Mission:Clockwork A87952 - Resistance Take Over Local Warehouse

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Resistance Take Over Local Warehouse


We have received word that the Resistance have cleared out a local warehouse used to store Clockwork and are using it to stage an attack on Neutropolis. The attack can happen at any moment. We are requesting Powers Division to move in to the warehouse and disable the situation before it grows out of hand.

Mission Acceptance

The information has been sent to you. Please take down the heads of the Resistance in the warehouse and recover any data on the Clockwork. Praetor Berry appreciates your help in aiding the city of Neutropolis.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please ensure this matter is handled in a timely manner.

Mission Objective(s)

The Resistance have a crude base within this warehouse. Time to flush them out.

  • Clear out Resistance in the warehouse
    • Recover the Clockwork Data
    • 2 Resistance heads to defeat

You've cleared the warehouse of the Resistance and recovered the Clockwork data!

