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Seal Sonic Device

Am going to have to do this again.

But surely Blahpunk is Trey Belcleff?

In the same way "T33-V33" is actually Tony Vashers in the basse Croupier mission?

Taosin 11:12, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Blahpunk is the class name of a Noise Tank equipped with hammers instead of blades (like how Tank Smashers and Tank Swipers differ). Several Blahpunks can even be found in Sister Psyche's TF. If that is the case, why was a Blahpunk not renamed (as is customary with most named bosses) to a variation of Trey Belcleff? Something the devs only know. However, your case still stands. Send a petition or bug note ingame! Find the truth from the mods once and for all! :D Sera404 13:24, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Ahhh! Now I see, cool. Really have to do the SPTF, damn us Aussie's and out lousy timezone! Taosin 22:31, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Find Cause of Wailer Attack

This had:


A clue is meant to drop after defeating the Freakshow and Wailer, but does not drop.

However I do not see this as bugged. The finding of the music discs occurs in game. When debriefed by Hardcase the clue drops and shows in Clues " After you dealt with the situation, you found a bunch of music discs on the Freakshow, including a techno-remix of Johnny Sonata's greatest hits. Hardcase speculated the Wailers were attracted to the music!"

This seems perfectly logical good gameplay to me?

So I have removed the bugged note.

Taosin 08:43, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Think I repeated this before, but that would be the "Souvenir" update text (you can see it's identical to the souvenir text), which is obtained after visiting contact. It's probably another case of a missing clue from before if it was referenced by the contact, but you don't actually find a ingame clue. However, the text "You find a pile of music discs" probably covers it. I'll add it in the mission completion part. Sera404 09:00, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Sera I take your point. I just do not see the mechanic of this mission as broken in anyway. It seems quite common for the Clue to drop ("Clue Found" on screen) and update the souvenir after retunrning to contact on many missions.

It also makes ingame sense, in the sense that: the character is asked to get something, the contact makes sense of it (puts the pieces together) and sends the charcter out based on the results.

The flow of the mission suports this: objective, find discs, give them to contact, he goes 'aha' and away explains to us.

So I am suggesting the contact creates the clue off-camera -- Which is as it should be in many cases and is one normal valid comic-book tactic ;p

Taosin 11:02, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Carnival Party Hat

The Carnival Party Hat souvenir appears bugged at the moment. It doesn't have the usual intro for souvenirs and the ending is incomplete. - Snorii 05:34, 6 July 2006 (PDT)

Defeat Silvertongue Mission

On the Defeat Silvertongue mission:

(AMBUSH: Despite Silvertongue's call for help in the middle of the combat, no one came to his aid. I was, instead, ambushed near the mission entrance by a group of Wailers, so I suspect that was the ambush, and it's bugged.)

The ambush comes from opening the shutter during the mission. Since Silvertongue says "Get 'em, boys" after laughing (rather than half way during the fight), I think that has to do with his retinue surrounding him at the time, rather than new mobs, so it's not a bug. Sera404 16:38, 16 October 2007 (EDT)


  • Defeat all Wailers - Why the heck was Character mucking around in the sewers beneath St. Martial?
  • Defeat Circle and Wailer negotiators - I hear Character stopped the Circle from making another demonic pact.

Pandora's emotes

Sadly, looks like Pandora's fancy bowing and all before combat, according to the previous article, has been removed. Tested it four times, two on live, two on test, and after saying her line, she fires off attacks. Boo. D: Oh well, at least Silvertongue retained his emotes. Sera404 21:26, 16 October 2007 (EDT)