Alpha Costume Set

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The Alpha Costume Set was originally released with Going Rogue (Complete Collection or Complete Collection Item Pack) but is now only available through the Paragon Market. This set contains 10 costume pieces (plus variations), as well as one related aura.

Costume Bundle

ParagonMarket CostumeSet AlphaOmega.png

The Alpha and Omega Costume Bundle is available on the Paragon Market for 400 Paragon Points. If purchasing all of the pieces from both sets separately, they would cost 780pp total. No auras, emotes or powers are contained in this bundle.

Costume Pieces



ParagonMarket Alpha Hat.png Hat (M/F/H) - 40pp

Picture MIA

Detail 1

ParagonMarket Alpha HeadDetail1.png Head Detail 1 (M/F/H) - 20pp

Detail 2

ParagonMarket Alpha HeadDetail2.png Head Detail 2 (M/F/H) - 20pp

Upper Body


ParagonMarket Alpha Chest.png Chest (M/F/H) - 40pp

ParagonMarket Alpha Pattern.png Chest Pattern (M/F/H) - 20pp


ParagonMarket Alpha Shoulders.png Shoulders (M/F/H) - 40pp


ParagonMarket Alpha Gloves.png Gloves (M/F/H) - 40pp


ParagonMarket Alpha Belt.png Belt (M/F/H) - 40pp

Lower Body


ParagonMarket Alpha Pants.png Pants (M/F/H) - 40pp

  • Only available under Tight pants


ParagonMarket Alpha Boots.png Boots (M/F/H) - 40pp


ParagonMarket Aura Alpha.png Aura (M/F/H) - 80pp


There are no emotes related to this costume set.


There are no powers related to this costume set.

Preselected Costumes

The Alpha costume pieces are available in the costume creator as a preselected costume set.

Alpha Costume Set
Alpha Costume Set Female
Alpha Costume Set Huge
Alpha Costume Set
Head Shape Face Pattern Hat Ears Pattern Detail 1 Detail 2
Hats Chiseled / Average 1 Face 1 Technis Alpha Human None None
Upper Body
Upper Body Chest Pattern Shoulders Style Chest Detail Pattern Gloves Style Pattern Belt Style
Tight Alpha Alpha Alpha None Alpha Alpha
Lower Body
Lower Body  Pants / Bottom Pattern Boots Style Pattern Tails
Tight / Bottoms Alpha / Alpha Alpha / Alpha Alpha None
Back Detail
Back Detail

See Also