Mission:The Trash Collectors - Part One: Carpe Diem

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Part One: Carpe Diem


Let's get down to business, shall we?

There is a situation unfolding in Industry Avenue at Holon Technologies. The PPD are on scene, but, we have a very strong reason to believe that they may not be reliable in the apprehension of the Resistance elements holed up inside the facility.

I'm sending you to Holon Technologies to take control of the situation and make the arrests.

  • Arrest Resistance forces in Holon Technologies

Oh, another thing. TPN, the Total Praetoria Network is within their rights to accompany you with one of their investigative reporters.

Don't let it distract you from your job, but, make sure that he catches everything that happens inside.

I can't give you the details right now, Character, but I assure you, as long as that camera is rolling, this operation will go smoothly.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The terrorist forces are still inside Holon Technologies and the PPD have yet to move. Not surprising, really, but I'll tell you about that later. Get down there and end the stalemate.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P Tech 30 Layout 09 01.png
Map: P_Tech_30_Layout_09_01

As you approached the building you were met by the enthusiastic and fast talking John Houston, TPN's most self absorbed investigative reporter. Together you pushed past some sour faced PPD officers and entered the building.

  • Arrest Resistance in Holon Technologies
    • Talk to Sergeant Iminez
    • Get the Scientist Out Safely

You rescued the scientist and ensured that the Resistance inside Holon Technologies were taken in by Whitworth's colleagues in MICIR.

John Houston



Notable NPCs

  • John Houston (TPN, TPN Investigative Reporter, non-combat ally)
John Houston is TPN's most recognized investigative reporter. He is also regarded as the most annoying television personality in the last decade.
This scientist has been taken hostage by the Resistance. He really needs your help.

John Houston

The most annoying television personality of the last decade. John Houston has a 'know everything' attitude that makes even the most uneducated person want to puke. He talks as fast as Praetor Berry but lacks the common sense to shut his mouth if he has nothing of substance to say. He is always trying to 'sell you' on whatever idea floated through his mind at that moment, and won't let you get a word in edgewise to voice an opinion.

This is the man organizing the TPN exclusive story, and he is going to accompany you into a real life hostage situation. You wonder if ratings would spike if you let him catch a bullet...

Sergeant Iminez

I don't know what the Ministry is trying to pull here, Character, but my orders are to let you have run of the place.

  • What can you tell me about the situation inside?

The Resistance have one of the researchers held hostage. If you need help, you call and my boys will be more than happy to lend a hand.

  • Thanks, I appreciate the back up.
Oh, we're more than happy to help if you get into trouble.
  • Leave
  • I got it handled, officer.
Like I said, you've got run of the place. Don't come crying to me if you run into more than you can handle.
  • Leave
  • Why don't you get me some coffee, Iminez?
You think you're real hot stuff, huh, Character? I've been working Imperial City for 15 years, pukes like you don't impress me.
  • I like my coffee black, thanks.
Iminez just glares at you, you've made your point.
  • Remember, black, none of that fancy shmancy stuff on it. (Leave)
  • That's two creams, no sugar.
Iminez gives you a rude hand gesture and turns his attention to an important message over his head set.
  • (Hold up two fingers and mouth the words 'two creams' to him and smile.) (Leave)
  • Make sure they put half the bottle of sugar in it. Alright, I'm counting on you.
Iminez smiles at you. Sure thing, boss.
  • I believe in you. (Leave)
  • Make sure it's decaf. I don't sit in an office all day, so I don't need the pick me up.
Iminez shakes his head at you.
  • Get a move on, chief, you're looking a little tired. (Leave)
Sergeant Iminez

Your first impression of the Sergeant is that he doesn't like you very much.

  • I could really go for some tea.
What? Do you think this is a tea party? What am I, your butler?
  • Herbal blend with a touch of honey, it does wonders for the mood. Thanks.
Sure thing, your majesty. Iminez mutters curses under his breath.
  • See what I'm talking about? (Leave)
  • Oolong, and don't steep it for too long. I hate it when it gets bitter.
Steep? I don't even know what you're talking about. Get your own darn tea.
  • See what I mean about bitter? (Leave)
  • Chamomile. And get me a scone while you're at it.
Actually... A scone doesn't sound half bad right now.
  • Get one for Houston while you're at it. (Leave)
  • Tea, earl grey, hot. Make it so.
  • Yes, that just happened. (Leave)
Sergeant Iminez

Your first impression of the Sergeant is that he doesn't like you very much.

  • Tell your boys to watch it, I'd hate to get blood on Mr. Houston's shirt.
Sergeant Iminez's face twitches with rage.
All units, Character is on scene with a TPN reported in tow. Give him / her a wide berth. I want zero problems. Over.
  • Good call. (Leave)
Sergeant Iminez

Your first impression of the Sergeant is that he doesn't like you very much.

You exit Holon Technologies with the hostage saved, John Houston gushing about how amazing you are, and Sergeant Iminez and the PPD looking sour faced and tongue tied. MICIR interrogators arrive on scene to bring the terrorists in for questioning.


You handled that situation very well, Character. Now, I owe you an apology.

Sergeant Iminez is under investigation for conspiracy, but we lack any hard evidence against him or his men. All we have are coincidences, nothing solid. We believe that Iminez and his men are responsible for letting the Resistance get a foothold into Imperial City. In addition, the Syndicate have been slippery ever since Iminez was put into the Anti-Syndicate Task Force. This is why we called you in.

We leaked some intel to Iminez and it looks like the Resistance took the bait. Holon was a trap. We closed the door on them, and then called you in to make sure you took them down, rather than having them make a miraculous escape despite being surrounded by Iminez's men. This is also the reason we called in that yahoo from TPN, John Houston. With him reporting a live feed back to TPN we knew that Iminez wouldn't make any moves against you, it would out him immediately. In this way we ensured that the Resistance terrorists are now in our custody.

You did fantastic work, and I want you to know that we're on a two way street of communication from now on.

We appreciate people like you who offer their help quite willingly, Character. Feel free to get in touch with me anytime.