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Former Freedom Phalanx Member
Zone Atlas Park
Coordinates (128, 22, -1058)[Copy]
Level Range 30-50
Introduced By None
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Signature Story Arc Pandora's Box, Episode 1.

Wavelength is a hero contact in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (128, 22, -1058)[Copy] . Her level range is 30-50. She is standing on a pedestrian bridge behind City Hall, 238 yards north of the Atlas Plaza marker. Wavelength is the first contact in the hero-side Pandora's Box Signature Story Arc available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.


Contact Introduced By

None; Wavelength should be approached in-game.

Contact Introduces



Former Freedom Phalanx Member

Wavelength is one of Paragon City's most storied living heroes, having served with the Freedom Phalanx in the 1970s. She left Paragon City when she married Lord Pyre, former archvillain and ruler of the Island of Dante.

Upon hearing the news of Statesman's death, however, Wavelength returned to Paragon City out of concern for the city of her birth. She now assists the Freedom Phalanx's new leader, Positron, by acting as a liaison between the Phalanx and other freelance Heroes.

Content was not free

This contact used to require payment, but is now available to all players. The dialogue immediately below is not now seen in-game.

You will need to have purchased the first episode of the second signature story arc, Pandora's Box, or be a VIP subscriber before you can play Wavelength's storyarc.

Prior to Introduction

Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue

Initial Contact

Hello, dear. It's ever so nice to see young heroes out and about these days. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay and chat, however. My old team has been hit with some hard times, you see, so I'm trying to lend a hand.


I'm glad you're here, Character.

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Keep at it, friend. Every life you save, and every villain you face, will only make you stronger. One day, you may even be strong enough to help me.

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.

Powers at Play


Glowing Shrapnel

This jagged piece of metal still hums with a strange energy - the same power that allowed Clamor to challenge the Freedom Phalanx itself. You find yourself wondering Clamor had a hand in her own empowerment, or if she was just a pawn of...

Powers at Play

Part One: Leaving the Nest


Hello, Character. My name is Wavelength, but I'm sure that doesn't mean much to you. My glory days were probably well before your time.

I have heard of you, however, and I've got to say, I'm impressed. Not many heroes today have faced what you have, and lived. When Positron put you on the short list of heroes he wanted me to contact, I wasn't surprised.

Long story short, Character... the Freedom Phalanx is in a rough place right now. I've been asked to seek out heroes with experience, who can help give them support when they need it most. If you're willing to assist, please speak with Positron as soon as you're able.

  • Agree to form a task force

Thank you, dear. Positron will be in Fort Trident, along with the rest of his team. It would probably be best not to keep them waiting.

Meet with Positron

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you met with Positron yet, dear?

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map PHALANX HQ.png

You can hear raised voices in the adjoining room. It sounds as though Positron is displeased.

  • Meet with Positron
    • Speak with Positron
    • You appear to have been interrupted...
    • Defeat the incoming Clockwork!
    • Speak with Positron

You helped the Phalanx fend off a Clockwork attack, but lost Penelope in the process.



Notable NPCs


Ah. Character. I see that Wavelength managed to get in contact with you.

  • What's going on?

Positron nods towards the Phalanx's newest member.

Ms. Yin has been using her psychic powers to pull 'pranks' on her teammates. She does not seem to understand that mental domination is no laughing matter.

He turns his attention back to Penelope.

Responsible use of powers is what separates Heroes from our adversaries. Using them recklessly will only cause the people of Paragon to mistrust us.

  • I... see.

I said I was sorry, ok? Besides, Justin had it coming. Guy's had it out for me ever since I joined.

  • Right...

Both of you need to calm down. We are the Freedom Phalanx, people. We need to be the ones to set an example. Bickering amongst ourselves is counterproductive.

Positron returns his attention to you.

I apologize for this, Character. Statesman's death has hit the group hard, and we're stretched pretty thin right now.

  • Yes, Wavelength said as much.

Positron nods slowly.

The Phalanx is undergoing some... organizational restructuring, and we're not exactly at peak efficiency at the moment. We've put a call out to some of the more veteran heroes in Paragon for assistance during the transition. I've been following your work in Paragon for some time now, and you seemed an obvious choice.

Positron extends his hand to you.

Well, Character? What do you say? The Phalanx is in need of your help. Would you be willing to work with us?

  • I would be honored, Positr--
  • I'm sorry, but I work alo--

Ambush! Several large masses of Clockwork will ambush at the last caption. The Freedom Phalanx will assist with the defeat.


Keep an eye out, people. Citadel, what's our security status?

  • (Listen to Citadel)

Patching into the system now.

All internal cameras and external sensors report no nearby hostiles. It appears we have repelled their assault. However, they have captured Penelope Yin, and I am currently unable to ascertain how the Clockwork managed to infiltrate this base.

  • Why would the Clockwork have an interest in Penelope?

The Clockwork King and Penelope have a... complicated history. He's been obsessed with her for years... I believe it has something to do with their mutually potent psychic abilities, but I cannot be sure.

For more backstory on Penelope Yin and the Clockwork King, check out Mission 1 of the Lady Grey Task Force!

  • Alright, so what do we do now? (see below)
  • Is there a way to track down the Clockwork King?
External sensors have tracked multiple groups of Clockwork exiting the base perimeter. Unfortunately, they seem to have taken divergent routes, most likely in an attempt to prevent pursuit.
  • Great...

We're going to need to split up, then. Brawler, you and Manticore follow the group headed for Perez. Citadel, Synapse, you've got Steel Canyon. Numina, you're with me - we're going to need flyers in Skyway if we want to cover ground quickly.

Positron turns to you.

Character, we could really use your help on this one. Can we count on you?

  • I'm in.

Excellent. We've got enough people to pursue the Clockwork, but it occurs to me that these runners may be decoys. Make a run through Atlas Park and look for any suspicious Clockwork activity. With any luck, one of us will find where they took Penelope.

  • Understood.
Seek Out Rick Davies

Unnecessary Solicitation

Clockwork? I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise, but I'm sure someone in City Hall keeps track of those sorts of things. Why don't you ask around there?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Seek Out Rick Davies


Character, good to see you. Word is you've been working with the Phalanx lately. It's a good thing, too, given what they've been going through lately.

But you probably didn't come here for small talk. What can I do for you?

  • I'm looking for any unusual Clockwork activity in the area.

Funny you should ask that, actually. I just got a call in from a local hero that was going to bust a Clockwork salvage operation, only to end up in the hospital. Now, this guy claims the Clockwork he was fighting were way beyond what you normally see in Atlas Park, but I wrote it off as wounded pride. A lot of the younger heroes will bite off more than they can chew, and then truss up their story to save face.

Still, if you think this guy was telling the truth, I can give you the coordinates to the warehouse.

  • I appreciate it.
No problem, Character. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Good hunting.
  • See you around, Rick.
  • Maybe you should put more faith in the heroes of this city, Davies.
Whoa now, no need to get testy. I've been in the hero's shoes myself, so I know what it's like.
Tell you what, if this lead turns out to be solid, then my first stop will be to Chiron Medical to issue a formal apology. Cool?
  • Fine. Thanks for the tip.
Track down Penelope Yin

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you've got a lead, then you've got no time to waste. If you dawdle, the trail may run cold before you know it.

Mission Objective(s)


This is a step up from most of the Clockwork operations you've seen, especially in Atlas Park.

  • Track down Penelope Yin
    • Find Penelope
    • Talk to the Clockwork King
    • Defeat the Clockwork King (Optional)
    • Talk to Penlope (Optional)

You... 'rescued' Penelope from the Clockwork King.



Notable NPCs

Soon after entry:

Approximately midway to waypoint:


Please, Penny. You have to understand... everything I've done, I've done for you! Why can't you appreciate that?

Those 'heroes' in the Phalanx will never be able to protect you like I can. You have to see that!

  • (Allow the conversation to continue)

You... you think you're protecting me? Russell, wake up already! I'm not some helpless little girl anymore! You've helped me in the past, and you know I appreciate that, but it has to end! I can take care of myself!

Look, I know how you feel about the Phalanx. I know you hate heroes, and I know you well enough to understand why.

Penelope gestures to her costume.

But I'm a hero now. Officially. I have a license and everything. So you can keep trying to help me, and protect me... or you can keep on hating heroes.

But you can't do both. Not anymore.

  • (Allow the conversation to continue)
The Clockwork King hangs his... 'head'... in shame.
I don't want to lose you, Penelope. You're all I have left. My little... my little princess.
The Clockwork King turns to you.
I'm done, Character. I'll leave you and the Freedom Phalanx alone... for the moment. But I swear, if Penelope should come to harm while under your care, I will stop at nothing to avenge her.
But for now, I believe we have a truce.
  • No harm, no foul, I suppose.

Thank you for understanding, Character. Russell's a little hotheaded, but he means well.

You know... I'm kind of glad Posi asked you to help out the Phalanx. You can be pretty cool sometimes.

Anyway, I guess I'll see you back at HQ.

  • Alright, Penelope.
  • Sorry, but you don't get to walk away from attacking a Phalanx facility.
Typical! You see, Penny? This is a the true nature of 'heroes'! You'll regret challenging me, Character!
  • I don't find that likely.
Clockwork Vengeance

You showed no mercy to the Clockwork King. Even when he no longer wished to fight, you made sure he knew the consequences of attacking the heroes of Paragon City.

  • I've heard enough. I'm bringing you in, King.
Typical! You see, Penny? This is a the true nature of 'heroes'! You'll regret challenging me, Character!
  • I don't find that likely.
Clockwork Vengeance

You showed no mercy to the Clockwork King. Even when he no longer wished to fight, you made sure he knew the consequences of attacking the heroes of Paragon City.


If you fought the Clockwork King
What are you DOING, Character? He already said he'd stop attacking the Phalanx. There was absolutely no reason for you to attack him!

  • It was justice, Penelope. Attacking registered heroes is a crime.
  • You may trust the Clockwork King, but I don't.
Of all the twisted, messed-up... UGH!
Penelope's words choke off as she tries to make sense of what has happened.
You are sick, you know that, Character? You may think you're justified in everything you do, but in this case, you're dead wrong.
Penelope turns from you in disgust.
Just leave me alone. I'll head back to HQ myself, after I've made sure Russell's ok.
  • I'll make sure the proper authorities will be waiting for him.


Oh, there you are! I'd been wondering how you'd been getting on, Character, but it appears that any doubts I had were unfounded. It appears that you've already proved invaluable to Positron and his team, and I-

Wavelength pauses as the communicator on her wrist begins to beep. She holds her hand up to her ear, and listens for a moment.

Oh dear... oh, this is not good.

Part Two: Problem?


It appears that we have a problem, Character. While pursuing the Clockwork in Skyway City, it appears that Positron and Numina encountered a large group of Trolls on a rampage, and... well, it appears that they were overwhelmed.

Now, I haven't been active in Paragon for decades, but something smells fishy about this to me. If you ask me, two members of the most prominent supergroup in the city should be able to handle a few drugged-up hooligans.

Wavelength lets out a mild sigh.

But what do I know, dear? My glory days are long gone, and if these Trolls are enough of a danger to threaten the Phalanx, then they're going to need assistance. I know it's a bother, but could I send you to Skyway to see if you could help?

  • I'll head there immediately.

Thank you, dear, but I can get you there faster. I've called in transportation from the Freedom Corps, so as soon as you're ready to go they can take you directly to the scene. From the reports I'm getting, it doesn't seem you'll have to look far to find the Trolls.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't think this is a good time for a chat, Character. Lives are at stake, you know.


Are you prepared, Character?

  • I'm ready, Wavelength. (Start Mission)
Editor's Note:

To enter the mission, team members must interact physically with Wavelength.

Mission Objective(s)


Wavelength wasn't kidding. The Trolls are out in force today.

  • Stop the Troll Rampage
    • Rescue Positron
      • Make sure Positron is alright
    • Rescue Numina
      • Make sure Numina is alright

You have defeated Atta, and scattered his rampaging Troll horde.



Notable NPCs


Numina appears to be fading in and out of consciousness. You're not sure how the Trolls were capable of harming her, given her generally incorporeal nature. Still, somehow they were able to overpower her.

  • (Activate Numina's Medi-porter)

Numina's eyes flutter open as you activate her medical teleporter. She looks at you and manages a weak smile before being transported to a safe location.

  • Leave

Positron looks battered, and sections of his armor appear to have been torn open.

Character... it's good to see you. We were ambushed... while pursuing the Clockwork. The Trolls far exceeded my predictions.

This is highly abnormal, Character. I've never known Superadine to grant this much power to a person. Something else appears to be affecting them... empowering them.

  • We can address that later. You need medical attention.

Positron nods, and activates his medi-porter.

You're right, of course. I'll leave the Trolls to you, Character. Good luck.

  • Leave

Atta: Atta... strong. Feel... different.
Atta: I am... becoming stronger. Much stronger.
Atta: It is as though strength itself calls to me. I can feel it.
Atta: I...
Atta: ...
Trollkin: Go Atta! You show all!
Atta: I want MORE!
Trollkin: Atta big boss! Go fight!


Thank you for your timely intervention, Character. It's reassuring to know that some young Heroes today have the drive to do what's right, no matter what odds they face. I must admit, I've been disappointed in the performance of the Phalanx of late, but I suppose that's to be expected, given what they've been through, recently.

Part Three: The Clamor and the Clangor


Positron just contacted me, Character. He'd like you to report to Fort Trident to debrief with his team. I imagine he's itching to find out what went wrong with his encounter with those Trolls.

I know the Phalanx has been leaning on you quite a bit recently, but it would be good of you to respond. Give them time, Character. They will return to their former glory soon enough, you'll see.

  • I'll head over there now.

Wavelength chuckles softly.

Always the lively one, eh, Character? I knew a Hero or two with your spark in my day, but not a one seemed as capable. Give my regards to Positron, will you?

Unnecessary Solicitation

Feeling weary, Character. I understand, dear. It's a thankless job. Still, it's what we all signed up for, isn't it? You'd best be on your way.

Mission Objective(s)


Things seem a bit calmer than the last time you were here.

  • Rendezvous with the Freedom Phalanx
    • Meet with the Freedom Phalanx
    • Speak with Positron
    • Select an ally (Optional)
    • Investigate the area near City Hall
    • Defeat Clamor!

You have defeated Clamor, and learned something about her strange new power...


Talons of Vengeance

Notable NPCs

PandorasBox Cutscene2.jpg

Positron: Ah, Character. My thanks again for your assistance in Skyway City.
Positron: Those Trolls we encountered appear to have been bolstered by some unknown energy source.
Citadel: We haven't been able to determine the source of the Trolls' newfound power, but...
Citadel: Interesting... Dr. Keyes, you may want to see this.
Positron: What is it, Citadel?
Citadel: The system is currently detecting energy fluctuations similar to those seen in Skyway.
Citadel: They appear to be emanating... from the area around City Hall.
Positron: Interesting indeed.


If these energy signatures are appearing in Atlas Park, we're going to need someone to investigate.

Character, your prior success against the Trolls in Skyway suggests that you may be capable of handling whatever's up there. Still, I think the Phalanx should have an official presence as well, if there is an attack imminent.

If you don't mind, I'd like you to select a member of our team to accompany you on your patrol.

  • Why not bring the whole team?
That would improve our odds were something dangerous to occur, true. However, given the relative frequency of these anomalies, I believe that holding the majority of the team in reserve is the most prudent course of action.
If more anomalies reveal themselves, I will send members to investigate. If not, then we may join you shortly to assist in your investigation.
  • Very well. I'll select a partner then.
Thank you, Character. You've more than proven your capabilities to me, and I'm sure any of the Phalanx would be honored to work with you.
  • (Leave)
  • I think I can handle myself, if that's your concern.
Positron appears to ponder your response for a moment.
...Are you absolutely sure, Character? You're not an official part of the Phalanx, and I can't force you to work with us directly.
However, I worry that we are confronting a force that we have yet to understand. If something is capable of propelling the Trolls to such astronomical levels of strength...
  • Hm, I see your point. I suppose I can take a partner.
Thank you, Character. You've more than proven your capabilities to me, and I'm sure any of the Phalanx would be honored to work with you.
  • (Leave)
  • No need to worry, Positron. I'll be fine.
Very well, then.
Positron nods to you solemnly.
We'll be watching your progress from here, Character. Good luck.
  • (Leave)
  • Agreed.
Thank you, Character. You've more than proven your capabilities to me, and I'm sure any of the Phalanx would be honored to work with you.
  • (Leave)
  • I work better alone, Positron.
Positron appears to ponder your response for a moment.
...Are you absolutely sure, Character? You're not an official part of the Phalanx, and I can't force you to work with us directly.
However, I worry that we are confronting a force that we have yet to understand. If something is capable of propelling the Trolls to such astronomical levels of strength...
  • Hm, I see your point. I suppose I can take a partner.
Thank you, Character. You've more than proven your capabilities to me, and I'm sure any of the Phalanx would be honored to work with you.
  • (Leave)
  • No need to worry, Positron. I'll be fine.
Very well, then.
Positron nods to you solemnly.
We'll be watching your progress from here, Character. Good luck.
  • (Leave)

Clamor: Yes, YES!
Clamor: Bring the destruction, bring the carnage!
Clamor: Such a beautiful song! I must hear MORE!

PandorasBox Cutscene3.jpg

Clamor: Ugh...
Citadel: Clamor appears to be affected by the same power source as Atta.
Positron: Then we'll need to take her back to Fort Trident. If we can analyze the energy source more closely...
Penelope Yin: No need for that. I'll just hop in and take a look...
Manticore: Oh, this should be good.
Penelope Yin: Got it!
Penelope Yin: Clamor, why don't you tell the crowd what you've been up to?
Clamor: ...
Clamor: The time of chaos is at hand... all will be remade in the shape of power.
Clamor: You weak fools, who hoard power but fear its use... your time has ended.
Clamor: Pandora's Box is opening.
Clamor: The power must have a host...
Clamor: ...a vessel...
Clamor: ...a Champion.


Pandora's Box... oh dear. That certainly doesn't sound good. You may want to keep this information amongst those you trust, Character. If word gets out that Paragon's criminal element is getting power enough to challenge its greatest champions, why, there'd be riots in the streets.

I will be frank, Character. I fear for the future. The world has been beset by more threats than the good citizens of this city would ever care to know, and by and large we've managed to survive until now because Statesman has led the way. With him gone... I do not know if the Phalanx is still up to the challenges ahead.

But... perhaps you are. I sincerely hope that is the case.

Expanded Character Background

Lord Pyre had ruled a small South American county for centuries, though he always desired more. The public long debated the source of Lord Pyre's longevity, but even Pyre himself had claimed to have forgotten why he'd stayed young for so long. In the past, Lord Pyre's machinations had been stopped only through the timely intervention of adventurers, daredevils and super-powered heroes. Wavelength was an heiress in Paragon City whose mutant powers enabled her to join the ranks of the Freedom Phalanx in the 70s. In one memorable encounter between the world's premiere hero team and the venerable master of the inferno, Lord Pyre managed to capture Wavelength and hold her hostage for a short time. During this period, Wavelength's idealism and relentlessness slowly won over Lord Pyre's grudging respect -- and, later, his love. Lord Pyre soon gave up all plans of world domination and instead turned his vast intellect towards bettering the conditions for his own people. Eventually, Lord Pyre and Wavelength married -- and both were overjoyed when Wavelength gave birth to their son, dubbed Prince Flashfire.

See Also