Mission:Personal Monster - Part Five: The New Monster

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Part Five: The New Monster

Call Mr. G regarding the Maelstrom Device

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call Mr. G regarding the Maelstrom Device


Character, Imperial City is alive with talk of your exploits, simply alive. Some scientists from Neuron's lab have already gone to TPN to tell them of you saving the day. Were you able to find information regarding the Maelstrom Device?

  • I was. Eddie is wrong about an invasion, though I believe I learned something about his origin.

His origin? What do you mean?

  • The Maelstrom Device Eddie is wearing was stolen from the labs years ago.

Interesting... this is most interesting. I doubt very much that Eddie is aware that this technology is stolen, yes, I quite doubt it. This means that whoever grafted the device on him stole this device right beneath Neuron's nose...

What of the monster he is chasing? Were you able to get any information regarding that?

  • Very little. Something about a failed experiment with someone in the PPD

It seems Neuron has a secret to hide there, if the report does not explain the aftermath of the experiment. Regardless, this will be important information to present to Mr. Polstra. He believes this monster is part of an invasion, wherever he is from. If you can show him evidence that his device was originally made here in this city, he will come to his senses, hopefully.

I've been using some sources of mine to track his positioning, and I believe he is once more down in a den of ghouls in the tunnels. He must believe that is where his monster is. Here are the coordinates where you can find him.

We have to handle one last issue before you're off, one last issue: the report to give to TPN on your current progress.

  • Tell them about the Syndicate and Holon labs.
Good angle, the people will be interested to know that the Syndicate had a man in Halon Labs. I'll get this information out as soon as I can.
  • Great, I'm off to retrieve Eddie.
Syndicate and Holon Labs

You told Mr. G to reveal that Michael Haworth is a member of the Syndicate and that you're on the verge of saving Eddie.

  • Let them know that I paused my efforts with Eddie to save that lab from the Syndicate.
It's always good to try to garner the compassion of the people in that manner. I'll get the word out about this.
  • Great, I'm off to retrieve Eddie.
Kindness of your Heart

You told Mr. G to inform TPN that you paused your operations to save Eddie in order to stop the Syndicate from invading Neuron's lab.

If you let Warrant help you in the previous mission

  • Tell them Warrant and I stormed the lab to protect Eddie and Praetoria from the Syndicate.
Oh, you ran into Warrant? Interesting. I did not think you were one to 'share the spotlight' as it were, did not think that. I'll let TPN know of this latest event.
  • Great, I'm off to retrieve Eddie.

Players who were originally part of the Resistance can call up Calvin Scott to inform him of current events. This will begin the storyline of working undercover in the Powers line for Loyalists.

Reveal the truth to Eddie Polstra

Unnecessary Solicitation

If all goes according to plan, this will turn Eddie back over to us.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P TUNNELS 30 LAYOUT 09 01.png
Map: P_TUNNELS_30_LAYOUT_09_01

Bullet casings litter the ground. Time to find Eddie and become 'the people's hero' in Imperial City.

  • Reveal the truth to Eddie Polstra
    • Defeat all incoming Resistance

You retrieved Eddie Polstra from the grips of the Resistance!




Notable NPCs


You again! Why won't you just let me find the monster?! This is to protect the people of Praetoria!

  • (Show Eddie the details on the Maelstrom Device)

What...? The device was made... here? In Praetoria?

But that means... Character, this changes everything! I've been a fool, the monster is minor compared to this. Do you know what all this means?! The invasion, they've known about Praetoria longer than I believed!

  • What is this invasion you're talking about?

Where I come from, they want to destroy Praetoria and everything that it stands for. I thought all this time they made this device of mine and that they made that monster. But if they were able to steal this device from Neuron... it can only mean that they have more details on Praetoria than I could have possibly imagined!

I have to go speak with Cole, with White, with someone about this. I can't let them invade us, I won't let them, even if I have to go back there!

  • Alright, so we can both go back to the surface now.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)

If you contacted Calvin Scott

  • Before we go, Eddie, I have a question. Where are you -really- from?
Where I'm really from?
So, I guess you don't believe all the talk that I'm from Old San Jose, huh? Why do you want to know, anyway?
  • I helped you out this much, didn't I? I can help you further with this 'invasion', if needed.
Alright... but this stays between the two of us, Character. I'm from another dimension. That is why the Praetors are keeping these secrets about me. This other world is planning a massive invasion against Praetoria. I was to be one of the first agents to cross over and scout the area. That dimension... it's full of chaos and destruction; it's nothing like the world of Praetoria.
We have to do everything in our power to make sure those scum never make it through into this world, Character! Do you understand?
  • I do. Now, let's get going. (A)
Almost as if on command, you hear the frenzied footsteps of Resistance soldiers bearing down on you and Polstra!
  • Resistance! This should be good!
Clean up matters with Mr. G

Mission Objective(s)

  • Clean up matters with Mr. G


The people of Imperial are thrilled to have Maelstrom back, Character, absolutely thrilled.

You're being proclaimed as a hero, someone who the people can really put their faith in to save the day. In preparation for your return, I had TPN send me the first copy of their news report on your quest to save Eddie Polstra. Care to have a look?

  • Sure, let's see what they said.
Editor's Note:

Note that the exact text will vary depending on your responses to Mr. G throughout this arc.

Character Saves Edward Polstra, Thwarts Resistance Plot

If you chose the "kidnapped" option for the first news update

Earlier today, Character rescued Edward Polstra from the clutches of the Resistance, and we at TPN were with him / her every step of the way during this bold investigation.

It all began when Character had a possible lead on Edward Polstra's location. He / She descended into the tunnels to find Edward and discovered, to our horror, that Edward had been kidnapped by high-ranking officials in the Resistance! Of course, Character was not afraid of facing the Resistance, having carved a path through many of them already!

If you chose the "Ghouls" option for the first news update

Earlier today, Character rescued Edward Polstra from the clutches of the Resistance, and we at TPN were with him / her every step of the way during this bold investigation.

It all began when Character had a possible lead on Edward Polstra's location. He / She descended into the tunnels to find Edward. Though there was no trace of Edward Polstra, Character stopped a horde of Ghouls from getting into Imperial City. We estimate that Character, alone, held back over two hundred ghouls!

If you chose the "campaign" option for the first news update

Earlier today, Character rescued Edward Polstra from the clutches of the Resistance, and we at TPN were with him / her every step of the way during this bold investigation.

It all began when Character had a possible lead on Edward Polstra's location. He / She descended into the tunnels to find Edward. Character could not find Edward at first. However, the experience helped to forge a new goal for Character: to make the tunnels a safer place. Reports say that Character saved several civilians who were trapped down there, while also bringing in members of the Resistance who were trying to tame wild ghouls for their own ends!

  • (Continue reading)

If you chose the "brainwashed" option for the second news update

Character continued his / her search for Edward Polstra, only to uncover a shocking revelation: Edward Polstra had been brainwashed by the Resistance! This was something that Character expected, of course! Without missing a beat, Character declared that the solution was simple: one of Neuron's labs in Imperial City would hold the answer for Eddie's condition.

If you chose the "defeated" option for the second news update

Character pushed forward on the search for Edward, confronting one of the major leaders of the Resistance in Imperial. This leader tried to sway Character with petty gifts and insults to our great Emperor Cole, but Character was not someone who would listen to such nonsense. He / She took down the leader, along with fifty other members of the Resistance, all by himself / herself! Yet with that finished, Edward Polstra was no where to be found! Character had one last lead: one of Neuron's labs in Imperial City. With this, Character could discover Edward Polstra's location!

If you chose the "dead" option for the second news update

Character fought through an almost endless amount of Resistance in the tunnels, all of them threatening to do great harm to our fair Imperial City. A few members of the Resistance were even plotting to sink part of the island! Though the Resistance were no match for Character's true power, they made a terrifying claim: that Edward Polstra was dead, killed by their hands.

Character refused to believe this, however, and decided there was one place that he / she could go to get answers: one of Neuron's labs in Imperial City. Character could use the resources there to try to find Edward Polstra's exact location.

  • (Continue reading)

If you chose the "Halon Labs" option for the third news update

Character put on an amazing display in Neuron's lab when he / she walked in to find it was under attack by the Syndicate! Wasting no time, Character dispatched the vile members of the Syndicate, preventing them from blowing up the entire building.

Character also arrested Michael Haworth, the CTO of Halon Labs. He is currently being held by the PPD and is awaiting judgment on his sentence for collaborating with the Syndicate. Provost Marchand has commented that no mercy will be shown to someone in such a high position of power within the city.

Meanwhile, Character obtained what was needed in Neuron's lab and was able to finally locate our dear Edward Polstra in the sewers! A horde of Resistance descended upon the two, but Character bravely fought them off, allowing a badly injured Edward Polstra to get away.

Edward Polstra is now back in the safety of Imperial City, all thanks to the work done by Character. I think it's safe to say that Imperial City has a new hero, and his / her name is Character!

If you chose the "paused efforts" option for the third news update

Character had already been through enough in the tunnels, fighting armies of Resistance and Ghouls. As usual, though, Character once again saved the day in Neuron's lab, despite all that he / she had already done for us. The Syndicate were invading Neuron's lab, threatening to unleash several dirty bombs. Character disarmed the bombs and took down the Syndicate, saving the entire lab and part of Imperial City from certain destruction.

Character obtained what was needed in Neuron's lab and was able to finally locate our dear Edward Polstra in the sewers! A horde of Resistance descended upon the two, but Character bravely fought them off, allowing a badly injured Edward Polstra to get away.

Edward Polstra is now back in the safety of Imperial City, all thanks to the work done by Character. I think it's safe to say that Imperial City has a new hero, and his / her name is Character!

If you chose the "Warrant" option for the third news update

Character encountered Warrant, another member of Powers Division, inside of Neuron's lab. Warrant was was trying to fight off the Syndicate, who had broken into the facility. Despite his best efforts, Warrant could not push them back. It was only thanks to Character's intervention that the tide was turned. Character and Warrant went on to put down all the invading Syndicate, safely securing the lab for the good of Praetoria. The two parted ways, Warrant having to go recover from his wounds.

Character, however, was far from done. He / She obtained what was needed in Neuron's lab and was able to finally locate our dear Edward Polstra in the sewers! A horde of Resistance descended upon the two, but Character bravely fought them off, allowing a badly injured Edward Polstra to get away.

Edward Polstra is now back in the safety of Imperial City, all thanks to the work done by Character. I think it's safe to say that Imperial City has a new hero, and his / her name is Character!

  • Hrm, pretty good article, Mr. G.

Yes, I believe it fits you perfectly, Character. Take some time to bask in this, then give me a call. I'm finishing up a few loose ends, just a few. I think you'll be very interested to see what I've come up with.

  • Alright, sounds good.


I have to say, Character, it was an absolute pleasure working with you, absolute pleasure. I told you I had something interesting in store for you, and I intend to follow through on that. That paperwork is still going through to Praetor Sinclair, but in the meantime I've managed to get you in with a man who wishes to give you your own squad of Powers Division. It seems that some... powers that be have taken notice of your abilities and wish to give you more power. I believe this is the end that you were aiming for, yes? I can tell you who exactly you must speak to in order to move forward with this new career track of yours.