreads lies about me!

Ah... but you, Character, you will help me find her, yes? She has caused many deaths, many deaths, all because she can hide her little terrorists from my gaze. We can't continue to let that happen, can we? You have done your mother proud, Character. You always were my favorite, you know that right? RIGHT?

Part Three: Down in the Slums

I've been trying to find that bothersome DeVore, Character. But I believe I may have found someone who may be able to lead us to her. I know very little about this person... only that she seems to not be from around here. I've poked at this little girl's mind to see visions of some chaotic, dangerous place. But I see in her mind the name: DeVore. This woman is in Neutropolis now, near Berry's little Lambda Sector. She seems lost, Character... and Mother is always looking to help those who are lost. Especially those psychics who fall in with the terrorists.

Currently our lost little girl is roaming a little rally those bottom-dwellers in the 'Resistance' dare to hold in Berry's city. I do believe it will get violent, very quickly.

What does this woman look like? And where exactly is this rally?

Here are the rough coordinates, my dear Character. You'll make Mother proud by going to that rally, won't you? The Resistance can't possibly be allowed to take over this part of Neutropolis. Not that they stand a chance against my Character.

The girl you're looking for will stand out. She is from some mysterious organization and wears an odd little.. helmet on her face. You will recognize her, trust me. Mother knows, after all.

Unnecessary Solicitation

That rally won't wait forever, Character. Let those rotten members of the Resistance know that Mother sends her deepest regards.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the shouts of the Resistance in the streets. They've torn this already poor district apart, and, by the looks of it, attacked any PPD trying to recover the area

  • Retrieve Tilman's Woman at the Resistance Rally
    • Capture the Mysterious Psychic
    • 2 'Arachnos' soldiers to bring in
  • Destroy the 'Arachnos' supplies

You arrested the odd woman that Tilman mentioned and stabilized the situation within Neutropolis.


  • Resistance
  • Arachnos

Notable NPCs

  • Fortunata Langstra (Arachnos Fortunata, Lieutenant, Enemy)
  • Operative Vars (Arachnos Wolfspider, Lieutenant, Enemy)
  • Operative Reynolds (Arachnos Huntsman, Lieutenant, Enemy)
You found some data off this mysterious woman about an organization called 'Arachnos'.


This little girl you brought me is very interesting, Character, as is the news that she has. It seems she met with our little Vanessa DeVore herself. This 'Arachnos' she's apart of wishes to work together with our most hated enemies, all to destroy our beloved Praetoria. But little Vanessa made a mistake... oh, she made quite the mistake! That was believing this little spider was going to be trustworthy.

The girl's mind was difficult, but eventually I tore through it and revealed all her secrets, along with Vanessa's. This, Character, will be Vanessa's undoing! Oh, it shall! She will know pain, my pain, and anger, my anger!

But I get ahead of myself... Mother shouldn't act in such a way in front of you, Character. Before I sent this 'Fortunata Langstra' to begin training for the Seers, I found a very vital piece of information from her regarding Vanessa's one weakness. That would be a man named Wu Yin.