Praetorian Police Department

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The Praetorian Police Department is an ally group and an enemy group in Praetoria.


Praetoria Icon Web.png

The Praetorian Police Department (PPD) looks and acts, at least on the surface, like a modern day paramilitary police force. It projects a friendly and approachable attitude toward the populace, which it strengthens through good public relations efforts. In reality, the PPD is Emperor Cole's personal army. It is inflexible in its demand for respect for its authority. To question one of its members is to question the Emperor - a man who has saved them and the planet countless times over. When someone speaks out against Emperor Cole or Praetorian matters, the dark side of the PPD emerges, and burly, well-armed officers come into your house in the dead of night and take your loved ones away.

Praetorian Police

Officers of the PPD are stationed throughout Praetoria. They patrol the streets maintaining order and looking out for trouble. They can also be found in back alleys interrogating citizens regarding any connections they might have to the Resistance. Members of the PPD include rank and file officers, specialized members of the Intelligence Division, and extremely experienced and heavily armed members of the Tactical Engagement Strike Team (T.E.S.T.).

Taken from Praetorian Police Department Official Enemy Group Profile

Enemy Types


PPD Trooper (Tutorial)

The Praetoria Police Department is charged with the unending duty of maintaining order on the streets of the City. These tireless men and women watch over Praetoria City, dedicating their lives to serving Emperor Cole...and the populace, of course.


PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash)
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Reduced Health Reduced Max HP

PPD Enforcer

PPD Trooper

The Praetoria Police Department is charged with the unending duty of maintaining order on the streets of the City. These tireless men and women watch over Praetoria City, dedicating their lives to serving Emperor Cole...and the populace, of course.


PowerPunch BoneSmasher.png Force Maul Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Knockdown
You have been knocked down.

PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl (Only Level 11 and up) Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

Temporary TargetedHold.png Force Netting Ranged, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Jump, -Fly
A PPD Enforcer is capable of entangling their targets in a "mostly harmless" force netting that causes minor damage over time as well as slowing the target.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S10 L10 E10 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

PPD Trooper

PPD Trooper

The Praetoria Police Department is charged with the unending duty of maintaining order on the streets of the City. These tireless men and women watch over Praetoria City, dedicating their lives to serving Emperor Cole...and the populace, of course.


PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down.

PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S10 L10 E10 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

PPD Suppressor

PPD Suppressor

The Praetoria Police Department is charged with the unending duty of maintaining order on the streets of the City. These tireless men and women watch over Praetoria City, dedicating their lives to serving Emperor Cole...and the populace, of course.


PowerBlast PowerBurst.png Force Burst Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
The PPD Suppressor is capable of firing a charged up blast of force energy in a short cone in front of him causing minor energy and smashing damage as well as knocking down its targets.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S10 L10 E10 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.


PPD Justicar

PPD Justicar

Justicars are promoted from the ranks of the Troopers based on their loyalty to the PPD. They've received additional training on using their Force Gauntlet in hand to hand combat. They can super charge it allowing a tremendous burst of force.


PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

PowerPunch Flurry.png Force Shockwave PBAoE Melee, Minor DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick blast of force gauntlet energy deals very little damage, but has a very high change to stun its targets.

PowerPunch BoneSmasher.png Force Maul (Only Level 11 and up) Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Knockdown
You have been knocked down.

Temporary TargetedHold.png Force Netting Ranged, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -Jump, -Fly
A PPD Enforcer is capable of entangling their targets in a "mostly harmless" force netting that causes minor damage over time as well as slowing the target.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S15 L15 E15 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

PPD Warrant Officer

PPD Warrant Officer

Warrant Officers are promoted from the ranks of the Troopers based on their loyalty to the PPD. They are often responsible for dispatching troops into dangerous situations. They understand very clearly the risk that comes with a PPD uniform.


PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Force Blast Ranged, Heavy DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down.

Temporary TargetedHold.png Force Cage (Only Level 11 and up) Ranged, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep
Warrant Officers are capable of binding their target within a fragile Force Cage, it is capable of putting its target to sleep for a short time. However any damage dealt to the target will break the effect.

PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S15 L15 E15 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.


PPD Interrogator

PPD Interrogator

The flash of a silver trenchcoat that accompanies the arrival of a PPD Investigator is enough to send a thrill of fear down the spine of any resident of Praetoria. If an Investigator has arrived at your door then you should already be planning your full-throated confession.


PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Force Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Temporary TargetedHold.png Force Cage Ranged Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep
PPD Investigators are capable of binding their target within a fragile Force Cage, it is capable of putting its target to sleep for a short time. However any damage dealt to the target will break the effect.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res(Lethal, Smashing, Energy) Res( S20 L20 E20 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

PPD Investigator

PPD Investigator

These senior officers are masters of investigation and uncovering evidence that leads to conviction after conviction. Once they are on the trail, no one is safe from their relentless pursuit. No one.


PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Force Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

ForceField RepulsionBomb.png Impact Bomb Ranged (Targeted AoE), Damage Moderate (Smash/Energy) Foe Knockdown, Disorient
The Investigator charges up their force gauntlet to unleash a devastating Impact Bomb which deals moderate energy and smashing damage to all enemies within 15 feet of its initial target. Targets struck by this power may be knocked down or stunned.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res(Lethal, Smashing, Energy) Res( S20 L20 E20 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

PPD Sergeant

PPD Sergeant

Sergeants are high ranking officers who have worked their way to the top through loyalty and diligence and have been equipped with top of the line 'non-lethal' force weaponry.


PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

PowerPunch BoneSmasher.png Force Maul Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Knockdown
You have been knocked down

PowerBlast PowerBurst.png Force Wave Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -Knockdown
The PPD Sergeant is capable of firing a charged up blast of force energy in a short cone in front of him causing minor energy and smashing damage as well as knocking down its targets.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Force Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res(Lethal, Smashing, Energy) Res( S20 L20 E20 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

Elite Bosses

Interrogator Hoffman

Main Aticle: Interrogator Hoffman

The flash of a silver trenchcoat that accompanies the arrival of a PPD Investigator is enough to send a thrill of fear down the spine of any resident of Praetoria. If an Investigator has arrived at your door then you should already be planning your full-throated confession.

Named Enemies

Warrant Officer Welks (NPC)

Warrant Officer Welks

Main Aticle: Officer Welks

One of the few female officers in the force, Sheila Welks does a job that few women in Praetoria would want to. It's hard work, but Welks is proud to be doing it. She was recently promoted to Warrant Officer after rescuing a fellow officer from Destroyers and still managing to bring them into custody, albeit with a few broken bones.

Investigator Donner (NPC)

Investigator Donner

Jim Donner is known for being the former partner of James Noble. The two together were one of the best officers in all of Praetoria. After James died serving overseas, Jim looked after his wife and child. Jim eventually married Jennifer and has since sworn to serve the people of Praetoria in the name of James Noble.

Chief Interrogator Washington (Boss)

Chief Interrogator Washington

Main Aticle: Chief Interrogator Washington

Washington is a man that only those who seek to harm the safety of Praetoria should fear. Those who do fear him make sure to avoid him at all cost, due to Washinton's animal-like insticts and ruthless fighting style.


SuperStrength Hurl.png Hurl Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smash), Knockback
You are able to tear up a chunk of ground beneath your feet and Hurl it at an enemy. This attack is close ranged, deals moderate damage, and can knock foes back. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate

SuperStrength Jab.png Jab Melee, Minor Damage (Smash), Minor Disorient
A quick jab that deals minor damage, but has a chance of Disorienting the target, especially if coupled with other attacks. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast.

SuperStrength Punch.png Punch Melee Smash, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

SuperStrength FootStomp.png Foot Stomp Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Smash), Foe Knockback
Using your superior leg strength, you can Stomp your foot to the ground, quaking the earth itself. This is a localized attack against everything in melee range. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Slow

SuperReflexes FocusedFighting.png Focused Fighting Toggle: Self +Defense (Melee), +Resistance (Confuse, Defense Debuff)
You become more evasive to melee attacks while you have Focused Fighting activated. This will increase your Defense verses melee as long as it is active. Your focus also offers you resistance to Confuse effects and Debuffs to Defense.

SuperReflexes FocusedSenses.png Focused Senses Toggle: Self +Defense (Ranged), +Resistances (Debuff), +Perception
You become more evasive against ranged attacks while you have Focused Senses activated. This will increase your Defense versus ranged attacks as long as it is active. Your improved senses also allow you to perceive stealthy foes as well as resist Defense Debuffs.

SuperReflexes Evasion.png Evasion Toggle: Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Taunt, Self +Defense (Area of Effect), +Resistance (Defense Debuff)
You are Evasive against area of effect and cone shaped attacks. This power increases your Defense versus such attacks as long as it is active. Evasion also helps you resist Defense Debuffs.

Temporary PVP DebuffDefense.png No Resistances
Chief Interrogator Washington does not have any special Damage Resistances

Interrogator Kang (Boss)

Interrogator Kang

Main Aticle: Interrogator Kang

Interrogator Kang is one of the veteran agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. He is known to be one of the best case workers in the city because he was working the job before Seers came along.


PowerPunch EnergyPunch.png Force Brawl Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe Disorient
This quick punch delivered by the Enforcer's force gauntlet deals little damage, but has a chance to stun its target.

PowerBlast PowerBolts.png Force Bolts Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Bolts fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Force Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
Force Blast fires a series of bursts of force energy at their target causing moderate energy and smashing damage as has a small chance to knock its target down. Damage: Moderate

Temporary TargetedHold.png Force Cage Ranged Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep
PPD Investigators are capable of binding their target within a fragile Force Cage, it is capable of putting its target to sleep for a short time. However any damage dealt to the target will break the effect.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Auto, Res( S20 L20 E20 )
Praetorian Police Body Armor grants them some moderate resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Energy attacks.

Named Bosses

  • Officer Pell (Investigator)
  • Sergeant Hastings (Sergeant)
  • Sergeant Callahan (Sergeant)
  • Warrant Office McKinley (Warrant Officer)
  • Justicar Easton (Justicar)
  • Sergeant Pell (Sergeant)
  • Investigator Soto (Investigator)
  • Interrogator Marcone (Interrogator)
  • Sergeant Mallar (Sergeant)
  • Sergeant Giacona (Sergeant)
  • Investigator Framon (Investigator)
  • Interrogator Canto (Interrogator)
  • Sergeant Collins (Sergeant)
  • Beta Team Leader (Sergeant)
  • Charlie Team Leader (Sergeant)
  • Interrogator Matherson (Investigator)
  • Interrogator Crichton (Investigator)
  • Interrogator Costa (Investigator)
  • Captain Murray (Interrogator)
  • Sergeant McIntosh (Justicar)
  • Sergeant Reynolds (Sergeant)

  • Sergeant Hastings (Sergeant)
Sergeant Hastings is a driven man, intent on repaying the Resistance for their treacherous attacks on Praetoria City and its citizens. To this end, he has organized every office he could find into search teams and sent them into the tunnels to root out and exterminatethe Resistance wherever they're found.
  • Sergeant Iminez (Sergeant)
Sergeant Iminez is a traitor working for the Resistance. Killing him while dressed as a Syndicate go-gang member will incite blodsheed between both groups.
  • Paolo Marino (Sergeant)
Paolo Marino is a high ranking officer within the PPD. Recently, he was promoted to lead a squad of PPD, their purpose to hunt down all of the people that the Resistance have ferried out of the city.
  • Captain Duval
Captain Duval is younger than you expected, and he also appears somewhat nervous at your arrival.

Related Badges


You're a wanted criminal according to the Praetorian Police. You defeated enough Praetorian Police Department members to earn this badge.

See Also

External Links