This article is about a piece of the alignment system. For the tips that are displayed on in-game loading screens, see Loading Screen Tips.
A Tip is a special contact that you may only use once. Tips can obtained by characters over level 20 by defeating enemies. Any defeated enemy has a chance of dropping a Tip, regardless of whether that enemy is worth any experience.
Once a character has obtained their first Tip, a "Tips" tab will be added to the Contact Window. Any Tip can be viewed, accepted, or rejected from the Tips tab.
When a Tip is accepted in the Tips tab, a character will be given a choice of different versions of the same mission.
First Tip Drop
The following message appears when a character obtains their first Tip drop:

You have received your first Tip. A Tip is a special one-use contact that will give you a lead on the word on the street. Investigating a Tip will grant you an Alignment Mission. Completing enough of these missions will eventually give you access to an Morality Mission that will allow you to change your current alignment.
In addition to this message, a character also obtains the Tipped Off badge:

You received your first tip earning yourself the Tipped Off badge.
Types of Tips
Alignment Tips
Alignment Tips are dropped for defeating enemies. Accepting an Alignment Tip will give a character access to an Alignment Mission. Characters can earn Public Fame and Alignment Points for completing these missions. A list of Alignment Missions is available on the Alignment Mission page. A player's account does not have to have the Going Rogue expansion to get Alignment Tips.
Characters can have a maximum of three Alignment Tips at one time, and only as many a five in one 'day' (a 20 hour cool down period). As long as a character already has three Alignment Tips or has reached their max for the 'day', no more will be dropped by defeated enemies.
Morality Tips
Once a character has earned a total of 10 Alignment Points toward an alignment, enemies will have a chance of dropping Morality Tips. Accepting a Morality Tip will give a character access to a Morality Mission. A list of Morality Missions is available on the Morality Mission page. A player's account must have the Going Rogue expansion to get Morality Tips.
Characters can complete these missions to either change their alignment or reaffirm their alignment and earn Reward Merits or Alignment Merits.
Special Tips
Unless otherwise stated, all Special Tip missions will drop from defeating enemies level 20 or higher, and will drop even if the character has three Alignment Tips currently on hand. A player's account does not have to have the Going Rogue expansion to get Special Tips.
- Halloween 2010 introduced the Whispered Rumor Tip, uncovering more details about the Malleus Mundi, available only during that event. This mission is available to any character above level 20.
- Issue 20 introduced Wizard's Weakness (also called "Sinister Plot" in the Tip list); it is the only way to unlock Mortimer Kal, the contact for the Strike Force The Fire and the Flames. This mission is only available to villains and rogues above level 20. Only the leader of a team is required to unlock this contact for a team to participate in Kal's Strike Force.
- Valentine Tips were introduced with the Valentine's Day Event 2012, allowing characters to deliver (or misdeliver!) Valentine notes between NPCs in the world.