Architect Entertainment Badges

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Architect Entertainment Badges, introduced in Issue 14, are earned by running Mission Architect content, either in a test or published environment.

AE Badges by Type

Play Missions

Badge ArchitectPlay.png Gamer   Complete one player-created story arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice01.png Admiring   Complete one Developer's Choice story arc
Badge ArchitectHallofFame01.png Critic   Complete one Hall of Fame story arc
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png Heroic   Complete one arc of heroic alignment (Hero or Vigilante only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png Villainous   Complete one arc of villainous alignment (Villain or Rogue only)
Badge ArchitectRogueMission.png Cunning   Complete one arc of Rogue alignment
Badge ArchitectVigilanteMission.png Walks the Line   Complete one arc of Vigilante alignment
Badge ArchitectFirstPlay.png Early Bird   Play a newly-published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)

Test Mode

Badge ArchitectTestKill100.png Virtual Victor   Defeat one enemy in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestRescue.png Virtual Extractor   Rescue or kidnap one hostage in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy.png Virtual Destruction   Destroy one object in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png Virtually Impulsive   Interact with one mission objectives in test mode
Badge ArchitectTest8.png Among Friends   Test an arc with a team of eight
Badge ArchitectTestOwnMission.png Bug Fixer   Test one of your own arcs (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectTestDefeated.png Virtual Victim   Be defeated one time in Test Mode

Player's Published Arcs

Badge ArchitectAuthor.png Author   One player has completed your published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp50.png Recognized   One player has rated your published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)

Mission Objectives

Badge ArchitectClick.png Poor Impulse Control   Interact with one mission objective during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png Workaholic   Complete one non-required objective during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectRescue.png Extractor   Rescue or kidnap one hostage during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectDestroy.png Destructive   Destroy one object during an Architect mission


Badge ArchitectTickets.png Ticket Taker   Defeat enemies to earn one Architect ticket (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectPurchaseBadge.png Payoff   Purchase for 1,000 tickets from Ticket Vendor


Badge ArchitectInspirations.png Energized   Earn one inspiration while playing a published Architect mission
Badge ArchitectBadges10.png Architect X   Earn 10 Architect Entertainment Badges
Badge ArchitectBadges25.png Architect XXV   Earn 25 Architect Entertainment Badges
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers25.png Assassin   Defeat one Custom Critter in a published Architect mission
Badge ArchitectCustomBoss.png Customizer   Save and load a mission with a custom Boss (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)

In-Game Sequential List

Badge ArchitectPlay.png Gamer   Complete one player-created story arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectTickets.png Ticket Taker   Defeat enemies to earn one Architect ticket (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectAuthor.png Author   One player has completed your published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp50.png Recognized   One player has rated your published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectFirstPlay.png Early Bird   Play a newly-published arc (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice01.png Admiring   Complete one Developer's Choice story arc
Badge ArchitectTestKill100.png Virtual Victor   Defeat one enemy in test mode
Badge ArchitectClick.png Poor Impulse Control   Interact with one mission objective during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png Virtually Impulsive   Interact with one mission objective in test mode
Badge ArchitectHallofFame01.png Critic   Complete one Hall of Fame story arc
Badge ArchitectCustomBoss.png Customizer   Save and load a mission with a custom Boss (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectTestOwnMission.png Bug Fixer   Test one of your own arcs (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png Energized   Earn one inspiration while playing a published Architect mission
Badge ArchitectTest8.png Among Friends   Test an arc with a team of eight
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png Heroic   Complete one arc of heroic alignment (Hero and Vigilante only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png Villainous   Complete one arc of villainous alignment (Villain and Rogue only)
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png Workaholic   Complete one non-required objective during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectTestDefeated.png Virtual Victim   Be defeated one time in Test Mode
Badge ArchitectPurchaseBadge.png Payoff   Purchase for 1,000 tickets from Ticket Vendor
Badge ArchitectBadges10.png Architect X   Earn 10 Architect Entertainment Badges
Badge ArchitectBadges25.png Architect XXV   Earn 25 Architect Entertainment Badges
Badge ArchitectRescue.png Extractor   Rescue or kidnap one hostage during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectTestRescue.png Virtual Extractor   Rescue or kidnap one hostage in test mode
Badge ArchitectDestroy.png Destructive   Destroy one object during an Architect mission
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy.png Virtual Destruction   Destroy one object in test mode
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers25.png Assassin   Defeat one Custom Critter in a published Architect mission

Issue 15 Changes

Unless otherwise noted, the following badges were removed with Issue 15.

Badge ArchitectPlay.png
Adventurer   Complete 10 player-created story arcs
Badge ArchitectPlay.png
Plugged In   Complete 25 player-created story arcs
Badge ArchitectPlay.png
Escapist   Complete 50 player-created story arcs (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectPlay.png
Hardcore Gamer   Complete 100 player-created story arcs
Badge ArchitectTickets.png
Ticket Taker   Defeat enemies and complete missions to earn 100 tickets total (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectTickets.png
Ticket Hound   Defeat enemies and complete missions to earn 500 tickets total
Badge ArchitectTickets.png
Ticket Fiend   Defeat enemies and complete missions to earn 1,000 tickets total
Badge ArchitectTickets.png
Ticket Master   Defeat enemies and complete missions to earn 5,000 tickets total (Required for Mission Engineer Badge)
Badge ArchitectTickets.png
Golden Ticket   Defeat enemies and complete missions to earn 25,000 tickets total
Badge ArchitectAuthor.png
Author   Have 10 players complete your published arcs (Account-wide) (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectAuthor.png
Creator   Have 25 players complete your published arcs (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectAuthor.png
Story Teller   Have 50 players complete your published arcs (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectAuthor.png
Writer   Have 100 players complete your published arcs (Required for Mission Engineer Badge) (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectAuthor1000.png
Bard   Have 250 players complete your published arcs (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp50.png
Recognized   Earn 100 stars from other players (Account-wide) (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp100.png
Acclaimed   Earn 250 stars from other players (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp250.png
Illustrious   Earn 500 stars from other players (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp500.png
Renowned   Earn 1,000 stars from other players (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatedUp1000.png
Living Legend   Earn 2,500 stars from other players (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectDevChoice.png Chosen One   Have a story arc chosen as Developer's Choice (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice10.png
Discerning   Complete 10 Developer's Choice story arcs
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice25.png
Aficionado   Complete 25 Developer's Choice story arcs
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice50.png
Maven   Complete 50 Developer's Choice story arcs
Badge ArchitectPlayDevChoice100.png
Connoisseur   Complete 100 Developer's Choice story arcs
Badge ArchitectTestKill100.png
Virtual Victor   Defeat 10 enemies in test mode (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectTestKill1000.png
Virtual Destroyer   Defeat 100 enemies in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestKill10000.png
Virtual Warrior   Defeat 1000 enemies in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestKill100000.png
Virtual Soldier   Defeat 10,000 enemies in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestKill1000000.png
Virtual Slayer   Defeat 50,000 enemies in test mode
Badge ArchitectClick.png
Poor Impulse Control   Interact with 10 mission objectives during architect missions (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectClick.png
Button Masher   Interact with 25 mission objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectClick.png
Impulsive   Interact with 50 mission objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectClick.png
Unpredictable   Interact with 100 mission objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectClick.png
Pressed the Red Button   Interact with 250 mission objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png
Virtual Button Masher   Interact with 10 mission objectives in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png
Virtually Curious   Interact with 25 mission objectives in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png
Virtually Unpredictable   Interact with 50 mission objectives in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestClick.png
Virtually Erratic   Interact with 100 mission objectives in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestComplete.png
Mission Seeker   Complete 1 mission in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestComplete.png
Mission Investigator   Complete 10 missions in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestComplete.png
Mission Detective   Complete 25 missions in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestComplete.png
Mission Inquisitor   Complete 50 missions in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestComplete100.png
Mission High Inquisitor   Complete 100 missions in test mode
Badge ArchitectHallofFame01.png
Evaluator   Complete 5 Hall of Fame story arcs
Badge ArchitectHallofFame25.png
Reviewer   Complete 25 Hall of Fame story arcs
Badge ArchitectHallofFame50.png
Critic   Complete 50 Hall of Fame story arcs (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectHallofFame100.png
Judge   Complete 100 Hall of Fame story arcs
Badge ArchitectHallofFame250.png
Two Thumbs Up   Complete 250 Hall of Fame story arcs
Badge ArchitectOverflowTickets.png
Windfall   Earn 10 tickets over your personal inventory cap (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectOverflowTickets.png
Bounty   Earn 50 tickets over your personal inventory cap (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectOverflowTickets.png
Premium   Earn 100 tickets over your personal inventory cap (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectOverflowTickets.png
Bonanza   Earn 250 tickets over your personal inventory cap (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectOverflowTickets.png
Jackpot   Earn 1,000 tickets over your personal inventory cap (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectTicketTickets10.png
Virtual Ticket Taker   Collect 100 tickets in test mode
Badge ArchitectTicketTickets10.png
Virtual Ticket Hound   Collect 500 tickets in test mode
Badge ArchitectTicketTickets10.png
Virtual Ticket Fiend   Collect 1000 tickets in test mode
Badge ArchitectTicketTickets10.png
Virtual Ticket Master   Collect 5000 tickets in test mode
Badge ArchitectTicketTickets10.png
Virtual Golden Ticket   Collect 10,000 tickets in test mode
Badge ArchitectHallofFame.png
Hall of Famer   Have a story arc reach Hall of Fame status (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png
Activated   Earn 10 inspirations while playing a published arc
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png
Encouraged   Earn 50 inspirations while playing a published arc
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png
Motivated   Earn 100 inspirations while playing a published arc
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png
Energized   Earn 500 inspirations while playing a published arc (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectInspirations.png
Galvanized   Earn 1,000 inspirations while playing a published arc
Badge ArchitectRatingTier 001.png
Builder   Have one of your arcs earn 5 votes with at least a 3 star average rating (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatingTier 002.png
Constructor   Have one of your arcs earn 10 votes with at least a 3.25 star average rating (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatingTier 003.png
Engineer   Have one of your arcs earn 25 votes with at least a 3.5 star average rating (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatingTier 004.png
Designer   Have one of your arcs earn 50 votes with at least a 3.75 star average rating (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectRatingTier 005.png
Master Builder   Have one of your arcs earn 100 votes with at least a 4 star average rating (Account-wide)
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png
Heroic   Complete 10 arcs of heroic alignment (Hero only) (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png
Resolute   Complete 25 arcs of heroic alignment (Hero only)
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png
Undaunted   Complete 50 arcs of heroic alignment (Hero only)
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png
Virtuous   Complete 75 arcs of heroic alignment (Hero only)
Badge ArchitectHeroMissions.png
Champion of Justice   Complete 100 arcs of heroic alignment (Hero only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png
Villainous   Complete 10 arcs of villainous alignment (Villain only) (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png
Evil Doer   Complete 25 arcs of villainous alignment (Villain only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png
Malefactor   Complete 50 arcs of villainous alignment (Villain only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png
Nefarious   Complete 75 arcs of villainous alignment (Villain only)
Badge ArchitectVillainMissions.png
Diabolical   Complete 100 arcs of villainous alignment (Villain only)
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png
Workaholic   Complete 5 non-required objectives during architect missions (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png
Show Off   Complete 10 non-required objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png
Hotshot   Complete 25 non-required objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png
Went the Extra Mile   Complete 50 non-required objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectHotShot.png
Overachiever   Complete 100 non-required objectives during architect missions
Badge ArchitectBadges50.png
Architect L   Earn 50 Architect Entertainment badges
Badge ArchitectBadges75.png
Architect LXXV   Earn 75 Architect Entertainment badges
Badge ArchitectBadges100.png
Architect C   Earn 100 Architect Entertainment badges
Badge ArchitectRescue.png
Do Gooder   Rescue or kidnap 5 hostages during architect missions
Badge ArchitectRescue.png
Safekeeper   Rescue or kidnap 10 hostages during architect missions
Badge ArchitectRescue.png
Savior   Rescue or kidnap 25 hostages during architect missions
Badge ArchitectRescue100.png
To the Rescue   Rescue or kidnap 50 hostages during architect missions
Badge ArchitectTestRescue.png
Virtual Do Gooder   Rescue or kidnap 5 hostages in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestRescue.png
Virtual Guardian   Rescue or kidnap 10 hostages in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestRescue.png
Virtual Savior   Rescue or kidnap 25 hostages in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestRescue100.png
Virtual Rescuer   Rescue or kidnap 50 hostages in test mode
Badge ArchitectDestroy.png
Decimator   Destroy 5 objects during architect missions
Badge ArchitectDestroy.png
Obliterator   Destroy 10 objects during architect missions
Badge ArchitectDestroy.png
Marauder   Destroy 25 objects during architect missions
Badge ArchitectDestroy100.png
Cataclysmic   Destroy 50 objects during architect missions
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy.png
Virtual Decimation   Destroy 5 objects in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy.png
Virtual Obliteration   Destroy 10 objects in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy.png
Virtual Marauder   Destroy 25 objects in test mode
Badge ArchitectTestDestroy100.png
Virtual Cataclysm   Destroy 50 objects in test mode
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers25.png
Eliminator   Defeat 50 Custom Critters on published arcs
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers50.png
Liquidator   Defeat 100 Custom Critters on published arcs
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers100.png
Executioner   Defeat 500 Custom Critters on published arcs
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers250.png
Assassin   Defeat 1,000 Custom Critters on published arcs (Badge has been changed)
Badge ArchitectDefeatedPlayers500.png
Terminator   Defeat 5,000 Custom Critters on published arcs

External Links