A Handful of Nanites

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From the Story Arc "Buried Secrets" given by Oberst Straxt.

Souvenir's Text

A Handful of Nanites

You kept this handful of grayish dust as a reminder of the episode you recall as Buried Secrets. You were working for a man called Oberst Straxt of the 5th Column, on Striga Isle. He needed your help in gathering old 5th Column caches from before the Council took over the island. Much of the material had already been discovered by other factions: the Warriors had dug up some material, and sold some of it off to the Family and the Sky Raiders, and you had to not only reclaim what was lost but also send a message to the other groups, written in fire and flame. One of the hidden bases had been compromised by servants of the Banished Pantheon, but the last cache remained undisturbed, and you were the first to enter that vault in decades. You collected the research data within but one of Striga's stalwart sentinels, the hero Ravenstorm, had discovered you and you had to fight him off before you could escape with your prize. The nanites came from him, and you kept them as a memory of your little dust-up, and for future analysis in case you need to figure out his weaknesses. As for the material you collected for the 5th Column oberst, it all seemed to hint at some sinister past activities, but why did they need research on volcanic activity, ore samples and comparisons to distant soils in Italy, inert dark crystals, and weapon prototypes to employ them? The oberst claimed that it was all very much outdated but still too dangerous to end up in the wrong hands, but surely there must be more to it? A mystery for another day, and another paycheck.

See Also