The Resistance
The Resistance is an ally and enemy group in Praetoria.
The Resistance attempts to awaken the populace to the reality of what's going on in Praetoria, and it does everything in its power to get would-be Heroes and Villains educated and out of Praetoria as quickly as possible. Members of the Resistance have banded together under the universal goal of stopping Tyrant and returning freedom to all. Their motivations and their personal goals are as varied as their origins. Some seek revenge, while others want to do right. Some seek peace, while others want personal power. They are clean, wired in, and smart. Among their ranks are hackers, robotics engineers, ex-military personnel, and escaped convicts. Although the Resistance draws strength from a common goal, the diversity of its membership is its greatest exploitable weakness.
The Resistance is formed from numerous cells that operate independently across the world. Its members can be encountered throughout Praetoria City's back alleys, huddling in automated warehouses and factories, and living in the tunnels deep beneath her streets. Its various cells move top side to conduct missions before slipping away to hide or blend into the populace in disguise. Members keep a very low profile and avoid detection from Mother Mayhem's Seers through a small device given to every member that cloaks the wearer's thoughts. According to the media, the escaped mental patient, Calvin Scott, is the fugitive mastermind behind the Resistance insurgency.
- Taken from Resistance Official Enemy Group Profile
Enemy Types
Resistance Recruit (Tutorial Minion)
Resistance Recruits are largely untrained, fresh-faced recruits in the Resistance fighting force. They are equipped with outdated military firearms that have been hastily upgraded with power packs and other accessories to give them a heavy enough punch to threaten the PPD.
Levels: 1-5
Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Reduced Health Auto, Self -MaxHP
Resistance Recruit
Resistance Recruits are largely untrained, fresh-faced recruits in the Resistance fighting force. They are equipped with outdated military firearms that have been hastily upgraded with power packs and other accessories to give them a heavy enough punch to threaten the PPD.
Levels: 1-10
Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Resistance Fighter
Resistance Fighters are experienced resistance recruits who have learned by doing rather than training. They are equipped with outdated military firearms that have been hastily upgraded with power packs and other accessories to give them a heavy enough punch to threaten the PPD.
Levels: 11-34
Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst (Only Level 12 and up) Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Elite Resistance Fighter
Resistance Fighters are experienced resistance recruits who have learned by doing rather than training. They are equipped with outdated military firearms that have been hastily upgraded with power packs and other accessories to give them a heavy enough punch to threaten the PPD.
Levels: 35-54
Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Resistance Recruit (Tutorial Lieutenant)
Resistance Recruits are largely untrained, fresh-faced recruits in the Resistance fighting force. They are equipped with outdated military firearms that have been hastily upgraded with power packs and other accessories to give them a heavy enough punch to threaten the PPD.
Levels: 1-5
Burst Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Reduced Health Auto, Self -MaxHP
Resistance Veteran
Resistance Veterans are surviving soldiers from the last wars before Cole's world order took over. They are well trained, disciplined, elite fighters armed with some of the best modified weapons the resistance can slap together.
Levels: 1-10
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst (Only Level 8 and up) Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch (Only Levels 1-8) Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Power Punch (Only Level 9 and up) Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Resistance Heavy Barrel
Resistance Heavy Barrels are walking mobile guns. Their exo-skeleton provides them with the strength to carry such high-powered weapons, and the addition of welded on steel plating enables them to withstand just about any return fire.
Levels: 6-34
Snap Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All)
The cannon fires a single, armor piercing explosive round sheathed in an energy field to punch through shields.
HE Shot Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal), Minor DoT(Fire)
The cannon fires a single high explosive round that is modified with a power cell. The resulting explosion is a blue plasma cloud, setting targets on fire.
AP Round (Only Level 11 and up) Ranged (Narrow Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All), Knockdown
The cannon fires a high density SABOT round at hypersonic speeds. The round can punch through multiple targets in a very small cone.
Resist Physical Damage Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 )
Resistance Heavy Hands
Resistance Heavy Hands are walking wrecking crews. Their exo-skeleton provides them with the strength to fight with their massive clockwork construction arms, and the addition of welded on steel plating enables them to withstand just about any fire on their way into melee, and any punishment their foes can dish out.
Levels: 6-34
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
The heavy hand's exoskeleton provides them with a strong melee attack when the enemy comes to close quarters.
Bone Smasher (Only Level 16 and up) Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Resist Physical Damage Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 )
Resistance Commando
Resistance Commandos are surviving soldiers from the last wars before Cole's world order took over. They are well trained, disciplined, elite fighters armed with some of the best modified weapons the resistance can slap together.
Levels: 11-34
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire (Only Level 16 and up) Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Resistance Heavy Barrel Elite
Resistance Heavy Barrels are walking mobile guns. Their exo-skeleton provides them with the strength to carry such high-powered weapons, and the addition of welded on steel plating enables them to withstand just about any return fire.
Levels: 35-54
Snap Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All)
The cannon fires a single, armor piercing explosive round sheathed in an energy field to punch through shields.
HE Shot Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal), Minor DoT(Fire)
The cannon fires a single high explosive round that is modified with a power cell. The resulting explosion is a blue plasma cloud, setting targets on fire.
AP Round Ranged (Narrow Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All), Knockdown
The cannon fires a high density SABOT round at hypersonic speeds. The round can punch through multiple targets in a very small cone.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Resist Physical Damage Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 )
Resistance Heavy Hands Elite
Resistance Heavy Hands are walking wrecking crews. Their exo-skeleton provides them with the strength to fight with their massive clockwork construction arms, and the addition of welded on steel plating enables them to withstand just about any fire on their way into melee, and any punishment their foes can dish out.
Levels: 35-54
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
The heavy hand's exoskeleton provides them with a strong melee attack when the enemy comes to close quarters.
Bone Smasher Melee, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Resist Physical Damage Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 )
Elite Resistance Commando
Resistance Commandos are surviving soldiers from the last wars before Cole's world order took over. They are well trained, disciplined, elite fighters armed with some of the best modified weapons the resistance can slap together.
Levels: 35-54
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Resistance Officer
Officers are veteran soldiers who have years of command experience. They use their leadership skills to hone the resistance fighters under their command into a deadly fighting force whether they are raw recruits, or elite commandos. They also pack the best weapons they can get their hands on.
Levels: 1-34
Snap Shots Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Fires both pistols at once at a time target. Firing both pistols at once is slower than a single shot, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact.
Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Overcharged Shots Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Fusillade (Only Level 11 and up) Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Leadership (Only Levels 1-10) Toggle, PBAoE, Team +ToHit, +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Leadership (Only Levels 11-14) Toggle, PBAoE, Team Def( All5% ), +ToHit, +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Leadership (Only Level 15 and up) Toggle, PBAoE, Team Def( All5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, +DMG
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Resistance Runesoldier
Runesoldiers are high ranking members of the Resistance who have served under the tutelage of a master within the Carnival of Light. Through this training, they have adapted their high-tech weaponry to serve as a focus for mystic energies. However, their mastery of the knowledge they have received is less than ideal, causing their magical energy attacks to have a small element of randomness in the type of energy they produce.
Levels: 20-34
Powers (Energy-based)
Mystic Shot Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense
This magic attuned rifle shoots concentrated bursts of magical energy. The Runesoldier does not have full control over their magical training, however, so these bursts are occasionally negative energy.
Mystic Barrage Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's rapid fire barrage attack with the magical training of the Carnival.
Mystic Suppression Ranged, Light DMG(Energy), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit, -Endurance
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's suppressive burst fire attack with the magical training of the Carnival, allowing for you to effectively suppress the ability of your foes to attack you.
Mystic Smash Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
You retain much of your Resistance armor, even as you learn magic from the Carnival. Your armor's energy punch is now powered by mystic energy.
Mystic Burst PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Confuse
Trained by the Carnival mistresses, you have learned how to mimic their Radiance attack. However, you are far less effective than they are. The damage type of your energy burst is variable and your Confusion is shorter in duration, weaker in strength and has a lower chance of occurring.
Powers (Negative Energy-based)
Mystic Shot Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe -Defense
This magic attuned rifle shoots concentrated bursts of magical energy. The Runesoldier does not have full control over their magical training, however, so these bursts are occasionally negative energy.
Mystic Barrage Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Negative), Foe -Defense
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's rapid fire barrage attack with the magical training of the Carnival. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Suppression Ranged, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit, -Endurance
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's suppressive burst fire attack with the magical training of the Carnival, allowing for you to effectively suppress the ability of your foes to attack you. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Smash Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
You retain much of your Resistance armor, even as you learn magic from the Carnival. Your armor's energy punch is now powered by mystic energy. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Burst PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Confuse
Trained by the Carnival mistresses, you have learned how to mimic their Radiance attack. However, you are far less effective than they are. The damage type of your energy burst is variable and your Confusion is shorter in duration, weaker in strength and has a lower chance of occurring.
Damage Resistance Res( E15 N-10 P15 )
The Praetorian Carnival forces are naturally resistant to several types of damage.
Elite Resistance Officer
Officers are veteran soldiers who have years of command experience. They use their leadership skills to hone the resistance fighters under their command into a deadly fighting force whether they are raw recruits, or elite commandos. They also pack the best weapons they can get their hands on.
Levels: 35-54
Snap Shots Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Fires both pistols at once at a time target. Firing both pistols at once is slower than a single shot, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact.
Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Overcharged Shots Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Energy/Lethal), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Fusillade Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -Regeneration
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast.
Leadership Toggle, PBAoE, Team Def( All5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, +DMG
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Elite Resistance Runesoldier
Runesoldiers are high ranking members of the Resistance who have served under the tutelage of a master within the Carnival of Light. Through this training, they have adapted their high-tech weaponry to serve as a focus for mystic energies. However, their mastery of the knowledge they have received is less than ideal, causing their magical energy attacks to have a small element of randomness in the type of energy they produce.
Levels: 35-54
Powers (Energy-based)
Mystic Shot Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense
This magic attuned rifle shoots concentrated bursts of magical energy. The Runesoldier does not have full control over their magical training, however, so these bursts are occasionally negative energy.
Mystic Barrage Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's rapid fire barrage attack with the magical training of the Carnival.
Mystic Suppression Ranged, Light DMG(Energy), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit, -Endurance
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's suppressive burst fire attack with the magical training of the Carnival, allowing for you to effectively suppress the ability of your foes to attack you.
Mystic Smash Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
You retain much of your Resistance armor, even as you learn magic from the Carnival. Your armor's energy punch is now powered by mystic energy.
Mystic Burst PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Confuse
Trained by the Carnival mistresses, you have learned how to mimic their Radiance attack. However, you are far less effective than they are. The damage type of your energy burst is variable and your Confusion is shorter in duration, weaker in strength and has a lower chance of occurring.
Powers (Negative Energy-based)
Mystic Shot Ranged, High DMG(Negative), Foe -Defense
This magic attuned rifle shoots concentrated bursts of magical energy. The Runesoldier does not have full control over their magical training, however, so these bursts are occasionally negative energy.
Mystic Barrage Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Negative), Foe -Defense
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's rapid fire barrage attack with the magical training of the Carnival. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Suppression Ranged, Light DMG(Negative), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit, -Endurance
You have learned to effectively combine your rifle's suppressive burst fire attack with the magical training of the Carnival, allowing for you to effectively suppress the ability of your foes to attack you. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Smash Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
You retain much of your Resistance armor, even as you learn magic from the Carnival. Your armor's energy punch is now powered by mystic energy. Unfortunately, your less than perfect mastery of the training results in a negative energy attack.
Mystic Burst PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe Confuse
Trained by the Carnival mistresses, you have learned how to mimic their Radiance attack. However, you are far less effective than they are. The damage type of your energy burst is variable and your Confusion is shorter in duration, weaker in strength and has a lower chance of occurring.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Survivor Auto, Self Res( All10 ), Prot( Ho 2.0 Im 2.0 St 2.0 Sl 2.0 Co 2.0 Fr 2.0 )
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Damage Resistance Res( E15 N-10 P15 )
The Praetorian Carnival forces are naturally resistant to several types of damage.
Named Enemies
Dr. Steffard (Minion)
Main Article: Doctor Steffard
As Dr. Steffrad:
Dr. Steffard is secretly the Seer murdering villain known to Praetoria as "Cutter Cain". His true motive is to rehabilitate the Seers and give them back their lives, but the process doesen't always result in success.
As Cutter Cain:
The man named Cutter Cain really is a doctor. Dr. Steffard to be exact!
Knife Melee, Light DMG(Lethal)
Basic stabbing and cutting blade.
Revolver Low-Accuracy, Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Resistance Auto, Self Res( E-20 N20 )
Skulls are resistant to negative energy damage, but vulnerable to energy damage.
Resistance AV Auto, Self Res( N20 )
The most powerful leaders of the Skulls retain their resistance to negative energy damage, but are no longer vulnerable to energy damage.
Chompie (Lieutenant)
This Ghoul has been rehabilitaed by Dr. Helix. Each one was a former member of an elite military unit subjected to Neuron's horrible experiments.
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire (Only Level 16 and up) Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Frag Grenade Ranged (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Fire/Lethal), Foe Knockback
The explosion from this Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Haymaker Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
Basilisk (Boss)
These trained killers were once part of Project Phoenix, following every order given to them by Praetor Sinclair. They now seek freedom from Sinclair at any cost.
Shuriken Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Toxic)
You take some minor DoT from the poisoned Shuriken.
Caltrops Close (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Jump
You are slowed and are taking minor Lethal Damage over Time from the Caltrops you are standing on.
Bow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.
Hack Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Slash Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Belladonna Vetrano (Boss)
Main Article: Belladonna Vetrano
One of the deadliest covert agents in the world, Belladonna has proven herself a most capable spy and killer for the Resistance. Though her past is a well kept secret, Belladonna makes it clear that she has no love for Tyrant or his lackeys. Rumors abound that she was trained by Chimera; Tyrant's Praetor of Intelligence and widely considered the deadliest assassin in the world. Belladonna will one day put that title to the test.
Incendiary Ammunition Ammo Change (Fire), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Incendiary Rounds.' Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to fire damage and inflict a minor damage over time effect.
Pistols Ranged, Heavy DMG(Lethal/Fire)
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic.
Dual Wield Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Dual Wield fires both pistols in rapid succession at its desired target. This power is slower than Pistols, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.
Bullet Rain Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire your pistols faster than the human eye can follow, causing your bullet trajectory to arc, dealing moderate Lethal damage and possibly knocking your foes back. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.
High Pain Tolerance Auto, Self Res( All7.5 ), +MaxHP
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Fast Healing Auto, Self +Regeneration, Resist(Regeneration Debuffs)
You heal Hit Points at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
Rise to the Challenge Toggle, Self +Regeneration, Foe -ToHit
The more the odds are against you, the more determined you become. When surrounded by foes, your ability to regenerate health increases greatly. Additionally, your resolve and the look in your eye is enough to leave most foes shaken, so their attacks are less accurate. The first foe you engage in melee grants the highest regeneration bonus, and up to 10 foes can contribute to this effect.
Cockatrice (Boss)
These trained killers were once part of Project Phoenix, following every order given to them by Praetor Sinclair. They now seek freedom from Sinclair at any cost.
Shuriken Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Toxic)
You take some minor DoT from the poisoned Shuriken.
Caltrops Close (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Jump
You are slowed and are taking minor Lethal Damage over Time from the Caltrops you are standing on.
Bow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.
Hack Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Slash Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Gorgon (Boss)
These trained killers were once part of Project Phoenix, following every order given to them by Praetor Sinclair. They now seek freedom from Sinclair at any cost.
Shuriken Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Toxic)
You take some minor DoT from the poisoned Shuriken.
Caltrops Close (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Jump
You are slowed and are taking minor Lethal Damage over Time from the Caltrops you are standing on.
Bow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.
Hack Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Slash Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Jack Hammer (Boss)
Main Article: Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer is a veteran of the Resistance, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. This includes injecting himself with just the right ammount of Fixadine to keep himself sane during the job, but powerful enough to stand toe to toe with members of the Powers Division
Snap Shots Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Fires both pistols at once at a time target. Firing both pistols at once is slower than a single shot, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Fusillade Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Overcharged Shots Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Leadership PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. You must be at least level 14 and have Maneuvers or Assault before selecting Tactics.
Tunnel Rat (Boss)
Main Article: Tunnel Rat
Tunnel Rat may look meek and skittish... Ok, yeah, she's pretty skittish, but this little mouse has the heart of a lion!
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Tunnel Rat gains the following during John Houston's story arc, Levels 40-44
Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down.
Force Blast Ranged, Heavy DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down.
Force Cage Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep
PPD Investigators are capable of binding their target within a fragile Force Cage, it is capable of putting its target to sleep for a short time. However any damage dealt to the target will break the effect.
Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.
Targeting Drone Toggle, Self +ToHit, +Perception, Resist(ToHit Debuff)
When this small device is activated, the small Targeting Drone hovers around your head and emits targeting laser sights. The lasers can dramatically improve your chance to hit and increase your Perception, allowing you to better see stealthy foes. Targeting Drone also grants you resistance to powers that DeBuff your chance to hit. While in use, any sniper rifle shots you make will do additional damage. This is a toggle power and must be activated and deactivated manually. Like all toggle powers, while active, the Targeting Drone drains Endurance.
Unreliable Stealth Auto, Self Stealth, Def( M30 R30 )
The Cloaking Device allows you to use an LCD body coating become partially invisible. While Cloaked you can only be seen at very close range. If you attack while Cloaked, you will be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense. Unlike some stealth powers, the Cloaking Device has no movement penalty.
Hatchet (Boss)
Main Article: Hatchet
Hatchet is known in the Resistance for his "pet" ghoul, a monster that he trained on his own. Many fear even having to fight Hatchet, knowing that he is not one to show any mercy.
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged Cone, Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate Damage (Smash), Chance for Foe Disorient
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
No Resistances
Hatchet does not have any special Damage Resistances
Beholder (Boss)
Main Article: Beholder
Beholder is a rare sight to see - a seer who escaped from the control of Praetor Tilman. She is infamous for the ammount of chaos and destruction she has caused within Imperial City
Psionic Dart Ranged, Minor Damage, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
This basic attack does minor Psionic damage, and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed, but has a very fast attack rate.
Mental Blast Ranged, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The basic psionic attack does moderate damage and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.
Will Domination Ranged, Psionic, Foe Sleep
This powerful attack is so painful, it usually renders its target inconscious. The victim is asleep, but will awaken if disturbed.
No Melee attacks
Beholder doesn´t have any Melee attacks at all
Resistance +Res( P30 ) +Def( M10% R10% ), +Prot( Ho 3.0 St 3.0 Sl 3.0 ), +Res( Sl 50 )
Auto, Self
Vagabond (Boss)
Main Article: Vagabond
Vagabond is a man who has stared into the face of death and laughed at it. He is regarded highly in the Resistance and is willing to do whatever it takes to bring down Cole and his regime.
Snap Shots Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Fires both pistols at once at a time target. Firing both pistols at once is slower than a single shot, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Fusillade Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Overcharged Shots Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Leadership PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. You must be at least level 14 and have Maneuvers or Assault before selecting Tactics.
Wardog (Boss)
Main Article: Wardog
Wardog's name strikes fear into the hearts of even the most brave Loyalists. His thirst for vengeance against Cole rivals that of Calvin Scott. Some say that he spends every waking moment thinking about the day when he'll get a chance to personally put an end to Cole.
Snap Shots Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Fires both pistols at once at a time target. Firing both pistols at once is slower than a single shot, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
Aimed Shot Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Fusillade Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Overcharged Shots Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Energy), Foe -Regen
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
Leadership PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. You must be at least level 14 and have Maneuvers or Assault before selecting Tactics.
Crow (Boss)
Main Article: Crow
Crow is the only surviving member of an elite military unit which was subjected to one of Neuron's experiment. Though he does not excuse Neuron of his carelessness, it is his commander, Colonel Duray, that is the focus of his vengeance.
Single Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Def
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Heavy Burst Ranged Cone, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Def
This customized rifle fires highly accurate large caliber solid ammunition sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Covering Fire Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -SPD
This rifle fires a burst of large caliber solid ammunition which is sheathed in an energy field to punch through PPD force fields.
Barrage Melee, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient
A Barrage from the Hero has Disoriented you.
Energy Punch Melee, Smash/Energy, Foe Disorient
An Energy Punch from the Hero has Disoriented you.
Leadership PBAoE, Team +To Hit, Res(Confuse, Fear), +Perception
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes. You must be at least level 14 and have Maneuvers or Assault before selecting Tactics.
Helix (Boss)
Main Article: Helix
Dr. Helix is a brilliant geneticist who is working with the Resistance. A one time associate of Dr. Hetzfeld's, she left the mad doctor's employ when he abandoned her in the tunnels during one of her observation forays. A chance meeting with Crow saved her from certain death at the hands of the Ghouls, and lead to her joining up with the Resistance. Her special environmental suit allows her to turn completely undetectable, making her a valuable asset for reconnaissance and covert operations.
Gleaming Blast Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense, Knockback
Your Defenses have been reduced by the Gleaming Blast.
Radiant Strike Melee, Superior DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -Defense, -Fly, Knockback
The Radiant Strike has reduced your Defense and knocked you to the ground.
Glowing Touch Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally at moderate range. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Luminous Detonation Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -Defense, Knockback
The Luminous Detonation has reduced your Defense.
Shining Shield Toggle, Self Res( S30 L30 )
When you toggle on your Shining Shield, you create an energy barrier that grants you high resistance to Smashing and Lethal damage.
Phoenix (Boss)
These trained killers were once part of Project Phoenix, following every order given to them by Praetor Sinclair. They now seek freedom from Sinclair at any cost.
Shuriken Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Minor DoT(Toxic)
You take some minor DoT from the poisoned Shuriken.
Caltrops Close (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Jump
You are slowed and are taking minor Lethal Damage over Time from the Caltrops you are standing on.
Bow Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
Typical Long Bow. Long range and deadly.
Hack Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
Slash Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe Hold, -Defense
The Gorgon has lowered your defense with his Katana and affected by paralytic poison.
The Hetman (Boss)
Main Article: The Hetman
A Crusader of the Resistance, the Hetman serves as the Survivor Compound's de facto leader in First Ward. He opposes Anna's claim to its Throne as Palatine, and has performed a ruthless military coup to end it.
Levels: 20-34
Snap Shot Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All)
The cannon fires a single, armor piercing explosive round sheathed in an energy field to punch through shields.
HE Shot Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal), Minor DoT(Fire)
The cannon fires a single high explosive round that is modified with a power cell. The resulting explosion is a blue plasma cloud, setting targets on fire.
AP Round Ranged (Narrow Cone), High DMG(Lethal), Foe -Resist(All), Knockdown
The cannon fires a high density SABOT round at hypersonic speeds. The round can punch through multiple targets in a very small cone.
Power Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
The recruit's exo-skeleton provides them with a strong melee attack in case the enemy comes to close quarters.
Leadership Toggle, Team Def( All5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, +DMG
While this power is active, your chance to hit and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse and Fear effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
Resist Physical Damage Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 )
Elite Bosses
Belladonna Vetrano
Main Article: Belladonna Vetrano
One of the deadliest covert agents in the world, Belladonna has proven herself a most capable spy and killer for the Resistance. Though her past is a well kept secret, Belladonna makes it clear that she has no love for Tyrant or his lackeys. Rumors abound that she was trained by Chimera; Tyrant's Praetor of Intelligence and widely considered the deadliest assassin in the world. Belladonna will one day put that title to the test.
Incendiary Ammunition Ammo Change (Fire), Special
You've swapped your ammunition and are now equipped with 'Incendiary Rounds.' Most of your Dual Pistol attacks will have their secondary damage converted to fire damage and inflict a minor damage over time effect.
Pistols Ranged, Heavy DMG(Lethal/Fire)
Quickly fires a round from one of your heavy automatic pistols. Damage is average, but the fire rate is very fast. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic.
Dual Wield Ranged, High DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Dual Wield fires both pistols in rapid succession at its desired target. This power is slower than Pistols, but deals more damage, and the target may get knocked down by the force of the impact. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.
Bullet Rain Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
You fire your pistols faster than the human eye can follow, causing your bullet trajectory to arc, dealing moderate Lethal damage and possibly knocking your foes back. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.
Executioner's Shot Ranged, Extreme DMG(Lethal/Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Executioner's Shot is a deadly close range attack. Foes struck by this attack will suffer lethal damage and will likely be knocked back by the impact of this attack. NOTE: Changing your ammo type with the 'Swap Ammo' power will change your secondary damage from lethal to cold, fire or toxic. Additionally, changing your ammunition type will also change the secondary effect of this attack from Knockback to a minor attack speed and movement speed debuff if 'Cryo Ammo' is loaded, a minor damage over time effect if 'Incendiary Ammo' is loaded, or a -damage effect if 'Chemical Ammo' is loaded.
High Pain Tolerance Auto, Self Res( All7.5 ), +MaxHP
You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
Fast Healing Auto, Self +Regeneration, Resist(Regeneration Debuffs)
You heal Hit Points at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
Quick Recovery Auto, Self +Recovery
You recover Endurance at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
Rise to the Challenge Toggle, Self +Regeneration, Foe -ToHit
The more the odds are against you, the more determined you become. When surrounded by foes, your ability to regenerate health increases greatly. Additionally, your resolve and the look in your eye is enough to leave most foes shaken, so their attacks are less accurate. The first foe you engage in melee grants the highest regeneration bonus, and up to 10 foes can contribute to this effect.
Resurgence Self Resurrect, Special(+Recharge, +Recovery, +DMG, +ToHit)
Should you fall in battle, you can Revive yourself from the brink of death. You will revive with most of your Hit Points and half your Endurance and be protected from XP Debt for 90 seconds. Additionally, for 90 seconds, your damage and chance to hit will be improved, then for another 45 seconds, your damage and chance to hit will be diminished.
Vanessa DeVore
Main Article: Vanessa DeVore
Vanessa DeVore is the mother of the Resistance. It was her warning of what was to come in Cole's new world order that unified a small group of important military leaders into what would a day become The Resistance. Without DeVore's immense psychic power the Resistance would have been tracked down by Mother Mayhem's Seers and smashed by the PPD.
Levels: 11-34
Subdue Ranged, High DMG(Psionic), Foe Immobilize, -Recharge
Vanessa has slowed your recharge rate and tried to immobilize you!
Telekinetic Blast Ranged, High DMG(Smash/Psionic), Foe Knockback
Blasts a targeted foe, tossing him like a rag doll.
Psychic Scream Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge
Vanessa's Psychic Scream has slowed your attack speed.
Dominate Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Hold
Vanessa has dominated you. You are Held, and cannot take any action!
Healing Aura PBAoE, Team Heal
Healing Aura restores some hit points to you and all nearby heroes. Healing Aura is not as potent as Heal Other, but can heal multiple targets at once.
Resistance Res( E25 P50 )
Named Bosses
- Ford (Veteran)
- Dumpster
- Windshield (Veteran)
- Quinley (Officer)
- Tock (Officer)
- Pipe (Officer)
- Ringtone (Officer)
- Akimbo (Officer)
- Poster Girl (Officer)
- Double Barrel (Officer)
- Rebar (Commando)
- Twitcher (Officer)
- Tire Iron (Officer)
- Gasoline (Heavy Barrel)
- Drummer (Heavy Hands)
- Scissors (Commando)
- Sickle (Officer)
- Book Keeper (Officer)
- Rothstein (Officer)
- Bottleneck (Officer)
- Mondo (Heavy Barrel)
- Knockout (Heavy Barrel)
- Arsenal (Heavy Barrel)
- Skip (Officer)
- Screwdriver (Officer)
- Traffic (Veteran)
- Point Blank (Officer)
- Hat Trick (Commando)
- 'Brella (Commando)
- Brickwall (Heavy Hands)
- Icicle (Commando)
- Hangnail (Heavy Hands)
- Stairwell (Heavy Hands)
- Kill Team Leader (Officer)
- Color Blind (Veteran)
- Color Blind isn't really color blind, she just earned the name because she can never remember which wires to cut.
- Thirty-Two (Officer)
- Reportedly the worst driver in all of the Resistance, Thirty-Two got his name by running over a PPD officer in a stolen police cruiser... thirty-two times.
- Bunni (Officer)
- Bunni claims she saw a rabbit once, a real one, not one of Neuron's clone super bunnies.
Related Badges

The Resistance considers you an obstacle to accomplishing their goal of overthrowing Emperor Cole. You defeated a number of Resistance members to earn this badge.