Villain Accomplishment Badges

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Accomplishment Badges are earned by completing tasks assigned by special villains and contacts. Badges listed on this page are just those that are earnable by "pure" Villains who have not opened up access to Hero zones and contacts.

Accomplishment Badges by Type

Stature Badges

V badge StatureBadge1.png
Stone Cold   Complete the Deal with Niles Worthington mission from Angelo Vendetti
V badge StatureBadge1.png
Bone Collector   Complete the Retrieve Loa Bone mission from Mr. Bocor
V badge StatureBadge2.png
Plague Carrier   Complete the Steal Outbreak from Lost mission from The Radio
V badge StatureBadge2.png
Mask Maker   Complete the Steal samples of the Facemaker's chemicals mission from Dr. Shelly Percey
V badge StatureBadge3.png
Paragon of Vice   Complete the Defeat all Arachnos Personnel mission from Willy Wheeler
V badge StatureBadge3.png
Seaweed   Complete the Take Down Sea Witch mission from the Lorenz Ansaldo
V badge StatureBadge4.png
Strikebreaker   Complete the Bust the Dockworkers Strike mission from Lorenz Ansaldo
V badge StatureBadge4.png
Slag Reaper   Complete the Retrieve the shipment for Crash mission from Vince Dubrowski
V badge StatureBadge5.png
Agent of Discord   Complete the Take out negotiator and witnesses mission from Operative Kirkland
V badge StatureBadge5.png
Soul Taker   Complete the Offer soul of Akarist mission from Archmage Tarixus
V badge StatureBadge6.png
Bad Luck   Complete the The Unlucky Artifacts mission from Hard Luck
V badge StatureBadge6.png
Exterminator   Complete the Eliminate Kit'Vul mission from Timothy Raymond
V badge StatureBadge7.png
Skip Tracer   Complete the Catch the Freakshow debtor before he skips town mission from Basse Croupier
V badge StatureBadge7.png
Portal Hopper   Complete the Attack Longbow portal base mission from Technician Naylor
V badge StatureBadge8.png
Party Crasher   Complete the Steal Alloy from Silver Mantis mission from Dr. Forrester
V badge StatureBadge8.png
Mage Hunter   Complete the Defeat Selestar mission from Mage-Killer Zuhkara
V badge StatureBadge9.png
Efficiency Expert   Complete all of Efficiency Expert Pither's timed missions successfully
V badge StatureBadge9.png
Couch Potato   Complete the Destroy books for Television mission from Television
Badge midnightsquadmember.png
Midnight Squad   Complete the Midnight's Hand story arc from Ashley McKnight, or visit the House Hunter exploration badge
Badge thiefofmidnight.png
The Thief of Midnight   Complete the Midnight Draws Near story arc from Darrin Wade
Badge origins path.png
Origin of Power   Complete the Origin of Power story arc from Ashley McKnight
Badge I11VillainStoryArc1Complete.png
Bane of Ajax   Complete the story arc from Dean MacArthur
Badge I11VillainStoryArc2Complete.png
Explosive Finale   Complete the story arc from Leonard
Badge i19 villain storyarc.png
Keeper of Coral Lore   Complete the story arc from Vincent Ross
2100 Mercy CompleteBadge.png
Freedom Cracker   Complete Lt. Harris' story arc in Mercy Island
Badge OGTV1.png
Dark Heart   Complete the Level 5-9 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Badge OGTV2.png
Blackened Soul   Complete the Level 10-14 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Badge OGTV3.png
Face of Evil   Complete the Level 15-19 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Eye of Vengeance   Complete the story arc from Heather Townshend
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
The Determined Mentor   Complete the story arc from Mu'Vorkan
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Knife Butcher   Complete the story arc from Max
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Hunter of Specters   Complete the story arc from Praetor Duncan
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
The Timeless Adventurer   Complete the story arc from Sister Solaris
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Heart of Hatred   Complete the final story arc from Dream Doctor
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Architect Writer   Complete the personal story mission from Heather Townshend
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Bound for Glory   Complete the personal story mission from Mu'Vorkan
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Nanite Man / Woman   Complete the personal story mission from Max
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Praetor Selfish   Complete the personal story mission from Praetor Duncan
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Cimeroran Hero / Heroine   Complete the personal story mission from Sister Solaris
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Truth Teller   Complete the personal story mission from Dream Doctor
Badge Achievement BlackKnightDefeats.png
The Once and Future King / Queen   Complete the story arc from Sir Bedwyr
Badge i23NightWardComplete.png
One of the Eight   Complete the story arc from The Magician
Badge i23IncarnateArcComplete.png
Imperial City's Savior   Complete the story arc from Belladonna Vetrano
Badge i23PersonalArcComplete.png
Embodiment of Law   Complete the personal story mission from Emperor Cole
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
War Criminal   Complete the first story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Villain of the Month   Complete the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Mayhem's Creator   Complete the third story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 Incarnate Arc.png
Civilization's Savior   Complete the story arc from Number Six
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Hamidon's Enemy   Defeat a total combination of 40 Devouring Earth or The Infested in the Inside Information mission
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Honorary Bro / Sis   Rescue Dean MacArthur in the third mission of the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Remembers Their Friends   Rescue Vincent Ross in the fourth mission of the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Pyromaniac   Arm all five bombs before Penelope Yin and Penelope Mayhem finish their fight in the fourth mission of the third story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 Incarnate Challenge.png Avatar Smasher   Defeat the three Avatars of Hamidon in the final mission from Number Six after refusing help from the Imperial Defense Force
Badge i24 StMartial Personal Story.png
Father   Complete the personal story from Wu Yin
Badge i24 Incarnate Personal Story.png
Proud Scientist   Complete the personal story from Anti-Matter
Badge i24 Incarnate Challenge.png Dimensional Investigator   Find all the Easter eggs in each of missions from Number Six
SL6 Buzzsaw ArcComplete.png
Patient Zero   Complete Doc Buzzsaw's arc, The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok
SL6 TStar.png
Tarnished Star   Earned in Doc Buzzsaw's arc by filling every jail cell in The Zig during your life as a hero, before becoming a villain and releasing Bile

Strike Force Badges

V badge BatzulBadge.png Binder of Beasts   Complete the Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force: The Beast Beneath the Mountain
V badge StrikeforceSkyRaiderBadge.png Air Pirate   Complete the Silver Mantis Strike Force: Pirates of the Sky
V badge StrikeforceSharkBadge.png Leviathan   Complete the Operative Renault Strike Force: The Temple of the Waters
V badge StrikeforceSerafinaBadge.png Crystal Keeper   Complete the Ice Mistral Strike Force: The Crystal of Serafina
V badge LordRecluseBadge.png Servant of Recluse   Complete the Lord Recluse Strike Force: Future of Freedom
Badge task force apocalyptic.png
Apocalyptic   Complete the The Lady Grey Task Force: The Seer
Badge temporal strife.png
Temporal Strife   Complete the Imperious Task Force: Time's Arrow
Badge 5thColumnVillainBadge.png Arbiter   Complete the Barracuda Strike Force: Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Badge tf tinmage complete.png Weapon Master / Warrior Princess   Complete the Apex Task Force: Alpha Strike
Badge tf alpha complete.png Alpha Struck   Complete the Tin Mage Task Force: The Praetorian Offensive
Badge I20VillainStrikeForce.png Promethean   Complete the Mortimer Kal Strike Force: The Fire and the Flames
Badge i27 ASF complete.png Gold Standard   Complete the Dr. Aeon Strike Force: Chasing Fool's Gold
Badge task force worthyopponent.png
Worthy Opponent   Complete the Flashback version of the Lord Recluse Strike Force with the Old School Challenge enabled.

Trial Badges

V badge RularuuBadge.png Pain Killer   Complete the Cathedral of Pain trial
V badge ThiefBadge.png
Master Thief   Complete the Cathedral of Pain Trial and choose the Item of Power reward
Badge it baf complete.png Behavior Adjuster   Complete the Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it lambda complete.png Lambda Leader   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial
Badge it keyes complete.png Keyes Technician   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial
Badge it underground complete.png Underground Seeker   Complete The Underground Trial
Badge it tpn complete.png Spin Doctor   Complete the TPN Campus Trial
Badge it mom complete.png Mental Voyager   Complete the Minds of Mayhem Trial
Badge sewer trial complete.png Hydra Stomper   Complete the Death from Below Sewer Trial
Badge it dea complete.png Death Denied   Complete the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
BloodyBayTrial Complete.png Sibling Rivalry   Complete the Drowning in Blood trial
Badge it magisterium complete.png Enemy of the State   Complete the Magisterium Trial
Badge I25 Market Crash.png Loyal Customer   Complete the Market Crash trial

Tip / Alignment Badges

Badge GotTip.png
Tipped Off   Receive your first tip
Badge AlignmentMission.png
Walking the Path   Complete an Alignment mission
Badge VillainAlignmentMission.png
Inquisitor   Complete a Villain Alignment mission
Badge RogueAlignmentMission.png
Well Informed   Complete a Rogue Alignment mission
Badge OtherAlignmentMission Villain.png
Tested the Water   Help someone complete an Alignment mission that is different from your current alignment
Badge MoralityMission Villain.png
Made a Stand   Complete a Morality Mission through Tips

Incarnate Badges

P BuildCommonIA.png
Initiate   Craft a common Incarnate Ability
P BuildUnCommonIA.png
Empowered   Craft an uncommon Incarnate Ability
P BuildRareIA.png
Well Drinker   Craft a rare Incarnate Ability
P BuildVeryRareIA.png
Incarnate   Craft a very rare Incarnate Ability

Praetorian Badges

Badge Antilaureate.png Laureate   Complete the "The Great Escape" zone event in Neutropolis
Badge Protestor.png Protestor   Complete the "The Protest" zone event in Nova Praetoria
Badge TakedownArtist.png Takedown Artist   Complete the "Syndicate Takedown" zone event in Imperial City
Badge DenialofService.png
Denial of Service   Attempt to penetrate the sonic barrier surrounding the Praetorian zones
Badge defeat seedofhamidon.png Germinator Terminator   Defeat The Seed of Hamidon in First Ward

Other Badges

Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png
Qualified   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 45 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png
Accelerated   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 35 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png
Speed Demon   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 25 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png
Surefooted   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 1 minute and 10 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png
Agile   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 1 minute during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png
Speeder   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 50 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge vanguard 001.png Member of Vanguard   Complete the first mission from Levantera
Badge TourismPraetoria.png
Avid Reader   Read Prometheus' dialogue regarding the Well of the Furies
WeeklyTFHelper01.png Accomplice   Complete a Weekly Strike Target after you've already completed one for the week
WeeklyTFHelper02.png Confederate   Complete 10 Weekly Strike Targets after you've already completed one for the week
WeeklyTFHelper03.png Conspirator   Complete 50 Weekly Strike Targets after you've already completed one for the week
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Oobatz   Complete the The Family Raid zone event in St. Martial
Badge Gullible.png
Gullible   Make Null the Gull turn you into a seagull after asking to be more powerful

In-Game Sequential List

Warning: these sequential lists are not actively maintained. In particular, Homecoming badge changes mean the badges shown are not guaranteed to be sequential, and the descriptions may be outdated. Once other badge work is completed, we hope to update them.

V badge LordRecluseBadge.png Servant of Recluse   Complete the Lord Recluse Strike Force: Future of Freedom
V badge BatzulBadge.png Binder of Beasts   Complete the Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force: The Beast Beneath the Mountain
V badge StrikeforceSkyRaiderBadge.png Air Pirate   Complete the Silver Mantis Strike Force: Pirates of the Sky
V badge StrikeforceSharkBadge.png Leviathan   Complete the Operative Renault Strike Force: The Temple of the Waters
V badge StrikeforceSerafinaBadge.png Crystal Keeper   Complete the Ice Mistral Strike Force: The Crystal of Serafina
Badge i27 ASF complete.png Gold Standard   Complete the Dr. Aeon Strike Force: Chasing Fool's Gold
V badge StatureBadge1.png
Plague Carrier   Complete the Steal Outbreak from Lost mission from The Radio
V badge StatureBadge1.png
Mask Maker   Complete the Steal samples of the Facemaker's chemicals mission from Dr. Shelly Percey
V badge StatureBadge2.png
Stone Cold   Complete the Deal with Niles Worthington mission from Angelo Vendetti
V badge StatureBadge2.png
Bone Collector   Complete the Retrieve Loa Bone mission from Mr. Bocor
V badge StatureBadge3.png
Paragon of Vice   Complete the Defeat all Arachnos Personnel mission from Willy Wheeler
V badge StatureBadge3.png
Seaweed   Complete the Take Down Sea Witch mission from the Lorenz Ansaldo
V badge StatureBadge4.png
Strikebreaker   Complete the Bust the Dockworkers Strike mission from Lorenz Ansaldo
V badge StatureBadge4.png
Slag Reaper   Complete the Retrieve the shipment for Crash mission from Vince Dubrowski
V badge StatureBadge5.png
Agent of Discord   Complete the Take out negotiator and witnesses mission from Operative Kirkland
V badge StatureBadge5.png
Soul Taker   Complete the Offer soul of Akarist mission from Archmage Tarixus
V badge StatureBadge6.png
Bad Luck   Complete the The Unlucky Artifacts mission from Hard Luck
V badge StatureBadge6.png
Exterminator   Complete the Eliminate Kit'Vul mission from Timothy Raymond
V badge StatureBadge7.png
Skip Tracer   Complete the Catch the Freakshow debtor before he skips town mission from Basse Croupier
V badge StatureBadge7.png
Portal Hopper   Complete the Attack Longbow portal base mission from Technician Naylor
V badge StatureBadge8.png
Party Crasher   Complete the Steal Alloy from Silver Mantis mission from Dr. Forrester
V badge StatureBadge8.png
Mage Hunter   Complete the Defeat Selestar mission from Mage-Killer Zuhkara
V badge StatureBadge9.png
Efficiency Expert   Complete all of Efficiency Expert Pither's timed missions successfully
V badge StatureBadge9.png
Couch Potato   Complete the Destroy books for Television mission from Television
Badge vanguard 001.png Member of Vanguard   Complete the first mission from Levantera
Badge task force apocalyptic.png
Apocalyptic   Complete the The Lady Grey Task Force: The Seer
Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png
Speed Demon   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 25 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png
Accelerated   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 35 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png
Qualified   Complete a ski run on the Expert slope in under 45 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge thiefofmidnight.png
The Thief of Midnight   Complete the Midnight Draws Near story arc from Darrin Wade
Badge midnightsquadmember.png
Midnight Squad   Complete the Midnight's Hand story arc from Ashley McKnight, or visit the House Hunter exploration badge
Badge origins path.png
Origin of Power   Complete the Origin of Power story arc from Ashley McKnight
Badge temporal strife.png
Temporal Strife   Complete the Imperious Task Force: Time's Arrow
Badge holiday07 slalom gold.png
Speeder   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 50 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom silver.png
Agile   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 1 minute during a Winter Event
Badge holiday07 slalom bronze.png
Surefooted   Complete a ski run on the Advanced slope in under 1 minute and 10 seconds during a Winter Event
Badge I11VillainStoryArc1Complete.png
Bane of Ajax   Complete the story arc from Dean MacArthur
Badge I11VillainStoryArc2Complete.png
Explosive Finale   Complete the story arc from Leonard
Badge Antilaureate.png Laureate   Complete the "The Great Escape" zone event in Neutropolis
Badge Protestor.png Protestor   Complete the "The Protest" zone event in Nova Praetoria
Badge TakedownArtist.png Takedown Artist   Complete the "Syndicate Takedown" zone event in Imperial City
Badge DenialofService.png
Denial of Service   Attempt to penetrate the sonic barrier surrounding the Praetorian zones
Badge GotTip.png
Tipped Off   Receive your first tip
Badge AlignmentMission.png
Walking the Path   Complete an Alignment mission
Badge RogueAlignmentMission.png
Well Informed   Complete a Rogue Alignment mission
Badge VillainAlignmentMission.png
Inquisitor   Complete a Villain Alignment mission
Badge OtherAlignmentMission Villain.png
Tested the Water   Help someone complete an Alignment mission that is different from your current alignment
Badge MoralityMission Villain.png
Made a Stand   Complete a Morality Mission through Tips
P BuildCommonIA.png
Initiate   Craft a common Incarnate Ability
P BuildUnCommonIA.png
Empowered   Craft an uncommon Incarnate Ability
V badge RularuuBadge.png Pain Killer   Complete the Cathedral of Pain trial
Badge TourismPraetoria.png
Avid Reader   Read Prometheus' dialogue regarding the Well of the Furies
Badge 5thColumnVillainBadge.png Arbiter   Complete the Barracuda Strike Force: Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Badge tf tinmage complete.png Weapon Master / Warrior Princess   Complete the Apex Task Force
Badge tf alpha complete.png Alpha Struck   Complete the Tin Mage Task Force
Badge i19 villain storyarc.png
Keeper of Coral Lore   Complete the story arc from Vincent Ross
P BuildRareIA.png
Well Drinker   Craft a rare Incarnate Ability
P BuildVeryRareIA.png
Incarnate   Craft a very rare Incarnate Ability
WeeklyTFHelper01.png Accomplice   Complete a Weekly Strike Target after you've already completed one for the week
WeeklyTFHelper02.png Confederate   Complete 10 Weekly Strike Targets after you've already completed one for the week
WeeklyTFHelper03.png Conspirator   Complete 50 Weekly Strike Targets after you've already completed one for the week
Badge I20VillainStrikeForce.png Promethean   Complete the Mortimer Kal Strike Force
Badge it baf complete.png Behavior Adjuster   Complete the Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
Badge it lambda complete.png Lambda Leader   Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial
Badge it keyes complete.png Keyes Technician   Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Trial
Badge it underground complete.png Underground Seeker   Complete The Underground Trial
2100 Mercy CompleteBadge.png
Freedom Cracker   Complete Lt. Harris' story arc in Mercy Island
Badge OGTV1.png
Dark Heart   Complete the Level 5-9 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Badge OGTV2.png
Blackened Soul   Complete the Level 10-14 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Badge OGTV3.png
Face of Evil   Complete the Level 15-19 Ongoing Training story arc from Dr. Graves
Badge sewer trial complete.png Hydra Stomper   Complete the Death from Below Sewer Trial
Badge defeat seedofhamidon.png Germinator Terminator   Defeat The Seed of Hamidon in First Ward
Badge it tpn complete.png Spin Doctor   Complete the TPN Campus Trial
Badge it mom complete.png Mental Voyager   Complete the Minds of Mayhem Trial
Badge it dea complete.png Death Denied   Complete the Dilemma Diabolique Trial
BloodyBayTrial Complete.png Sibling Rivalry   Complete the Drowning in Blood trial
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Eye of Vengeance   Complete the story arc from Heather Townshend
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
The Determined Mentor   Complete the story arc from Mu'Vorkan
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Knife Butcher   Complete the story arc from Max
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Hunter of Specters   Complete the story arc from Praetor Duncan
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
The Timeless Adventurer   Complete the story arc from Sister Solaris
Mission DA Arc Complete.png
Heart of Hatred   Complete the final story arc from Dream Doctor
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Architect Writer   Complete the personal story mission from Heather Townshend
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Bound for Glory   Complete the personal story mission from Mu'Vorkan
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Nanite Man / Woman   Complete the personal story mission from Max
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Praetor Selfish   Complete the personal story mission from Praetor Duncan
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Cimeroran Hero / Heroine   Complete the personal story mission from Sister Solaris
Mission DA PersonalArc Complete.png
Truth Teller   Complete the personal story mission from Dream Doctor
Badge Achievement BlackKnightDefeats.png
The Once and Future King / Queen   Complete the story arc from Sir Bedwyr
Badge i23NightWardComplete.png
One of the Eight   Complete the story arc from The Magician
Badge i23IncarnateArcComplete.png
Imperial City's Savior   Complete the story arc from Belladonna Vetrano
Badge i23PersonalArcComplete.png
Embodiment of Law   Complete the personal story mission from Emperor Cole
Badge it magisterium complete.png Enemy of the State   Complete the Magisterium Trial
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
War Criminal   Complete the first story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Villain of the Month   Complete the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Mayhem's Creator   Complete the third story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 Incarnate Arc.png
Civilization's Savior   Complete the story arc from Number Six
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Hamidon's Enemy   Defeat a total combination of 40 Devouring Earth or The Infested in the Inside Information mission
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Honorary Bro / Sis   Rescue Dean MacArthur in the third mission of the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Remembers Their Friends   Rescue Vincent Ross in the fourth mission of the second story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 StMartial Challenge.png Pyromaniac   Arm all five bombs before Penelope Yin and Penelope Mayhem finish their fight in the fourth mission of the third story arc from Mr. G (Primal Earth)
Badge i24 Incarnate Challenge.png Avatar Smasher   Defeat the three Avatars of Hamidon in the final mission from Number Six after refusing help from the Imperial Defense Force
Badge i24 StMartial Personal Story.png
Father   Complete the personal story from Wu Yin
Badge i24 Incarnate Personal Story.png
Proud Scientist   Complete the personal story from Anti-Matter
Badge i24 Incarnate Challenge.png Dimensional Investigator   Find all the Easter eggs in each of missions from Number Six
Badge i24 StMartial Arc.png
Oobatz   Complete the The Family Raid zone event in St. Martial


This section contains information about a major update to City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

The following Accomplishment Badges are no longer attainable:

Badge TourismPraetoria.png
Knowledgeable   Purchase from the Paragon Market
  Removed in Issue 25, replaced by Knowledgeable (Exploration Badge)

External Links