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This information is about unimplemented features that were confirmed via one or more methods, but might have changed significantly before being released.


Devoured or Rescued Devoured was a proposed Praetorian Epic Archetype that was never implemented. All that remains in the game are unused Inherent powers.

Power Sets

The intended Powersets of Devoured are unknown. Similar to other Epic Archetypes, it is likely they would not have access to Ancillary or Patron Power Pools.

Inherent Powers

Inherent BlasterDesperation.png Battle Euphoria

While engaged in combat, Devoured become filled with endorphins and adrenaline, fueling their attacks and combat lust. Each time they attack or are attacked, they gain a bonus to attack damage.

Type Archetype-Specific (Devoured)
Effects Self +DMG, Special

See Also

External Links