"Neu to You" Science Journal
"Neu to You" Science Journal | |
Neutropolis | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Neutropolis |
Available to | Everyone |
Level range | 1–50 |
"Neu to You" Science Journal is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Neutropolis.
A Neu Man
Exploration Mission
Keeping up on the latest in amazing scientific breakthroughs is no problem with a subscription to Praetor Berry's popular publication. Every issue is printed with all the latest in why Praetorian engineering is the greatest in the world, and how the Praetor's science has a solution to all your problems (that you did not know you had).
While that's all fine and good, the details on Neuron Technologies Unlimited and other local facility installations are more relevant to your immediate work, and familiarizing yourself with these important locations would be worth doing.
- See what's new in Neutropolis.
- Renew this interest later.
Too Busy
What you definitely know is that trying to explore with this many tasks is a terrible idea. You decide to take care of them first.
No More Missions
You roll up the scientific journal. Nothing new to you now. You are in the know regarding Neutropolis, and are familiar with its various scientific facilities.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Neutropolis.
The magazine highlights some recent aeronautic developments:
"Despite Praetoria's isolation, with recent improvements in aerodynamics, fuel efficiency, and material engineering the skies belong to humanity more than ever! Praetor Berry predicts the number of shipments sent by way of plane from the western airport should be competitive with seafaring numbers by next year."
Given the geographical layout of Praetoria, economic trade options would be limited to sea and plane. It would be valuable to know where things are shipped, as it is likely a priority target. Your knowledge of the greater world outside has been limited, perhaps touring the airport will help clue you in.
- Evaulate Airlift efforts.
The more you think about it, the clearer it becomes how little information is available regarding Praetoria's external operations. You cannot help but wonder why that is.
Surely the world still exists beyond the border, so why has nobody heard anything from it?
Mission Objective
- Tour western airport

Airplanes are the only way to reach some areas with necessary supplies and materiel. Most jets here are much faster than they look, and must fly far out over the ocean to avoid shattering every window in the Magisterium when they accelerate past mach.
Don't Drink It
There is a recent article scientifically reviewing the benefits of Enriche:
"There has been some controversy surrounding the manufacturing process of Enriche. Neuron Technologies Unlimited is here to reassure all citizens of the processes employed by Willingham Water Treatment Plant!"
The remainder of the article goes through a variety of complex-sounding scientific jargon that, impressively, manages to use a lot of big words to say nothing meaningful. In the end it looks like you will just have to go investigate that treatment plant yourself.
- They say Don't Drink It...
You have had Enriche on plenty of occasions, few in Praetoria could say they have never tried it. It is unlikely that anyone would notice such subtle effects if what the Resistance claims is true. This investigation has a personal motive now. You would like the truth of what it was you actually drank.
Mission Objective
- Check Water Treatment Plant

Praetoria's water is heavily filtered and sanitized here at the Water Treatment Plant, removing the contaminants of the outside world. Resistance propaganda says Cole adds something back at the same time. Most people just shrug and purchase copious amounts of Enriche to be on the safe side, not believing the Resistance claim that it is the same exact thing as the tap water.
Eyes to the Future
You read over a bit that starts by mentioning the tower in the heart of Neuron's Reach, the center of Praetor Berry's domain:
"From atop his iconic research tower, our fair founder of Neuron Technologies Unlimited conducts the efforts of Praetoria's scientific hands. With his guidance, the future is truly within our grasp!"
While reading the Praetor's self-glorification is riveting without end, you find yourself distracted. There is a magnificent tower within view that needs you to climb to the very top and take in that view.
- Keep your Eyes to the Future.
While you are sure Praetor Berry's many achievements are both amazing and praiseworthy, his greatest achievement could potentially be giving you this impressive culmination of architectural engineering to scale.
Mission Objective
- Reach apex of Neurons Reach tower

From here, one can see further than even Emperor Cole. Do you see death? Darkness? Perhaps you see the coming doom of being smashed by a Tyrant or devoured by the Earth?
Of particular interest is a press release detailing information about exports of relief supplies:
"Praetoria continues to stand as a beacon for humanity; To aid a world ravaged by the Hamidon, we work tirelessly to provide the essential materials on which the survivors beyond our borders rely so heavily. Imperial vessels run non-stop to provide the relief the world desperately needs."
You had heard reports that the southern port is understaffed, and the personnel overworked. Perhaps there is something you can do to help in the humanitarian work that so many depend on.
- Lend your aid to Longshoremen.
It is good to hear that the fire within humanity still burns in the world beyond Praetoria.
Given the expansive measures by which the city maintains security, you can only imagine the dangers that threaten those without such luxuries. It easy to forgot that Praetoria is but a small part of humanity.
Mission Objective
- Investigate weapons exporting

Praetoria is perhaps the only exporter of high tech goods still standing since the rise of the Hamidon. From these docks thousands of tons of weapons, heavy equipment, and humanitarian supplies leave daily. The Imperial Defense Force provides escort security for the ships once they've left the safety of Neutropolis.
Moar Power
There is a small mention about the Keyes Island Reactor, but it is clearly eclipsed by the other articles:
"To the south are the anti-matter reactors that help to power our glorious Praetoria. Praetor Berry has already disclosed plans to upgrade these reactors. The improvements will see our power grid on both cleaner and more renewable sources of energy within the next few years!"
This is surprising, the publication generally always layers on the praise but this feels like an obligatory footnote. For something so crucial to Praetoria, it stands out as peculiar. Since the article declined to provide any details, it looks like you will have to go inspect the reactors yourself.
- Praetoria always needs Moar Power.
Praetor Berry essentially claims credit for any and every technological advancement posted in this scientific journal. Oddly, this reactor does not appear under his name.
Now that you think about it, you seem to recall there had been two scientist Praetors in the past. The "sweep this under the rug" vibe you noticed makes more sense if the reactors aren't Berry's work.
Mission Objective
- Inspect Keyes Island reactor

Praetor Keyes's anti-matter reactors are a boundless source of energy, once supplying all the power for the entire Eastern United States. It was their presence which led Emperor Cole to declare Praetoria City as the capital of the new world. Even at peak demand, barely one-third of the reactors' full power is needed.
The featured article this month is promoting the strength of Praetoria with a scoop regarding the Lambda Sector:
"The heart of Praetoria's military security is the peerless stronghold known as the Lambda Sector. While the surface entrance is daunting on its own, the structure extends into a massive complex below. Within, the latest weapons research is conducted, and the Imperial Defense Force stockpiles supplies so they can be ready at all times to face any threat to Praetoria. Our citizens can always trust they are truly protected by the world's greatest."
The IDF are not usually seen within Praetoria as they generally respond to major threats and fortunately those are none too common here. Those who have seen a troop of IDF being deployed claim their equipment and weapons were beyond anything used by the PPD. Maybe if you stop by the Lambda Sector right now, you might catch a glimpse of Emperor Cole's best.
- The IDF is always Stockpiling.
You decide to scope out only the front gate. The Lambda Sector itself is protected on all sides by automated energy weapon platforms that are programmed to reduce any unauthorized intruders to a pile of smoldering ash.
While the curiosity bugs you to see what developments the military are cooking up, you would rather not lose your life in the process.
Mission Objective
- Scope out Lambda Sector

Lambda Sector is the core of the Imperial Defense Force's armaments and heavy machinery stockpile, fed daily by the anti-matter powered factories of Neutropolis. What is not immediately needed elsewhere is kept here for a 'rainy day.'
Stuff of Life
While absent-mindedly flipping through the journal looking for anything interesting, you find an article on art:
"The DNA sculpture within Neuron's Reach was recently unveiled to much fanfare. Cheering spectators attended the ceremony and watched Praetor Berry cut the ribbon. The Praetor delivered an excellent speech where he promised to never cease in his endeavors in drawing forth humanity's potential to bring us to the future."
There is always something to be appreciated when it comes to artistic realization, even in monuments commissioned to celebrate somebody else's ambitions. Missing the ceremony spared you from listening to the Praetor's long-winded speech, but you would still like to go enjoy the sculpture itself.
- DNA is the Stuff of Life.
It is always impressive to see how artists put themselves into a piece even if the work is for another. The subtle signatures of the creator are imbued into any project they touch.
When appreciating the works of a singular artist, it is often fascinating to spot the nuances found that ring with their identity.
Mission Objective
- See DNA sculpture

Praetor Berry's choice of decorations always hearken back to his reason d'etre - unlocking the secrets of the flesh held in sinew, cell, and DNA.
Urban Renewal
There is a map included in this journal that shows various recent developments, notes, and locations of interest. While looking through the map you notice that west of the Lambda Sector compound there is little to no development of any kind. The stark contrast with the almost uncountable number of plans around Neuron's Reach strikes you as odd.
Perhaps the military installations in that area have caused local problems that have resulted in the development being halted? It wouldn't surprise you if various criminal groups have coalesced near the Lambda Sector in hopes of procuring experimental weapons technology. You decide to go inspect the various buildings in the forgotten urban sector.
- No hope for Urban Renewal.
It is quite the visual contrast as well. Looking to the various sectors of the city from Nova Praetoria to the Imperial City continuing onto Neutropolis the areas seem to descend in saturation and brightness.
It is hard not to compare the shimmering white structures of the Magisterium to the dull and drab buildings surrounding the Lambda Sector.
Mission Objective
- Look into abandoned urban development

Older sections of the city like this pre-date much of Emperor Cole's reign, and as such have not been renovated to match the rest of the city. Constant distractions and sabotage by the Resistance and others have delayed such work indefinitely.