Mission:Organized Crusaders - Part Two: You're the Monster

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Part Two: You're the Monster


Hey suga', it looks like we got ourselves a catch from that bait we set out.

Looks like our boy is Officer Pell. He's been slippin' info to some guy named Grossman. Now I ain't heard of a Crusader named Grossman, so I think this is another one of the Resistance's undercover agents. Accordin' to the computer, the little backstabber is organizin' a raid on a supply warehouse belongin' to Troy Altman. That's bad news for us, 'cause that warehouse contains explosives that Altman was plannin' on usin' to tear down some old buildings in Neutropolis!

  • I'll get there before they can get away.

S'why I'm feelin' good about the two of us workin' together, suga', you got yourself drive to protect the people in this here city.

You get down there and stop them Resistance from scamperin' off with those bombs. I'll see if I can get some of my boys to bust into Altman's ball to arrest Pell for the little traitor that he is.

Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse

Unnecessary Solicitation

You don't need to worry about things on my end, suga', you just need to make sure you're able to take care of things with the Resistance in Altman's warehouse.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map N Warehouse 30 Layout 09 01.png
Map: N_Warehouse_30_Layout_09_01

Something doesn't seem right. There's no sign of the usual brute force the Resistance uses to break into buildings. The break in seems much too... refined.

  • Stop the raid on Altman's warehouse
    • Deal with Grossman
    • Defeat Officer Pell

You broke up a Syndicate gathering. Return to Cleopatra.


Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After defeating Grossman you will be ambushed by a squad of PPD including Officer Pell

Officer Pell

Officer Pell coughs, trying to regain his composure.

H-hold on... just... hold on... ! I'll... tell you whatever you want to know...

  • What are you doing working for the Syndicate?

Hah... the Syndicate... Cole thought he could wipe crime away. But now, they're stronger than ever. Smarter... better... they're better than us!

They work in the shadows, but soon, soon they'll bring Cole down. They're everywhere, Character!

They're not taking over through sheer brute force, like the Resistance, they're taking over from the inside!

Can't you see? Soon they'll all be controlling Cole, he'll have no choice but to follow them!

  • Not if I have anything to say about it.

It's too late to stop them now, Character. They're working together with the Resistance... they're going to move forward with the biggest plot to date.

The explosives here... they're going to put on a big show in Nova. In Cole Memorial Hospital. Ask yourself, Character... how will the people look at Cole... if they see their beloved hospital go up in flames?

He won't be their protector anymore, their savior... they'll see Cole for who he really is... that he's just a man! No matter how powerful he becomes, he is still just a man!

And all men, Character, must eventually be brought down.

  • Your out of your mind! Blowing up a hospital to prove a point?

Don't you try to say... that I'm some sort of psychopath, that I'm a monster!

Do you know how many people Cole has killed on a weekly basis, just to protect his utopia?! Lives of innocents will be lost, that much is true... but we will free the people of this city from the grip of Cole! We will give them what they long for - freedom!

If this were a true war, a war that was fought in the open, those people in the hospital would GLADLY give their lives to see our ideals come to life! But since we fight from the shadows, we must make that choice for them.

It's not too late for you though, Character. You can still help us, you can still join us!

  • I'm here to protect the people of Praetoria, Pell. Unlike you.

The people?! Bah!

The people have become mindless sheep to a super-powered shepherd! The people you're looking to protect are nothing but toys that Cole uses for his own amusement!

You think I'm a monster, but you, you Character, you're the real monster for siding with Cole!

So just go ahead, finish me off. I know how the system works.

I won't be left alive for treason against the state, so just finish me off here and now.

  • It's not my place to sentence you. Your fellow officers will be here to do that.
You're just delaying my fate, Character! You had better pray that I don't escape... if I do... I'll find you. I swear I'll find you and stop at least one more of Cole's dogs!
  • I'll be waiting, Pell.
  • You made the decision to do this, Pell. You leave me no choice! (Kill Pell)
Using your powers you swiftly carry out Pell's sentence for attacking the people of Praetoria.
  • Goodbye, Pell.
Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot

Unnecessary Solicitation

We should talk about this in person, suga'.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Tell Cleopatra about the bomb plot


Hey there suga', what happened? I sent some boys of mine to the ball, but they said Pell wasn't there.

  • Pell's with the PPD now. He was working for the Syndicate, not Resistance.
You explain to Cleopatra the events that happened within the warehouse.
You're a better person than me, suga', I woulda ripped Pell's head off then and there. But I guess that's what makes us different. Regardless, we got ourselves a little job to do - savin' that hospital.
  • Let's get to work.
  • Pell's dead. And the Syndicate are working with the Resistance.
You explain to Cleopatra the events that happened within the warehouse.
I... see. Well, suga', you did right, takin' him down on the spot. S'what you gotta do against traitors, he knew what he was getting into when he decided that blowing up a hospital was a good idea. You and me, suga', we got ourselves a job to do. Savin' those people in the hospital.
  • Let's get to work.


We got ourselves tons of trouble, suga', and it ain't gonna get any better.

You sit yourself tight right there, I'm gonna see if I can't find out where exactly those members of the Resistance took our little bombs.