Andrea Mitchell

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Andrea Mitchell
File:Contact Andrea Mitchell 01.jpg
Zone Talos Island
Coordinates (640, 30, 6280)[Copy]
Level Range 20-24
Introduced By == Level 15-19 ==
Kong Bao
Vitaly Cherenko
Virginia Hoffman
Thao Ku
== Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Dennis Ewell
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Tyler French
Vic Garland
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Rondel Jackson
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Amanda Loomis
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Hinckley Rasmussen
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
Introduces == Level 20-24 ==
Jim Bell
Claire Childress
Polly Cooper
Kevin Cordell
Oswald Cuthbert
Dennis Ewell
Wilson Eziquerra
Georgia Fields
Andrew Fiore
Tyler French
Vic Garland
Barry Gosford
Justin Greene
Rondel Jackson
Justine Kelly
Jake Kim
Amanda Loomis
Lt. Col. Hugh McDougal
Melanie Peebles
Wilma Peterson
Hinckley Rasmussen
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
John Strobel
Kirsten Woods
== Level 25-29 ==
Miriam Bloechl
Laura Brunetti
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge stature 04.png Spirit Warrior Badge
v  d  e

Andrea Mitchell is a hero contact in the New Thebes neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (640, 30, 6280)[Copy] Andrea Mitchell is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 20-24.


Contact Introduced By

Level 15-19

Level 20-24

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
Missing text
Single contact option
Hey, Character, there's someone I want you to meet.

Level 20-24

Have you ever read any of Jim Bell's articles in the paper? He's a great reporter who's been doing a lot of articles on the Tsoo and the Warriors. Jim has access to Training Enhancements.

Jim is outspoken and opinionated, but he is extremely well informed.

Claire Childress is as much a part of the spirit world as our own. Some say she's flighty, but there are few in Paragon City who can provide more aid to one who seeks to battle the Freakshow or the Family. Claire has access to Training Enhancements.

Listen closely to her words; they may contain more information than you realize.

I'd love for you to meet Polly Cooper. She's a coordinator for the Civil Air Patrol, and she knows a lot about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Polly has access to Training Enhancements.

Miss Cooper is very skilled at her job and should prove to be a valuable asset to you.

I know a guy named Kevin Cordell who runs a small security consulting business. He's heard about you and would like to talk sometime about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Kevin used to be a hero, and he still has access to Training Enhancements.

Kevin is not easily impressed, but I think you will do just fine with him, Character.

I'd like you to meet Oswald Cuthbert. He's a probation officer and thus has a lot of contact with the sordid side of Paragon City. He often uses heroes like you to help him out with the Sky Raiders and the Council. Oswald can get you Training Enhancements.

Good choice, Character, and good hunting

Do you ever read Dennis Ewell's columns? He's quite a writer, and he told me he'd like your help taking out the Tsoo and the Warriors. Dennis has access to Training Enhancements.

Dennis isn't convinced that the heroes of Paragon City are much better than the villains, but he is coming around.

Wil Eziquerra is an excellent reporter who specialized in stories on the Sky Raiders and the Council. His sources usually keep him stocked up with Training Enhancements.

Wil is going to be a great resource for you, Character.

I have to admit that Georgia Fields doesn't have the best reputation. No one really knows how she gets her information, but she's an excellent source on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. She is usually able to get her hands on training enhancements.

If you are careful, Georgia can be of great assistance to you.

I think you should meet Andrew Fiore. Not only can he sell you quality electronics, but he's got information about lots of less savory business deals. He's helped more than a few heroes, especially with information about the Freakshow and the Family. Andrew has a lot of sources that give him access to Training Enhancements.

Andrew is a businessman first, but it's in his best interest to keep the heroes he works with up to date on information.

There's an amazing guy named Tyler French who runs a youth sports program; it keeps troubled teens off the streets. He hears a lot and likes to help heroes out, especially with the Tsoo and the Warriors. Tyler has access to Training Enhancements.

Tyler is really great for the kids, Character. Help him out however you can.

I think you should talk to Vic Garland. He's a civil rights activist who's doing some important work against the Freakshow. He's also more than a little curious about the Family. He could really use your help. Vic has access to Training Enhancements.

Vic is uncompromising and fiercely loyal.

I've been asked to introduce you to Lt. Gosford from the Paragon City Police Department. He runs a special unit that is focused on bringing down the Sky Raiders and the Council. Gosford's connections within the department give him access to Training Enhancements.

Gosford is used to working with heroes. You will get along fine.

My friend Justin Greene has asked to see you. He's a coordinator for his local community watch group. He used to be a hero, so he knows how to help you clean up groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. Justin has access to Training Enhancements.

I think Justin will like you a great deal, Character.

Detective Rondel Jackson is a great guy to talk to if you want the police perspective on groups like the Sky Raiders and the Council. He's also the one to talk to if you need Training Enhancements.

Detective Jackson is a hardworking straight-shooter. He won't steer you wrong.

If you ever have a computer problem or want a lead on some computer related crime, you should talk to Justine Kelly. She's a whiz at technical stuff and a bit of an online hero in her own right. Lately she has been focusing her attention on the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Justine has access to Training Enhancements.

Justine is a very skilled young lady.

There's a noted weapons expert named Jake Kim who's in town trying to stop the spread of illegal weaponry. He is focusing his efforts on the Freakshow and the Family. Jake has access to Training Enhancements.

Jake has a very specific agenda, but he can still help you clean up Paragon City.

The INS has a woman named Amanda Loomis who works well with heroes. She is trying to keep the Tsoo situation from turning any uglier than it already has, and she also has a deep interest in the Warriors. Amanda should be able to get you Training Enhancements.

Amanda likes to use metaphors, but she understands the realities of Paragon City all too well.

I've been asked to tell you that Lt. Colonel Hugh McDougal of the Pentagon's Hero Outreach Program would like to meet with you about the Freakshow and the Family. His military connections give him access to Training Enhancements.

This could provide excellent connections for you in the future, Character.

Melanie Peebles has the power to see things through her dreams. Her most recent dreams have been about the Sky Raiders and the Lost. Melanie has access to Training Enhancements.

Do not dismiss Melanie's guidance lightly.

Have you ever heard of Wilma Peterson from the Department of Waste Management? She's one of the folks in charge of disposing of hazardous waste, like Rikti technology. You should stop by and see her sometime; she's got her eye on the Freakshow and the Family right now. Wilma has access to Training Enhancements.

Treat Wilma with respect and you will have a solid contact.

I know a rather interesting fellow named Hinckley Rasmussen. He works as a researcher for the Midnight Squad and takes an interest in helping heroes like you fight the Tsoo and the Warriors. Hinckley has access to Training Enhancements.

He is a bit eccentric, but Hinckley knows his stuff.

I'd like you to meet Lt. Manuel Ruiz from the Gang Unit. He specializes in running undercover operations, and he's always looking for trustworthy individuals to help him out with the Tsoo and the Warriors. The department supplies Lt. Ruiz with Training Enhancements.

Lt. Ruiz has put a lot of gangers away himself; he can help you do the same.

I think you should talk to John Strobel from the Citizen Defense Coalition. It's a group of ex-military and law enforcement officers that helps heroes like you from time to time. Right now their attention is focused on the Sky Raiders and the Council. John has a few sources that can get him Training Enhancements.

John is very patriotic and somewhat idealistic, but he's got a keen eye for trouble.

I've been asked to keep this very quiet, but someone from the CIA wants to meet you. Her name is Kirsten Woods and she knows quite a bit about the Sky Raiders. She also thinks there may be more to the Lost than meets the eye. As a CIA operative, Agent Woods has access to Training Enhancements.

Keep a low profile when you are working with Kirsten.

Level 25-29

Have you ever worked with Miriam Bloechl, the psychic? She's quite talented and enjoys helping heroes with the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. She has Training Enhancements.

Miriam's talent is very impressive; you will learn much from her.

Laura Brunetti could be a useful contact to you, Character. Her supernatural library is unmached, and she is an expert on the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of Thorns. She has Training Enhancements.

Laura has a keen mind and loves to get to the bottom of things. I'm certain you will find work with her enlightening.


Private Security Consultant

Andrea Mitchell is a private security consultant who specializes in protecting clients from paranormal threats. After years spent in the army, Andrea is no stranger to danger, but it's only recently that she became interested in the occult. Two years ago she fell victim to a life-threatening curse while protecting a local businessman who had run afoul of a death cult. She barely survived, but, rather than run from the world of magic like most people would, she vowed to learn more about it. She's been studying hard ever since and knows quite a bit about the supernatural. She also has a wide network of contacts who she turns to for information and assistance, including a number of notable heroes.

Prior to Introduction

Sorry, pal, nothing to see here. I think Active Contact is looking for you, though.

Initial Contact

I can really use your help. I'm up to my ears in paranormal protection gigs!


  • I think I have a job you'll be interested in.
  • There's some stuff I can use your help with.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Security's tight around here. You should go help someone else.


We have made a lot of progress together. This is a solid friendship. I'd like you to look over the new Enhancements in my store; some of them might work wonders for you. Take my phone number, too.

  • Inspirations (all)
  • Level 20 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 25 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

I couldn't ask for a better partner. You can get my back anytime. And let me get yours. Take a look at my store and tell me what you need.

  • Level 25 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

Badge Mission


Template:Mission Badge Spirit Warrior

Story Arc


The Wheel of Destruction (20-24)

Template:Mission StoryArc The Wheel of Destruction


Assist the Security Chief in Independence Port (24)


Time to take a bite out of crime, Character. The Security Chief in Indy Port wants some help with those scumbags from the Family. Go lend him a hand.

Mission Acceptance

If you get a chance take a look at the Statue of Wavelength near the water. She was a speedster who fell in the Rikti War.

Assist the Security Chief

Unnecessary Solicitation

Help out the Security Chief with those Family goons.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Assist the Security Chief


Here's some information on the area. We've been having a lot of trouble with the Family, especially in Crey Cove and Bell Point. I really need you to lend a hand.

Independence Port briefing

This is where many brave heroes defended the city against an invading space armada back in the 50's. Paragon City renamed the area Independence Port, in honor of the heroes who died in that epic battle. You'll see the big statue of Cassiopeia by the bridge; she was one of the famous heroes who died in that fight. It's a shame that organized crime runs the docks nowadays. The Family pulls all the strings here, despite the best efforts of law enforcement.

Keep peace in Independence Port

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Family for the Security Chief.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Independence Port
    • Defeat 20 Family

You have defeated 25 Family thugs.


The Family


Nice job helping clean up a historic zone, Character! Template:Mission Common Find the missing class

Recover the armor from the Circle (20-25)


There's been a break-in at the Paragon City Museum of History. The thieves made off with a large portion of the exhibit on the Spanish conquest of the new world. The centerpiece of the collection was the Armadura del Sol, a set of conquistador's armor said to be enchanted with the power of the sun. It has no magical powers now, but it's said that a mage could learn much from studying the armor. For this reason, I suspect the Circle of Thorns are behind the theft. Will you recover the armor from the Circle?

Mission Acceptance

The Armadura del Sol is composed of six pieces. You'll have to find and recover all of them to make sure the Circle's mystics can learn nothing from it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Find that mystical armor as soon as you can. I'm getting rather worried what the Circle's mystics may learn from it.

Mission Objective(s)

The air of these caverns feels unusually warm, almost as though the sun could penetrate their depths.

  • Defeat lead mystic and his crew
    • Find 6 pieces of the missing armor

You have found all the pieces of the Armadura del Sol.

Armadura del Sol

This ancient conquistador's armor is said to contain the power of the sun itself. Though its magic has long since faded, it was once rumored to give its wearer the power to destroy an army.

Notable NPCs

These magics of the Armadura are known to us. But they have been distorted somewhat.
Did you come for the Armadura, Hero? You will pay for your foolish interference!


Circle of Thorns

Do you think they know its power?
I have more than enough might to deal with you!
Your power is nothing to me!


Recovering the Armadura del Sol will have ramifications far beyond these city walls. You did the world a service today. The Armadura del Sol was said to have once been powerful enough to level a city. If the Circle truly understood its power, they must be a more fearsome foe than we had guessed.

Find Suzanne Trent (20-23)


In the wake of the Rikti War, there's been a resurgence of all kinds of mysticism. This has helped in some cases, even providing the city with new hope. But it has also caused a great deal of trouble. One new cult calls itself the Banished Pantheon. They have some sort of dark power; they can animate the dead and call spirits from beyond the grave! A reporter named Suzanne Trent was investigating them, but now she's gone missing. Please find Suzanne Trent as soon as possible.

Banished Pantheon are in these caves!

Mission Acceptance

The creatures we have seen the most frequently have been dubbed Husks; they seem to be made from the animated bodies of the dead.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I am really counting on you to return Suzanne Trent to us safely.

Mission Objective(s)

Somewhere below, a woman's terrified screams echo in the darkness.

  • Find Suzanne Trent

You have defeated the Banished Pantheon minions and rescued Suzanne Trent.


Banished Pantheon

Notable NPCs


  • The name of the hostage varies. Possible names are Edith Frasier, Marion Ford and Suzanne Trent.
  • Even though the name of the hostage can change, the name in the description of the temporary power received will be Suzanne Trent.

Temporary Power:

When you rescue Suzanne Trent, she will give you the Idol of Lughebu temporary power.


Melee, Moderate Damage, Negative, Self +Hit Points, Foe -Accuracy

When you rescued Suzanne Trent, she gave you this idol she found in the Pantheon's lair. While carrying it, you have the ability to drain the life from nearby foes, increasing your own Hit Points. The idol must be returned to the MAGI vault within 3 real days.

Suzanne Trent's Story

When you rescued Suzanne Trent, she said:

'I've seen a lot of horrible things since I started this investigation. This Banished Pantheon cult, they're inhuman! They worship some kind of lost god-like beings, horrible prehistoric entities that feed on pain. Their chief god is Lughebu, who demands that they learn about all beings of power. Here, take this idol I discovered. I have a feeling there's some sort of dark magic about it.


According to Suzanne Trent, the Banished Pantheon is investigating all beings of power. I must say, that phrase has an ominous ring to it. Depending on the definition, it could include heroes like yourself. Template:Mission Common Recover idols from the Banished Pantheon Template:Mission Common Curtail Circle rituals in Talos Island

Take the fight to the Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria


Ever since Astoria became a hazard zone, few have dared to venture in there. Those that return report wandering hordes of Husks and Chambers animated by the dark powers of the Banished Pantheon. As long as they control the zone, it will be impossible for the city to retake that part of the city. I need you to take the fight to the Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria.

Mission Acceptance

You could start in Romero Heights or Dido's View. Those neighborhoods are especially overrun.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Pantheon in Dark Astoria
    • Defeat 20 Banished Pantheon

You have lessened the Banished Pantheon's hold on Dark Astoria.


Through your efforts and those of other heroes like you, Dark Astoria may one day be restored to the city. Thank you, Character. Template:Mission Common Clear the Banished Pantheon out of Dark Astoria

Hit the streets and defeat a few Pantheon cultists (20-24)


The Banished Pantheon have been spreading their dark forces over the city. People are afraid, and I understand why. I need a hero to hit the streets and defeat a few Pantheon cultists. They've been seen often on Talos Island, and I've heard that they still mill around the Dark Astoria Hazard Gate. I would not go in there at your current power, though. Evil has taken root there.

Mission Acceptance

Thanks for taking this on, Character. Be careful. The Pantheon is a powerful adversary.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those Pantheon cultists are still roaming the streets. I need you to take care of that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Banished Pantheon menace
    • Defeat 20 Banished Pantheon

You have decreased the number of Banished Pantheon cultists roaming the streets.


Banished Pantheon


The Pantheon cultists have grown fearsomely strong, Character. It's good that we have brave people like you who can fight them.

Hit the streets and defeat a few Circle of Thorns mystics


The mysterious mystics of the Circle of Thorns have been appearing in greater numbers lately. I need you to hit the streets and defeat a few Circle of Thorns mystics in order to ensure the citizens' safety. I understand that numbers of them have been spotted in Talos Island, but I'm sure any zone in the city would welcome your help.

You'd best keep your wits about you. The Circle's mystics are dangerous foes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Circle of Thorns menace
    • Defeat 20 Circle of Thorns

You have discouraged the Circle of Thorns from threatening the citizens' safety.


You have done very well. The Circle is sure to know you're watching their every move.

External Links