A viral video

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From the Story Arc The Graveyard Shift given by Agent Watkins.

Souvenir's Text

A viral video

You pull up a copy of the viral video that FBSA Agent Watkins once showed you, so long ago. As a Vahzilok cadaver gets torn limb from limb in broad daylight, you get emotional rememebering:

The Graveyard Shift

It started out with a call from Agent Watkins for heroes who had established a reputation with Positron as a reliable justiciar. You soon found out that the advertisement had been obscuring the truth: With Dr. Vahzilok in jail because of your participation in the events at the Overbrook Dam, the Vahzilok army had become a dangerous and disorganized collection of factions with different ideals. Agent Watkins was looking to stop the situation before things spun out of control, and sent you out on a lead from a forum post, where two notable Vahzilok followers, Newt and Malady, were preparing to throw hands for their argument.

Once you arrived, the situation was as Watkins predicted, but with one glaringly unnacounted variable: Amongst the chaotic infighting, outside forces sought to take their opportunity to eliminate competition... in the form of fast-moving quick-firing cadaver bombs that were affectionately being called 'Zoombies'.

Once that situation settled, a video was sent to Watkins from a superior officer showing a cadaver being torn apart in broad daylight and their limbs being carted into the sewers. Agent Watkins had a strong suspicion he knew that neighborhood and sent you down into the sewers to discover that the Freakshow were behind the 'Zoombies', and you collared a Meat Doctor named Dubstitch. Dubstitch quickly rolled on her boss, Raverobber, and you broke out some street justice in Talos to get his location. You descended upon his 'Unholy Masquerave' and took him out, discovering that his aptitude with the zoombies came from notes he stole from a lair Dr. Vahzilok used to own! Moreso, he tried to sell these notes back to the Vahzilok, giving them all the opportunity for new, unvetted mad science.

By this time the leads had gone cold, and you were tasked with investigating a robbery in Skyway City, a medical supply store run by a Dr. Pierce. Your investigation led to the Rusty Rivet bar in Faultline, where a tense negotation between factions had just broken down between Grey Matter and Salamander. Once you had secured the bar, a new name was added to your list: Pathogen.

Pathogen's lair was like nothing you'd ever experienced before: A sprawling warehouse with reclaimed tech from the sewers distributed about, everything from metal gurneys to tesla coils and meathooks greeting you. But the worst of it wasn't what you could see, it was what you couldn't see: The trillions of microbes in the air and on every surface of the place as Pathogen tested his immune response theories against the stolen notes. By the time you had gotten to him, you were clearly falling ill with some kind of ailment, and Pathogen revealed the most damning detail yet: Dr. Pierce was the sleeper in the Vahzilok, and had been using you to eliminate her competition before claiming the Vahzilok as her own. Pathogen set fire to his warehouse when you defeated him, and you narrowly avoided cremation by disabling the fire system, which was hooked into the diesel refinery next door.

It was at this point you made an important decision: You put the lives of others above your own and allowed Pierce to get a lead on you by staying put and obeying quarantine. You emerged from the warehouse hours later with a vaccine, and a new lead. Cortex, the only name that was left in the game for sure, had accessed Pathogen's data dump and got his location traced as a result. When Cortex fell, you recovered Dr. Pierce, whom Cortex was forcing into compliance. She was then turned over to the FBSA for questioning, and she made a plea deal with SERAPH.

See Also