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Hardcase is a villain contact in the Black Mariah neighborhood of St. Martial Hardcase is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 30-34 as well as 35-39.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Demon Hunter

Hardcase is a professional demon hunter. Demon hunters as a general rule don't live very long, so the fact that he is a veteran is a testament to his skills or luck. Hardcase has come to St. Martial to deal with the demons who plaque the area, and is looking for freelancers who aren't afraid to tuss with the monsters.

Initial Contact

Demons. St. Martial is full of 'em. That's why I'm here. They call me Hardcase, and I'm a demon hunter. I don't care what your story is. All I want to know if you're tough enough to deal. If you are, then maybe we can do some business. If you're not, then I suggest you slink back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

Story Arc

Silver Tongue

This is a silver forked demon tongue. It's all that's left from a Wailer King demon known as Silvertongue after you defeated him in a tale you like to call:

Silver-Tongued Devil

It all stated when Hardcase spoke with you about getting rid of a demon problem for a lady in return for a big payoff. She wanted to get rid of a Wailer King known as Silvertongue who she inadvertently made a deal with. hardcase had you start interrogating the Wailers to see if you could find Silvertongue's true name - it turned out to be Cacophonix!

The next step was getting a banishing ritual. No one knows mroe about demons than the Circle of Thorns, so you taided one of their temples to get the materials for the ritual.

Hardcase passed word the lady who made the deal with Silvertongue was trapped in a warehouse with the demons closing in on her. since she was the payoff, it was important to get to her in time. Confronting Silvertongue there, you found that the whole mess was set up by the demon! The banishing ritual was useless against him since he passed on a flase true name. You managed to defeat Silvertongue anyway, but he promised to return again.

Johnny Sonata Tickets

These are a couple of Johnny Sonata tickets. You got these as a reminder of a tale you like to call:

Sold for a Song

It all started when Hardcase the demon hunter got you to beat down some Wailers on St. Martial and collect their essence in a crystal pendant. You got the job done, and Hardcase related the Wailers had a 'resonance' having to do with sound and music, possibly something on St. Martial itself.

Hardcase wanted to know more, and sent you to interrogate some Circle of Thorns mystics, known demon summoners. You found that one of the Circle mystics known as Karvost had made some deals with the Wailers. Heading to Karvost's lair, you interrogated the mystic to discover that he had learned to control them through a book known as the Tolshak Mysteries, hidden in a Circle temple beneath Sharkhead Isle.

Raiding the Circle of Thorns temple on Sharkhead Isle, you ransacked their libraries to find the Tolshak Mysteries. You took the book back to Hardcase who began to unlock its secrets.

Hardcase was recently visited by Daniel Hawthorn, a man who had made a pact with the Wailers. He reneged on the deal however, and was being hunted by the demons. Hardcase wanted to know the details of the pact, so sent you to get to the man before the demons did. After you rescued Daniel Hawthorn, he told you the deal: they'd provide him luck in the casino, and he'd destroy one of the seals on the Golden Giza. Hardcase theorized that the demons were bownd to the seals in some way.

Hardcase decided to ask an expert in magical matters, and requested a divination on the seals from the Archmage Tarixus on Sharkhead Isle. Tarixus required a boon first, asking you to eliminate some of his Circle enemies on Primeva. Once you succeeded, he sent the results of the divination to Hardcase. Hardcase revealed the seals were not there to bind the Wailers to the Golden Giza, but to keep them out of Babylon!

Hardcase still had the question of who was behind the building of the seals. He sent you to the local property office to find out more info on Babylon and the Golden Giza. there you found that major architectural reconstruction was done by none other than the star singer of the Golden Giza, Johnny Sonata! Hardcase speculated Johnny had sold his soul to the demons for a song, but then found the means to prevent them from getting at him. Hardcase was frustrated: killing Johnny to solve the Wailer problem would be difficult, and was not the guaranteed solution. Hardcase was consigned to hunt demons until a clear path was apparent.

Johnny Sonata Techno-Remix

This techno-remix recording of the star of the Golden Giza on St. Martial, the crooner known as Johnny Sonata. You have it as a reminder from a tale you like to call:

Pied Piper

It all started when Hardcase contacted you about a horde of Wailers attacking a warehouse in The Hard Way. Investigating, you found a gang of Freakshow with sound modifications being swarmed by Wailers. After you dealt with the situation, you found a bunch of music discs on the Freakshow, including a techno-remix of Johnny Sonata's greatest hits. Hardcase speculated the Wailers were attracted to the music!

Hardcase saw this as an opportunity to draw the Wailers away from St. Martial. He sent you to go after Trey Belcleff, one of the Freakshow's sonic techies. Getting to Trey, you got him to build a sonic transmitter capable of attracting the Wailers from a distance.

Hardcase picked a target for the sonic device: Paragon City. You snuck over to the mainland and planted the sonic transmitter in the sewers beneath Paragon, avoiding patrols of Longbow who caught word of your presence. You managed to plant the device, giving a momentary reprise from the Wailers for St. Martial.

Carnival Party Hat

It all started when Hardcase asked you to help deal with Wailers stealing souls from people in St. Martial who didn't deserve it. Hardcase isn't the bleeding heart type, but he does believe in protecting his own. You agreed to help out and managed to save a few of the working stiffs of St. Martial from having their souls ripped away.

It seemed as though the soul raid by the Wailers on the streets of St. Martial was just the beginning. Hardcase got the call about demons running amok in the offices in the Golden Giza. This worried Hardcase, as the Giza never had demon problems before. He sent you there and you dealt with a Wailer King known as Silvertongue.

Hardcase wanted to know more about the Wailers plans. He knew the Circle of Thorns were trying to broker many pacts with the Wailers, and so sent you to raid a Circle temple and interrogate its leader to find out more. The Circle leader told you the demons were trying desperately to break the wards around St. Martial which were preventing them to get into Babylon and the Golden Giza, to get at someone inside there. Hardcase speculated the Wailers' goal was to get to Johnny Sonata.

Hardcase got a tip there was a Carnival of Shadows leader named Paradox seen in the casino offices before the Wailer attack occurred there. Tracking her to an abandoned warehouse, you found she was making deals with the Wailer King Silvertongue! She spoke of an upcoming 'Chaos Affair' the Carnival was hosting.

Hardcase didn't like the sound of what was to come, so sent you to get more information from the Circle on the street. You found the 'Chaos Affair' was being led by a Carnival leader know as Lady Deveraux, as well as the time and location of the event. They're planning on destroying one of the warding statues keeping the Wailers out!

You went to try and prevent the warding statue from being broken and the Wailers from overrunning St. Martial.


Hardcase sells the following to villains:

  • Inspirations
  • All level 35 dual-origin natural/magic enhancements
  • All level 35 single-origin magic enhancements
  • All level 40 single-origin magic enhancements

Hardcase does not buy enhancements or inspirations.

Level 30-34 Missions

Speak with Virgil Tarikoss


We got some trouble. All the local mystics have been freakin' out about demons in the spirit world, sayin' they're ripping apart some kinda magical essence there. This don't sound good, and I'm thinkin' this might have somethin' to do with the Giza.

There's a guy over in Cap Au Diable named Virgil Tarikoss. I helped Tarikoss with a demon problem at one point, and he owes me one. He'll be expecting you, and will open a portal to the spirit world, allowing you to enter. Head into the spirit world and stop whatever the demons are up to.

This is gonna be a bit weird, but hang tough and take out those Wailers.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak to Virgil Tarikoss

Virgil Tarikoss: Hardcase sent you? Yes, I will open the portal for you so you may enter the spirit world. Know that this settles the deal I have made with Hardcase.

  • Defeat all Wailers


You prevented the Wailers from weakening the wards!

Level 35-39 Missions

Find cause of Wailer attack


Hey. I got word that all hell is breaking loose in a warehouse down in Hard Way. Nothing new considering what the Hard Way is normally like, but in this case there's a LOT of Wailers there. I don't know if it's some sort of ward they're after there, or Johnny Sonata tried to make a break for it or what, but it's worth checking out. Head over to the warehouse and find out what's causing these Wailers to attack in such huge numbers.

You might want some backup - there's a LOT of Wailers in there!

Mission Objective(s)

In the distance you hear discordant music accompanied by the screams of Wailer demons.

  • Find cause of Wailer attack

You found the cause of the Wailer attacks!

Clue: Wailer Freakout

It all started when Hardcase contacted you about a horde of Wailers attacking a warehouse in The Hard Way. Investigating, you found a gang of Freakshow with sound modifications being swarmed by Wailers. After you dealt with the situation, you found a bunch of music discs on the Freakshow, including a techno-remix of Johnny Sonata's greatest hits. Hardcase speculated the Wailers were attracted to the music!


The Freakshow had a Johnny Sonata remix which drew the Wailers? Damn. We might just be able to use this to our advantage...

Steal sonic device


Those sonic Freakshow who were playing the Johnny Sonata techno-remix which attracted the Wailers gave me an idea. If we could get hold of some of the sonic tech, we can plant a device on another island and draw the Wailers away from St. Martial! I know the name of a techie who's working for the Freakshow leaders on St. Martial developing their sonic tech. Get Trey Belcleff from the Freakshow to build you a sonic device.

Once we capture Belcleff, we can get him to construct the sonic device to attract the Wailers!

Mission Objective(s)

Off in the distance you hear a discordant squeal from a loudspeaker.

  • Steal sonic device

You got the sonic device!

Notable NPCs

Clue: Ultra Mega Boombox

This oversized boombox is a sonic transmitter built by the Freakshow sonic techie Trey Belcleff. It is loaded with a cycling techno-remix of Johnny Sonata's greatest hits. The Wailers of St. Martial are attracted to the music!


This'll be perfect. Now we just need to pick a good target. I have something in mind...

Draw Wailers to Paragon City


So we found the Wailers were attracted by the techno-remix of Johnny Sonata's music, and managed to get a Freakshow sonic techie to make a heavy duty sonic transmitter. Now all we need to do is plant it somewhere off of St. Martial...

I know - let's put it in Paragon City. Let those hero jerks deal with the Wailers when they come after it. They'll probably find the device after a while, but it'll give St. Martial a break from the Wailers for a while at least. Plant the sonic transmitter in the Paragon City sewers and make sure there are no nearby witnesses!

Mission Acceptance

I have a boat waiting in Nerva to take you to Paragon City. Longbow usually watches for villains going in and out of the Rogue Isles, so keep an eye out for them.

Mission Objective(s)

The foul sewers below Paragon City is a perfect place to hide the sonic transmitter.

  • Draw Wailers to Paragon City
  • Plant sonic device
  • Defeat reinforcements
  • Defeat witnesses

You planted the sonic device!


That should draw some of the Wailers off St. Martial - at least for a while. Let the 'heroes' of Paragon City deal with that mess!

Rescue casino patrons from Circle


Our old friends in the Circle of Thorns are up to no good. They've been nabbing some folks from the casino to use as bait for the Wailers, and that's no good for the bottom line in St. Martial. Rescue these people from the Circle of Thorns.

We got to keep the money flowin' in St. Martial, so let's get those casino customers back.

Mission Objective(s)

The air crackles with magical energy.

  • Rescue casino patrons from Circle
  • 5 casino patrons to recover

You recovered the casino patrons!



You got 'em back? Good. They can't spend their money at the Golden Giza if they're dead!

Break up negotiations


Well, it looks like even the Wailers are even trying to make pacts with the Tsoo! I doubt the Tsoo are going to buy into it, but the sum total is the same: if the Wailers get an edge, it could mean St. Martial being overrun by demons. Break up the meeting between the Wailers and the Tsoo!

Mission Acceptance

No need to start a war with the Tsoo, but at least take out the negotiators.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear angry shouts in the distance.

  • Break up negotiations

You broke the negotiations!


Alright! The last thing we need is the Tsoo workin' with the Wailers!

Rescue kidnap victims


I consider St. Martial my home, and the people who work in St. Martial my people. Well, I just got word some of my people have gone missing. Some Council goons came chargin' in and loaded up a bunch of the locals into trucks. I heard they do experimentation on people they kidnap, and that just ain't cool. Not on my people. This ain't your regular thing, but I want you to rescue the kidnap victims from the Council base.

Mission Acceptance

No mercy.

Mission Objective(s)

The Council has transformed this cave network into another base for their dark designs.

  • Rescue kidnap victims
  • 5 kidnap victims to rescue

You saved the kidnap victims!

Clue: Nictus Experimentation

Apaprently, the Council are kidnapping people to perform Nictus experiments on them!


Thanks for doing this. I know it's not your regular thing, but we gotta protect our own, right?

Stop the Carnival pact


The Carnival of Shadow have been causing problems again. They've been making some deals with the Wailers, gaining power over them by luring people away to use as bargaining chips in pacts with the demons. The Carnival has just taken a bunch of people from a local tenement for the Wailers, and that just ain't cool. Stop the Carnival from carrying out their deal with the Wailers.

If we don't prevent these people from being kidnapped, the Wailers are gonna gain more power in St. Martial. Besides, no one deserves their souls ripped away by demons. No one.

Mission Objective(s)

The shadows seem to be playing tricks on you.

  • Stop the Carnival pact
  • 3 kidnap victims to free
  • Defeat negotiators

You stopped the Carnival pact!


Nice work! No one needs to go through that kind of hell. Especially not our people.

Rescue victims from Wailers


There's something going down, but if you're one of those, 'I want to eat human brains' types, then I got nothing for you. Look, we may be villains, but we still live here. I do what I do to make my life easier, but I don't go out of my way to hurt people who don't deserve it. I make my own destiny and I don't care about the laws unless someone's strong enough to stop me. But I ain't a monster.

Y'know those Wailer demons? Well, they been goin' around St. Martial collectin' souls from people who don't deserve it. When demons take out people they make pacts with that's one thing, but when they start pickin on folks just mindin' their own business, that's when I gotta step in and kick some demon butt! If you're still here, then I guess you see things my way. Head over to the slums in St. Martial and protect the people from the Wailers.

There may not be too many innocents in the Rogue Isles, but there's such a thing as protecting your own. That's where I'm coming from.

Mission Objective(s)

The terrified screams from residents of this neighborhood echo through the streets.

  • Rescue victims from Wailers
  • 3 victims to rescue

You rescued the victims!

Clue: Soul Raiders

"It all started when Hardcase asked you to help deal with Wailers stealing souls from people in St. Martial who didn't deserve it. Hardcase isn't the bleeding heart type, but he does believe in protecting his own. You agreed to help out and managed to save a few of the working stiffs of St. Martial from having their souls ripped away.


Apparently, there was some sort of astrological conjunction which allowed the Wailers to seize souls without making a pact with them first. You did a good job ni protecting our own. You got my respect.

Defeat all Wailers in office


We got us a problem. I got a call about some Wailer demons breaking into an office in the Golden Giza. There ain't been problems in the Giza with demons before, so we best take care of this pronto before it develops into something worse. Clear the Wailers out of the casino office.

Make sure you clear all of 'em out. Even one escaping could mean a whole lotta problems.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a crash and the scream of office workers. The demons are here.

  • Defeat all Wailers in office
  • Stop Silvertongue from escaping!

You defeated the Wailers!

Clue: Casino under Siege

"It all started when Hardcase asked you to help deal with Wailers stealing souls from people in St. Martial who didn't deserve it. Hardcase isn't the bleeding heart type, but he does believe in protecting his own. You agreed to help out and managed to save a few of the working stiffs of St. Martial from having their souls ripped away.

It seemed as though the soul raid by the Wailers on the streets of St. Martial was just the beginning. Hardcase got the call about demons running amok ni the offices in the Golden Giza. This worried Hardcase, as the Giza never had demon problems before. He sent you there and you dealt with a Wailer King known as Silvertongue.


Silvertongue the Wailer King was there? This demon problem is getting worse by the minute. We gotta deal with this.

Disrupt Circle plans


I don't like these increased demon attacks around St. Martial. First, regular joes on the street, then an attack on the Golden Giza itself. We gotta get to the root of these attacks.

The Circle of Thorns have been trying to control the Wailers for awhile, so they might have insight into what the Wailers are up to. Hit a Circle of Thorns hideout and interrogate their leader, Karthist, on what they know about the Wailers' plans. While you're there, free a couple of the sacrifice victims they recently nabbed from St. Martial. Again, these are just folks that done nothin' but get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Mission Acceptance

Karthist is a bit of a coward and will likely try to run when things get rough for him. Don't let him escape!

Mission Objective(s)

The air is charged with arcane energies.

  • Disrupt Circle plans
    • 2 victims to free
    • Interrogate Circle leader

You interrogated the leader and freed the sacrifice victims!

Clue: Circle of Thorns Interrogation

The leader of this Circle of Thorns temple relates his knowledge of the Wailers plans. Apparently, the Wailers are desperately trying to get break through wards scattered around Babylon trying to get to someone within the Golden Giza.


Huh. Well, it's nothin' really new. We already knew the demons were wanting to get into the Giza, and by all accounts it's likely 'cuz they want to get to the Giza's star, Johnny Sonata. Looks like Johnny's luck is starting to run out.

Interrogate Paradox


Listen up. We know the Wailers are trying to break into the Golden Giza, and we've got a pretty good idea why. I just got more info on that raid the demons made on the offices by the casino. Apparently, there was one of the Carnival of Shadows nearby there acting suspiciously, a woman named Paradox. She was recently seen heading into the Hard Way to an abandoned warehouse.

Mission Acceptance

Paradox has a rep for dealing with all sorts of supernatural entities. Don't be surprised to run into a few there.

Mission Objective(s)

Out of the corner of your eye, you see a shape disappear into the shadows of this abandoned warehouse.

  • Interrogate Paradox

You got some information from Paradox.

Clue: Paradox Interrogation

Paradox from the Carnival of Shadows relates that one of the local Carnival leaders named Lady Devereaux made a deal with the Wailer demon known as Silvertongue. She would sneak into the offices at the Golden Giza to break a few wards keeping out the Wailers. In return, they would help the Shadow set up a 'Chaos Affair' on the streets of St. Martial.


The Wailers have struck a deal with the Carnival of Shadows? That's got bad news written all over it. This 'Carnival of Chaos' sounds like it's gonna be a heap of trouble for St. Martial.

Interrogate Carnival


So the Wailers have been going nuts trying to steal souls around the Rogue Isles. What's more, they convinced the Carnival of Shadows to help them break into Babylon and the Golden Giza! I really don't like the sound of this 'Chaos Affair' the Carnival is talking about either. We should find out more about this even and what they're planning to do there.

Mission Acceptance

We better find out where this Chaos Affair is happening, and fast.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate Carnival
    • Defeat 30 Carnies

The Carnival minions relate that their mistresses plan to destroy one of the warding statues keeping the demons out of Babylon. You also find an invite to the Chaos Affair.


We're going to have to do something about this Chaos Affair. If the seal is broken all hell will break loose!

Keep Wailers out of Babylon


Alright - we know the Carnival is having this 'Chaos Affair' street event as a cover to destroy one of the main wards on St. Martial keeping the Wailers out of the Golden Giza and St. Martial. If that happens, we got the place overrun by demons, and the whole of St. Martial is going down the drain. This is a matter of survival. Stop the Carnival from destroying the warding statue.

If you fail at that, you're going to have to deal with a whole lot of Wailers screaming in and trying to overwhelm the place. If you can hold 'em off long enough, I can put a temporary ward in place which will keep 'em out until the statue can be repaired. In any case you need to take down Lady Devereaux, the Carnival leader responsible for this mess.

You have 75 minutes to complete this mission.

Mission Acceptance

This is gonna be tough, Lord Jinx. If you got any favors to call in with other villains, I suggest you do it.

Mission Objective(s)

The sounds of the Carnival 'Chaos Affair' call to you from a distance.

  • Keep Wailers out of Babylon - 1:15:00
    • Protect Statue
    • Defeat Devereaux

You stopped the Wailers!


Excellent work. You helped prevent the Carnival and the Wailers from laying waste to St. Martial. We may be villains, but it doesn't mean we can't protect our own.

Provide relief against Wailers


Got another problem with our old friends the Wailers. They've been getting aggressive again, attacking people in the local neighborhoods. The local Arachnos authority have been called in, but the local force is havin' trouble dealin' until backup arrives. If you're up for it, help the local Arachnos force against the Wailer incursion.

Mission Acceptance

I got a truck waitin' nearby which will take you to the spot where the assault is going on. The Arachnos soldiers there will be expecting you. Go in and kick some demon butt!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a few bursts from an Arachnos rifle fire off as you step onto the streets of St. Martial.

  • Provide relief against Wailers
    • Rescue assault leader
    • 3 squad leaders to rescue

You provided relief for the Arachnos force!


Excellent. Those Wailers are gonna have to lick their wounds a bit before comin' around again.

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