Demons of Diabolique

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The Demons of Diabolique are demons commanded by Diabolique that are brought under the sway of her power as it has increased with her connection to the death god, Mot. They are among the forces sent against those who would challenge her self-imposed title of Death Incarnate during the Dilemma Diabolique Trial.

Enemy Types


Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon

As she has grown in power, Diabolique has also increased her command in the depths of the shadow worlds beyond our own. Her personal forces have grown to include among them the ranks of the demons, including this Shadow Demon.


IceBlast FreezingRain.png Ice Storm Ranged (Location AoE), High DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Shred your foes with this Ice Storm. This power deals a lot of damage in a large area and can Slow all affected targets movement and attack speed.

IceBlast FrostBreath.png Frost Breath Ranged (Cone), High DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are frozen by the Frost Breath. You are taking damage over time and your attack speed and movement speed are reduced.

IceBlast BitterFrostBlast.png Bitter Ice Blast Ranged, Extreme DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit
A slower yet more powerful version of Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast deals much more damage and can also reduce your enemy's Accuracy. Like other Ice Blast powers, Bitter Ice Blast can Slow a target's movement and attack speed.

MedievalWeapons MaceSwing.png Frost Sword Melee, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal)
The Hellstrike can summon an infernal sword that deals moderate lethal and cold damage.

IceFormation Glacier.png Glacier PBAoE, Foe Hold, -Recharge, -Speed
You can freeze all foes around yourself in blocks of Glacial ice. The targets are frozen solid, helpless, and can be attacked. Even after the victims emerge, they remain chilled and their attack and movement speed is Slowed for a while. This power can only be cast near the ground.

IceArmor IceArmor.png Frozen Armor Toggle, Self Res( S24 L24 F8 C16 T16 )
While this power is active, you coat yourself in rock hard Frozen Armor. The hardness of the Frozen Armor offers good defense to Smashing and Lethal attack as well as reduces Cold damage. Also, Fire attacks deal slightly less damage.

IceArmor Hoarfrost.png Resistance Auto, Res( F-20 C20 )
Lilitu's Horde are resistant to Cold Damage but vulnerable to Fire.


Shadow Mistress

Shadow Mistress

As she has grown in power, Diabolique has also increased her command in the depths of the shadow worlds beyond our own. Her personal forces have grown to include among them the ranks of the demons, including this Shadow Mistress.


Illusions Decieve.png Come Hither Ranged, Foe Confuse, Placate
You can Deceive an enemy into believing his friends are not who they appear to be. If successful, the enemy will ignore you and attack his own allies. If you Deceive someone before they have noticed you, your presence will continue to be masked.

DarkCast DarkObliteration.png Hellish Bolts Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Negative), Foe -ToHit
You hurl a large blast of mire that violently explodes on impact, exposing the dark power of the Netherworld to all foes near the target. Hellish Bolts can reduce the accuracy of all affected targets.

MentalControl Command.png Entrance Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Hold
Entrance and renders a foe helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.

Claws Slash.png Blackclaw Melee, Heavy DMG(Negative/Lethal), Foe -DEF
You perform a slash with your hellish claws, dealing a good amount of lethal and negative energy damage and reducing the target's defenses.

IceArmor Hoarfrost.png Resistance Auto, Res( F-20 C20 )
Lilitu's Horde are resistant to Cold Damage but vulnerable to Fire.


Shadow Lord

Shadow Lord

As she has grown in power, Diabolique has also increased her command in the depths of the shadow worlds beyond our own. Her personal forces have grown to include among them the ranks of the demons, including this Shadow Lord.


IceBlast FrostBreath.png Frost Breath Ranged (Cone), High DoT(Cold), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
You are frozen by the Frost Breath. You are taking damage over time and your attack speed and movement speed are reduced.

IceBlast BitterFrostBlast.png Bitter Ice Blast Ranged, Extreme DMG(Cold/Smash), Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -ToHit
A slower yet more powerful version of Ice Blast, Bitter Ice Blast deals much more damage and can also reduce your enemy's Accuracy. Like other Ice Blast powers, Bitter Ice Blast can Slow a target's movement and attack speed.

MentalControl Terrify.png Terrify Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear
This power Terrifies foes within a cone area in front of you, causing them to tremble in Fear uncontrollably. The affect is so frightening and overwhelming, that the target takes real damage from the physiological response to this Psionic attack.

IcyOnslaught IceSword.png Infernal Frost Sword Melee, Moderate DMG(Cold/Lethal), Foe -Recharge, -Speed
The Lord of Blades has slowed your movement and attack rate with his Ice Sword.

FieryFray FireSword.png Dancing Infernal Swords Summon 8 dancing swords
You can summon dancing swords to fight for you in battle.

Dancing Sword
MedievalWeapons Sword.png Dancing Sword Melee, Minor DMG(Lethal)
This dancing sword seems to have a mind of its own attacking victims with slashing blows.

IceArmor IceArmor.png Frozen Armor Toggle, Self Res( S30 L30 F10 C20 T20 )
While this power is active, you coat yourself in rock hard Frozen Armor. The hardness of the Frozen Armor offers good defense to Smashing and Lethal attack as well as reduces Cold damage. Also, Fire attacks deal slightly less damage.

IceArmor Hoarfrost.png Resistance Auto, Res( F-20 C20 )
Lilitu's Horde are resistant to Cold Damage but vulnerable to Fire.