Clockwork A87952

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Clockwork A87952
Zone M.I.C.I.R.
Level Range 5-20
Introduced By By Contact Pop-Up
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Clockwork A87952 is a Praetorian contact in M.I.C.I.R. .

Editor's Note:
  • Clockwork A87952 is an endless source of missions, much like the Police Radio, or Borea in the Rikti War Zone. It has no story arc.
  • Clockwork A87952 is incorrectly named Clockwork A76-293 in the Issue 19 release notes.


Contact Introduces

  • None


Clockwork Liason

Clockwork A87952 is responsible for transmitting various issues happening in Praetoria to members of Powers Division. Many officials within the PPD do not like this, insisting that they can handle whatever is happening around the city.

Prior to Introduction

Note: Clockwork A87952 may only be reached through the Contacts window. As such, players cannot contact him before introduction.

Contact Unlocked

Automatically added to contact list for Loyalists upon training to level 5, and may be called immediately.

As an upstanding member of Powers Division, you have been allowed access to Clockwork A87952. Please keep in touch with the robot in order to be kept aware on any issues that are happening around Praetoria that require the expert help of Powers Division.

Initial Contact

Hello! I am Clockwork A87952. I have been programmed to speak in 'regular speak' in order to act as a liason to members of Powers Division. There are many tasks that require the aid of Powers Division. These tasks are all assigned to me so that I may inform you of them!

Please get in touch with me whenever you can and I shall let you know of anything happening within the glorious city of Praetoria!


Greetings! I have plenty of tasks that a fine, upstanding member of Powers Division such as yourself could do!

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

I am afraid that I have nothing left to inform you of!


Clockwork A87952 does not have a store, as you cannot speak to it in person.

Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 5-9)

Resistance Presence Increasing in Tunnels


We have good reason to believe that the Resistance have gained more support and are gathering in larger numbers within the tunnels. We have sent some PPD to handle the situation, but we have not seen the progress we need. Powers Division has been called in to go into the Underground of Nova and put down a number of Resistance within the tunnels.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. If you can bring in at least ten members of the Resistance, it should show them that they are not safe, not even in the tunnels. Emperor Cole vows to one day make the tunnels a safer place, so that events such as this will never happen again.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Lower Resistance numbers in Underground Nova
    • Defeat 10 Resistance

You've pushed the Resistance back in the tunnels!



Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 10-14)

Need information

Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 15-20)

Need information

Missions: Objectives (Level 5-9)

Resistance Hostage Situation In Nova Praetoria


We have received word that the Resistance have taken over one of our labs in Nova Praetoria and have taken several civilians hostage. They are threatening to kill the hostages if their wild demands are not met. We have requested aid from Powers Division to disarm the situation and rescue the hostages within those labs.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please ensure no harm comes to the hostages within the facility and that the leader of this operation is taken into custody. Emperor Cole is deeply grateful for all the work you are doing for the glory of Praetoria.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Resistance are backed into a corner in this lab. Time to flush them out.

  • Handle the Hostage Situation
    • 2 hostages to rescue
    • One Resistance head to defeat

You've rescued the hostages and taken in the Resistance leader!



Resistance Sighted in Tunnels


We have reports that there is a group of Resistance members in the tunnels attempting to move explosives beneath the Magisterium. Powers Division has been assigned the task of handling the situation.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please ensure that any heads of the Resistance are taken care of, as well as the bomb. Emperor Cole appreciates your assistance in maintaining the peace and prosperity of Praetoria!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Resistance lurk within these tunnels, along with a bomb that could do some major damage to the Magisterium.

  • Stop the Resistance beneath Nova Praetoria
    • Disarm the Resistance bomb
    • 2 Resistance heads to defeat

You've handled the situation with the Resistance in the tunnels!



Destroyers Attacking a Tech Facility


We have received word that Destroyers have taken over a technical facility within Nova Praetoria. The PPD have attempted to cull the situation but were unable to. Any and all members of Powers Division are requested to handle the situation and to recover any supplies from the facility.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please handle the Destroyer leader and recover the data that is within the facility. As always, Emperor Cole extends his sincere thanks in handling this situation.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Destroyers have made a mess in this lab within Nova Praetoria.

  • Handle the Destroyer Invasion
    • Defeat the Destroyer leader
    • 2 mainframes to recover

You've stopped the Destroyers within the tech facility!



Ghoul Horde Pushing Through Tunnels


Several officers within the PPD have reported an increase in the number of ghouls in the tunnels. There are fears that they may spill out into the streets of Nova Praetoria if something is not done. One of the officers attempted to handle the situation and has gone missing. Powers Division has been requested to go in and stabilize the situation before it is too late.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please see if you can recover the officer and stop the Alpha Ghoul that is within the tunnels. As well, we believe there is a Static box that the Resistance uses. Please hack into it in order to give the PPD an extra edge against the Resistance. Emperor Cole regrets having to put you in this situation but is confident that you can handle whatever needs to be done.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the sounds of ghouls roaring in the distance.

  • Quell the Ghoul Hordes
    • Hack into the Static
    • Rescue the PPD Enforcer
    • Defeat the Alpha Ghoul

You've quelled the ghoul horde!



Handle the Syndicate Situation


We have received word from one of our undercover agents of a Syndicate gathering in a nearby office building. We are requesting the aid of any member of Powers Division to go into the office and destroy any supplies they may be moving.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please ensure that the Syndicate are not able to recover any of the supplies that they may have in that office. Emperor Cole appreciates your help and will remember the sacrifices you make today.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Syndicate are out in force within this office.

  • Disable the Syndicate Office
    • Recover any Syndicate weapons
    • 2 supply crates to destroy

You've destroyed the Syndicate's supplies and recovered their weapons!



Need information

Missions: Objectives (Level 10-14)

Need information

Missions: Objectives (Level 15-20)

Syndicate Hostage Situation Within Tunnels


The PPD were trying to recover hostages from the Syndicate when the group fled into the tunnels. Given the failure of the PPD, we are requesting that Powers Division to enter the tunnels to recover the hostages from the Syndicate and bring in whoever is orchestrating this operation.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please ensure that the hostages are safe and sound and that the Syndicate leader is brought to justice. Provost Marchand regrets that the PPD were unable to handle the situation when it first happened and sends his regrets.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Syndicate seem to know this part of the tunnels well. You'll have to move fast to get those hostages out alive.

  • Rescue hostages from the Syndicate
    • 2 hostages to rescue
    • Defeat the Syndicate Leader

You've rescued the hostages and defeated the Syndicate leader!



+++ Missing Information +++