Crey Industries Memo
Crey Industries Memo | |
Crey's Folly | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Crey's Folly |
Available to | Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues |
Level range | 1–50 |
Crey Industries Memo is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Crey's Folly.
Crazy for Crey's Folly
Exploration Mission
You hold in your hand a memo on Crey Industries letterhead. A dense green miasma permeates the atmosphere, and water tainted by an unfathomable number of pollutants surrounds the looming factories of this industrial district once known as Venice. You grimace at the horrible situation in the place now aptly called 'Crey's Folly'. The responsibility for this mess lies solely at the feet of Crey.
Lately, Crey have been active in the area, their agents skulking through the abandoned factories. Their official stance is that these are reclamation efforts to clean and restore, but you suspect otherwise.
- Isolate the dangers of 'Crey's Folly'.
- Leave the pollutants be.
Too Busy
With many tasks depending on you, it seems best to not risk exposing them to any contamination you might encounter here.
No More Missions
This Crey missive states that they are pulling out of the area:
"A hostile agent believed to be $name has likely compromised our intelligence network. Abort all current operations."
Looks like the jig is up; your work here was finished anyway, time to decontaminate yourself.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Crey's Folly.
Burning the Midnight Oil
This memo is an order to check the former U.S. oil reserve tanks to ensure their integrity has not been compromised in any capacity. That seems innocent enough, except based on these notes, Crey has been illegally utilizing them to store their own chemical compounds as a cost-cutting method with the benefit of avoiding red tape.
This is so typical you cannot help but roll your eyes. While the innocuous-looking tanks are not in immediate danger, you had better go confirm their locations so they can be marked for investigation. Looks like another late night for you.
- Continue Burning the Midnight Oil.
This kind of brazen disregard for consequences in the pursuit of profit is exactly what lead to this area's current degradation. One unfortunately-placed explosion near these tanks could lead to Paragon City dealing with 'Crey's Folly 2: Pollutant Boogaloo'.
Mission Objective
- Confirm illegal oil tank usage

The United States once held their oil reserves in Paragon City, until the reserves became an attractive target for villains trying to make names for themselves.
Cirque du'Freak
Whatever information was once in this Crey Industries document, it is lost after being thoroughly covered in red marker. Hopefully it was only this document that fell into the hands of the Freakshow. You do a cursory search to see if anything of merit remains within: "cR3y bL0w5", "c0Rp0r@t3 5L@v3s", and "5T@y 0uTTa c@Rn1vaL t0wN".
Putting the pieces together, you assume Crey must have been investigating the massive Freakshow community that has coagulated in the northwest area. Freaks assembling en masse is never a good sign. You had best confirm the state of affairs regarding this 'Carnival Town'.
- Attend the Cirque du'Freak
The Freakshow organizing themselves is kind of like throwing bits of metal scrap into a kitchen blender. It is going to be violent, dangerous, loud, and chaotic, with the only real "order" being that it's all contained in one place.
It is difficult to imagine anything good coming out of this town of Freaks.
Mission Objective
- Observe Freakshow's Carnival Town

From this vantage point, one can get an excellent view of Carnival Town: the Freakshow community that has grown like a fungus on Venice's rotting corpse. This is more than a stronghold or a headquarters for the Freakshow, this is their version of a "community," a new world as seen through the filter of a violent and deranged mind. It has laws, customs, even holidays, but make no mistake: it is a place of violence, debasement, and depravity where the weak are quickly culled. Many see it as a cancer from which a psychological and sociological poison can spread to infect other parts of Paragon City, a breeding ground for dark memes best kept contained.
Crey Cares
This press release highlights Crey Industries efforts in restoring the Paragon Water Works for the purpose of reclamation and filtration. It also mentions the suspiciously large security detail overseeing the project is to prevent damages from the Devouring Earth.
While now is not the time to make a frontal assault and infiltrate the facility proper, a cursory reconnaissance run to gauge the situation would be worth undertaking.
- Challenge notion that Crey Cares.
There is nothing good that can come from an endeavor that warrants so many heavily-armed security troopers. This facility is a prospect that Crey has invested in heavily, which by itself is a cause for concern.
You had best prepare for what may lay ahead.
Mission Objective
- Investigate Crey's filtration plant

Crey Industries has taken over this island in the Water Processing district with the intention of using its extensive collection and filtration infrastructure to spearhead a plan that would clear from the air and water the strange toxic element that emerged after the Rikti invasion. But those who know the truth, and are not intimidated into silence, know that Crey is actually collecting and concentrating this element for unknown purposes.
Crey Watcher
The Crey Industries logo on these memos feigning environmental concern and philanthropic sentiments makes your stomach turn. You look around, every corner of this place has been befouled by the contaminates. It will surely take many decades to truly cleanse this place of all the dangerous pollutants.
Then there is the substantial villain occupation that Paragon City simply does not have the means to oppose. Crey will not be allowed to do as they please within this disaster of their making. You will ensure their efforts bear no fruit.
- Stand as a Crey Watcher.
Unfortunately, even with your best intentions and efforts, you are unlikely to make a meaningful dent in the problems plaguing 'Crey's Folly'. Regardless, you will see what you can do. It may only be a small start, but it will be a start nonetheless.
Crey had best watch themselves, there is a $Archetype out for them.
Mission Objective
- Patrol 'Crey's Folly'

Crey's defensive measures against the Rikti brought about an environmental nightmare in this area, turning the neighborhood once called 'Venice' into 'Crey's Folly.'
Eyes of Nemesis
This document details Crey's goal of eliminating the presence of Nemesis soldiers within 'Crey's Folly'. It is convincingly well-intentioned, but you know better. If anything the Prussian Prince of Automatons' forces are hindering Crey's true objectives.
The two groups are scientific rivals within a district that is rich in spoils for the plundering. It comes as no surprise that competition runs high. It would be best to monitor things closely without drawing too much attention to yourself.
- Pull the wool over the Eyes of Nemesis.
Villain disputes are difficult chemical fires to extinguish, as each incident triggers a heavy-handed retaliation from the other. It truly is an endless cycle of criminal violence.
Sometimes it seems like the only recourse would be for an operation to completely defeat both parties simultaneously to eliminate any potential return fire.
Mission Objective
- Observe Nemesis and Crey disputes

From this non-descript perch near the Brickstown entrance, the agents of Nemesis monitor everyone who enters Crey's Folly. Though it would not seem so on the surface, Crey's Folly is a hotly contested area, particularly among groups with a strong scientific background such as Crey and Nemesis.
Freak's Folly
This proclamation from Crey states that they are dedicated to pushing the Freakshow out of the northwestern district and reclaiming the area for Paragon City. In truth it seems a deal was struck; this wasteland contains a factory that is critical in the synthesizing of Excelsior that the Freaks rely on. They make good on this exchange by repaying Crey in violent "favors".
This Crey document makes no mistake in noting how important this operation is to their agenda. You are equally sure the Freakshow know how crucial it is to maintain their drug supply line. This facility plays a key role between two groups' operations, you definitely want this one on your radar.
- Witness the Freak's Folly.
Despite the importance of the factory, their enduring the many contaminants of this wasteland is a high price to maintain it.
There is a very real chance if the Freakshow habitation continues they will transform into something else entirely. That is, if they survive that long...
Mission Objective
- Check on Excelsior factory

Crey's Folly is a toxic cesspool, and only a group as demented as the Freakshow could ever consider such a place home. They attribute their hearty constitutions and Crey's super-booster drugs as the means by which they are able to tolerate the noxious environment. In truth, however, the poisons that suffuse the ground, water, and air of Crey's Folly are slowly taking their toll and were it not for the general lethality of the Freakshow's lifestyle, the numbers lost to the environmental toxins would be more apparent.
Hammer of the Rikti
This is a work assignment for certain Crey agents to take energy readings at the sites of major damage from the First Rikti War. Parts of 'Crey's Folly' were utterly devastated during the "alpha strike". There is no disputing the hammer fell hardest in these areas and there is almost nothing left behind but ashes and stranded aliens.
Such destructive power should not be permitted to fall into Crey's hands, even if their chances of finding anything is unlikely. You decide to intercept any signs of Crey activity just in case.
- See where Hammer of the Rikti fell.
How drastically the First Rikti War influenced the course of history is still staggering no matter how many years have passed. You ponder the world today, in spite of the losses of the past, perhaps things are better off.
Should an even greater threat than the Rikti suddenly emerge, you would like to think that the Earth would be ready to face it.
Mission Objective
- Survey Rikti War damages

When Venice was targeted by the Rikti in their initial strike, this is where their first attack was centered. The area was flattened and Rikti forces streamed into the area, slaying all they encountered. As this location was the site of the main Crey administration facility, various groups are eager to plumb the ruins in search of lost tech, but the Rikti are thick in this area and have managed to repel any attempts to survey the damage.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Under the pretext that they are going to be in the building to deactivate any left-over Rikti traps and assess the building's safety, this memo outlines the truth.
Crey Industries are there to get their hands on any Rikti technology or intel that may still exist in the former Venice Industrial Development Initiative headquarters. You decide to beat them to the punch and ensure no dangerous alien technology ends up in the Countess' grasp.
- See Rikti's Veni, Vidi, Vici.
It appears this administrative skyscraper was a key tactical point for the Rikti in their conquest of the former Venice district. Its strategic positioning made it a high-profile target, you are surprised there was not a greater effort to ensure its security.
Ultimately, no one could have predicted that war and the Rikti's sudden invasion. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.
Mission Objective
- Stand atop V.I.D.I building

This imposing structure was built to house the main administrative offices of the Venice Industrial Development Initiative (V.I.D.I.). When the Rikti invaded they quickly swarmed through the building and assumed complete control. They used the information contained to further their goals of capturing the region while also using its tactical vantage point to coordinate strikes throughout Paragon City.