Wentworths Badges

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Wentworths Badges are earned by selling items at the Auction House.

Consignment House Badges

Badge auction seller hero.png Broker   Sell 50 recipes at the consignment house
Badge auction seller hero.png Inspiring   Sell 50 inspirations at the consignment house
Badge auction seller hero.png Scrounger   Sell 50 salvage pieces at the consignment house
Badge auction seller hero.png Enhancer   Sell 50 enhancements at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 01.png Vendor   Complete 10 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 02.png Salesman / Saleswoman   Complete 50 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 03.png Tradesman / Tradeswoman   Complete 100 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 04.png Merchant   Complete 250 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 05.png Peddler   Complete 500 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 06.png Retailer   Complete 1000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 07.png Dealer   Complete 2000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 08.png Auctioneer   Complete 3000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 09.png Businessman / Businesswoman   Complete 4000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 10.png Marketer   Complete 5000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 11.png Proprietor   Complete 6000 total sales at the consignment house
Badge auction seller 12.png Power Seller   Complete 7000 total sales at the consignment house

See Also

External Links