John Houston

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John Houston, WSPDR Journalist
WSPDR Journalist
Zone Independence Port
Coordinates (-868.2, 0.0, -3856.4)[Copy]
Level Range 40-44
Introduced By None
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge storyarc houston H.png Pollster
Badge storyarc houston R.png Underdog
v  d  e

John Houston is a rogue contact in the Crey Cove neighborhood of Independence Port at coordinates (-868, 0, -3856)[Copy] . His level range is 40-44.


Contact Introduced By

None, walk-up.

Contact Introduces



WSPDR Journalist

John Houston is an unscrupulous news reporter formerly with the TPN, now with WSPDR, who will do anything for a story. He's here in Paragon City following a major lead on something, but he's been very picky with his clientele, stating that the 'risk of negative press' requires a certain caliber of temperament. How he convinced the city to let him in on a press pass is just plain impressive. He must have some decent credentials.

Initial Contact / Greeting

This is big, Character, really big. It's also carrying the stench of corruption all over it, and you're probably going to get a little on yourself too. If you're down to get involved in something massive and potentially dirty, hit me up.

Too Busy

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Too Low Level

+++ Missing Information +++

No More Missions

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Story Arc

Noble Intentions

Merit Rewards: This activity awards ? Reward Merits.


+++ Missing Information +++

Chapter One: Muckraking


John is looking uncharacteristically sweaty and is constantly checking his appearance in the news van's rear view mirror.

I'm not going to lie, Character, not this time. There's too much at risk. I'll be frank with you - I'm nervous. Not for my sake, of course, but for my source. I was supposed to meet them to get some information they couldn't deliver over the phone. Hush-hush stuff. Very confidential. Top secret!

I was late for our meeting, and when I arrived I heard voices, so I stayed calm and collected and approached cautiously. I only caught a glimpse of them in the dim light but I recognized them. They were Warriors, and they had my source! I watched helplessly as they dragged her into one of those nasty sewers. There was nothing I could do, I'm sure you agree. I'm not a hero or even an anti-hero, but I can't give up on a source. It's just not done. So I need you to go down there and bring her back. The information she's got is of vital public interest.

  • Save the girl, save democracy? Sure, I'll do it. For a price.

Save the girl, save democracy? Sure, I'll do it. For a price.

Of course, of course, I know your reputation. I'm putting you on retainer, Character. Once we have confirmed that information I'm sure I can use your services again. Now please hurry, I don't want to have to report on yet another innocent victim of Paragon City gang crime.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I can't understand why the Warriors would go after my source. She's a Praetorian refugee like me, and she's not one to draw any attention. Maybe one day I can get an interview with some Warriors to find out what makes them tick. But this is not that day. Go on, Character, find my source!

Mission Objective(s)

Clearly visible tracks in the foul muck. John's source is leaving a trail for you to follow. Clever girl.

  • Recover the source
    • Find Houston's Source
      • Get Tunnel Rat to safety
      • Speak with Tunnel Rat

You have rescued Tunnel Rat and acquired the information Houston wanted.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! Upon rescuing Tunnel Rat, three waves of Warriors will spawn.


You found her? I knew it was a good idea to hire you. I understand why she didn't want to be seen with me. Tunnel Rat isn't one for the spotlight - or any light, really. Wait, she said I smelled bad?

You're good at this. I'm starting to feel like I'm back home. It's comfortable.

Noble Intentions

John's source turned out to be another Praetorian refugee, a woman called 'Tunnel Rat'. The warriors had grabbed her since they believed she had information on someone called 'Alexander the Great', one of their former members. Alexander Pavlidis was going into politics, and Tunnel Rat had learned that he was getting in with some bad bedfellows from Striga called the Port Noble Citizens Brigade. John Houston put you on retainer and asked you to head to Striga to interview the locals.

Chapter Two: Port Noble Polling


Somehow the Warriors knew what Tunnel Rat had found. Or they thought they knew. It's useless to speculate on what exactly they knew now. I'm just glad Tunnel Rat is safe, and I'm grateful that she didn't want to bring more heat down on me by meeting up personally. Now, let me tell you a bit about what I've been working on.

A councilwoman by the name of Simmons was recently forced to step down in disgrace after it came out that she was involved with organized crime. The Frost Family had been supplying her security when she was being threatened by another gang... Frankly, it was a whole mess that spiraled into a journalist's dream... and I missed it all!

Anyway, now her seat on the council is up for a special election, and this being Paragon City, such a position comes with more power than your usual city council seat.

The most interesting candidate is the man called Alexander Pavlidis, also known as Alexander the Great. He's a former gang member gone straight. You'll never guess which gang... That's right, the Warriors. Mr. Pavlidis runs a populist platform tough on gang crime, and despite all the controversies around his person and campaign, polling data shows that he is a potential contender. Tunnel Rat telling me to look into him confirms what I already believed: he is dirty.

Character, I'm going to ask you to go to Striga for me, to do some interviews with the locals.

  • Accept the request to interview Striga locals

We need to find out more about the 'Port Noble Citizens Brigade'. They are a group who show up at Mr. Pavlidis' rallies to show him support. They claim they are protecting their candidate from violent counter-protestors, but the violence only seems to occur when they are present. Striga citizens aren't even allowed to vote in this election, so what is their real agenda? Here, put on this bodycam so I can watch what happens from now on. I might be able to give you some pointers on where to go and what to say.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Remember to keep your camera running at all times!

Mission Objective(s)

The Council's volcano base may have been destroyed, but Port Noble's docks are still a hotbed of criminal activity and clashing gangs.

  • Interview Striga locals
    • Speak with the PNCB Leader
    • Find Stephanie Peebles
    • Speak with Long Jack
    • Rescue Old Toby
    • Ask Lars about photos
    • Lay Low in the Bar
    • 3 gang leaders to defeat (optional) (Hero or Rogue)

The Striga locals had nothing good to say about the Port Noble citizens brigade. John Houston requested that you investigate further.


The Family


Port Noble Citizen's Brigade

Notable NPCs

PNCB Brigadier General

The Port Noble Civilian Brigadier General looks at you and nods, as if to say 'Yes, that'll work'.

Greetings, Character. You've come at an interesting time in Striga Isle's storied history. We're having a bit of a... domestic event here. Seems that the United States Armed Forces withdrew about as quickly as they showed up, leaving a massive mess of a situation as the Council dissolves and the other gangs attempt to reassert control. Typical.

  • Not a fan of the American War Doctrine?

The Brigadier General snorts out a laugh.

On the contrary, I find their rough-and-tumble shoot-first-and-ask-questions-never approach to problem solving to be quite endearing. When, of course, you're not in its way. I can say that it gets results, when you're outside of the storm. But being in the way of the storm? It's rough.

The Brigadier General exhales and focuses his breath.

Apologies, I've been a little under the weather lately, and street warfare doesn't help it much. What business brings you to our beleagured shores?

The Brigadier General whips out a fancy-looking inhaler and takes a pump.

  • I'm here for a little tourism, a few drinks. (Lie)
Well if that's the case, there's always the Mermaid's Tavern. I've never been, but everyone keeps telling me their Pineapple Whip is one of the best drinks they've ever had. They also have the Flamin' Warcry, served in a Council robot cranium, but that's too much for me. You'll find it just northeast of here. Keep your head low and don't engage the gangs, and you should be fine.
The Brigadier General eyeballs you from top to bottom quickly.
Unless of course, you're here for trouble... and we don't take kindly to homewreckers. Don't try to 'save' us, Character, some of us take umbrage to being looked at as though we can't save ourselves.
  • I'll be fine, and I promise I won't be a pain.
  • Fame and glory. Looking to flex on the Family and Warriors. (Rogue)
The Brigadier General raises an eyebrow.
Oh, a social influencer are ya? Let's try to keep the majority of your stunts Striga-Positive. I don't need slanderous edited video surfacing on ClikClak because you need a new sponsor. If you want to do me and my people any kindnesses, rooting some of these gangs out would be a great start. Let me mark your map.
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. We don't need a hero. Don't try to 'save' us, Character, some of us take umbrage to being looked at as though we can't save ourselves.
  • Understood! Make sure the paparazzi knows I'm here!
The Brigadier General waves you on.
Go on then, and don't do anything we'll both regret later. Okay?
  • Close window.
  • I heard there was trouble. I'm here to solve it. (Heroic)
The Brigadier General raises an eyebrow.
Oh, a problem-solver eh? Let's try to keep the majority of your solutions to words-only. If you're going to solve any problems for me, there are a few holdouts of concentrated gang activity around here. If you want to do me and my people any kindnesses, rooting these boneheads out would be a great start. Let me mark your map.
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. We don't need a hero. Don't try to 'save' us, Character, some of us take umbrage to being looked at as though we can't save ourselves.
  • The people of Striga will not live in fear!
The Brigadier General waves you on.
Go on then, and don't do anything we'll both regret later. Okay?
  • Close window.
Stephanie's insight

According to the old witch who owns 'The Mermaid' tavern, the Port Noble Citizens Brigade are nothing less than wolves in sheep's clothing. The Council, dressed up in suits and ties, laying low and waiting for a moment to rise back to power.

Long Jack's dismissal

Before he sent you packing, Long Jack pointed out a certain warehouse as the potential headquarters of the Port Noble Citizens Brigade. All their activities seemed focused around the unusually large building. It could be worth looking into.

Toby's Interrogation

'Old Toby' was having some trouble with the Family when you found him. He all but confirmed that the Brigade members he had patched up in that makeshift hospital all seemed to be sporting some questionable tattoos affirming their allegiance to outdated political views. But more importantly to you, he revealed that the Family and the Warriors both have had some logistics problems recently. Specifically their coffers are brimming with ill-gotten gains that they haven't been able to transport off of the island during the US navy's visit, which is why both gangs are all up in each others business and more twitchy than usual.

Lars' Reconnaissance

You met Lars Hansen up on a roof, 'birdwatching' as he called it. The pictures he was taking were far more interesting than the local wildlife, unless that wildlife includes dignitaries like Archon Burkholder. His surveillance of the warehouse the Port Noble Citizens Brigade were guarding had let him spot Burkholder coming and going, and when he left it was with Dr. Arvin, another Praetorian refugee John recognized. John's curiosity was peaked, and he asked you to stay on Striga to take a look inside that warehouse.

Editor's Note:
Align Status Rogue.png
Selecting the Rogue option when talking to the PNCB Brigadier General and completing all the objectives will award the character one Rogue Alignment Point.


You pulled back to the Mermaid Tavern to shake loose some of the attention you had drawn during your brief visit to Port Noble. Ms. Peebles was as congenial as ever, albeit a bit standoffish. Considering her usual clientele she shouldn't be turning her nose up at you like that, especially if she wanted you to do something about the so-called 'citizens brigade'. Regardless, the clam chowder was excellent, and the bootleg booze she served up with it must have fallen off some Crey executive's yacht because it was top shelf stuff. Unfortunately reality came calling all too soon, in the form of John Houston's well modulated voice in your ear.

Noble Intentions

John's source turned out to be another Praetorian refugee, a woman called 'Tunnel Rat'. The warriors had grabbed her since they believed she had information on someone called 'Alexander the Great', one of their former members. Alexander Pavlidis was going into politics, and Tunnel Rat had learned that he was getting in with some bad bedfellows from Striga called the Port Noble Citizens Brigade. John Houston put you on retainer and asked you to head to Striga to interview the locals.

Talking to some Striga personalities you learned that the citizens brigade was just a front for the Council, laying low after their volcano lair was all but destroyed by the New Praetorians and the US navy. The Council were running some kind of operation out of a warehouse in the docks and recent visits by Archon Burkholder meant that it had to be something big. John informed you that another Praetorian was involved, a Dr. Arvin. You decided to wait till nightfall to investigate the Council's warehouse.

+++ Missing Information +++

See Also