Talk:Mother Mayhem

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Sister Psyche?

She looks a lot like Aurora Borealis to me. Is this correct? --TonyV 12:36, 17 March 2006 (PST)

Hmmm... Good question. At the time, Sister was inhabiting Aurora. Maybe they weren't seperated on the Praetorian side? I'm gonna ask on the boards, you've made me curious. --StarGeek 13:00, 17 March 2006 (PST)
Frost FTW, yet again. Damn, she's quick. CoH Thread --StarGeek 13:16, 17 March 2006 (PST)

Going Rogue Update

Should we update the individual praetorians' pages to add what we've learned? For example, the updated appearances (with pictures from the hero con video), the seer network, and such? I'd go ahead and edit, but I thought I'd excercise my manners and ask up on here first. --Storm 12:20, 30 January 2010 (PST)

I would say go ahead. Note that there's already a precedent set by the info that's been added on Tyrant's page. --Eabrace Healthbar notify phone.png 21:56, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

"Running Away" oddity...

In compleating that section of the arc, I got a different dialoge from Beholder. Essentially it referenced "Power of the Mind", and arc I had compleated with the toon I was playing. I'm not sure if this was becasue of that or that I was sunning the toon under the "Resistance" slignment.

- OldeWolf 16:09, 17 October 2010 (UTC)

I'd say it was the arc. I did this mission as an undercover resistance, but he's never been in the crusader arcs.

- Ekimmak 08:40, 12 November 2010 (UTC)