Brain Storm Idea Salvage

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E Icon BrainstormToken.png


Your experimentation created something that may be useful in an invention! Use these ideas at an invention table to create new salvage.


Brain Storm Ideas can be converted into Invention Salvage at an invention table. 1 Brain Storm Idea gets one random common salvage, 5 a random uncommon salvage, and 20 a random rare salvage.

Characters gain Brain Storm Ideas for completing missions while under the Marketeer day job buff. Log out at Wentworth's, Black Markets, the Trading House in Imperial City, or the Underground Trader in Underground Imperial to gain the Marketeer day job buff.


This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

Brain Storm Ideas were part of the Issue 13 transition from the base salvage system to the invention salvage system. Characters could convert base salvage, which dropped before Issue 13 but wasn't used afterward, and was never dropped or used on Homecoming, into Brain Storm Ideas.

See Also