Mission:The Truth Hurts - Finale
You know Jason Maxwell? Yeah, the columnist who has sparked all the controversy over at TPN Today for his borderline Pro-Resistance articles. Well he is a member of the Resistance... He's also my boyfriend.
Well, our plan was to get my article into TPN through Athena Labs, just as you helped me do, but... we ran into a snag.
You see, Jason and I were going to go underground with the Resistance before this story hit, but, I think something has gone wrong.
He called me a few minutes ago and just whispers the word 'Get Out Now' and then hung up. I think he's in serious trouble, Character. If he ends up in the BAF, it's all my fault!
- Help Jessica
Thank you. Listen. He and Kenneth Hall, the chief editor, are on the TPN Campus right now. Kenneth is a Resistance member also. The plan was to push my story right before a break and then leave.
They were supposed to be out of the building by now, but I haven't heard a word from them since Jason's last phone call. Character, I'm scared.
Please, please, can you find Jason and Kenneth and get them out of there?
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to find them, I'm sure they are in danger!
Mission Objective(s)
The building is crawling with PPD search teams looking for the Resistance sympathizers you are here to protect.
- Rescue Jason and Kenneth from TPN
- Check Jason Maxwell to see if he's alive
- Transmit Jessica's Story
- Rescue Kenneth Hall
You managed to successfully transmit Jessica's story, and save the life of Kenneth Hall. Jason Maxwell, however, is in rough shape.
Notable NPCs
- Jason Maxwell (non-escort hostage)
- Kenneth Hall (non-escort hostage)
- Beta Team Leader (Praetorian Police Department Sergeant) (Boss) (Guarding Jason Maxwell)
- Charlie Team Leader (Praetorian Police Department Sergeant) (Boss) (Guarding Kenneth Hall)

Jessica really... wasn't kidding...
- Are you ok?
I... I don't think so... My... My back feels fu... Funny and... And my vision is... Blurry.
They, they just... Wouldn't stop shooting me... With their pow... Power gauntlets...
Jason coughs and spasms in agony as the color begins rapidly draining from his face.
- Your back is broken, don't try to move, I'll get you out of here.
Nnn... no... gotta... get the story... out...
- It's not worth your life.
Jason recovers a bit of strength as your words seem to anger him slightly.
Don't... don't you dare... make my leaving... be... for nothing!
- Alright, what do you want me to do?
The... the cops... they have... the main transmitter control... room guarded. But I... I installed... a backdoor... in Laura's... work station...
With a shaking hand, Jason pulls his wallet out of his back pocket and fumbles with it until it falls on the floor in front of him. He curses.
Password is... on my Loyal Tea... and Coffee card.
Find Kenneth Hall... he can... he can transmit... the story.
- Alright, I'll find Kenneth, transmit the story, and then I'll be back for you.
Jason's breathing is shallow and he says nothing.

You accessed the transmitter through the back door that Jason Maxwell installed in his co-worker's computer. Through it, you were able to transmit Jessica Flores' story about the truth behind the Destroyers' history and the source of their Fixadine supply to the people of Praetoria over the Total Praetoria Network.

As you exit the building, a PPD police cruiser races up along the street and screeches to a halt near you. The passenger doors fly open and you see the glow of Resistance armor inside the vehicle. They wave you over and Kenneth Hall rushes into the front seat of the vehicle.
'Give us the kid, we'll get him treatment!', yells the girl in the back seat.
You carefully get Jason Maxwell into the back of the car and kick the door closed just as the girl yells, 'We're secure. Thirty-Two, get us out of here!'
With that the police cruiser takes off down the street, lights flashing and everything.
Now all you have to do is tell Jessica Flores that her boyfriend might have died getting the truth out.
Jessica Flores bursts into tears. There is little comfort to be given her in knowing that her boyfriend may well have sacrificed his life so that her story could reach the masses.
I... I need to see Jason. I need to get out of here...
Character, thank you. The people of Praetoria may not ever know who 'Tetrachloride' is, or who Acid Black was talking to in that video, but I will always remember that the sacrifices made today were made so others could see the all powerful truth.