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Emissary of Eros
Zone Pocket D
Coordinates (-52, 0, -1014)[Copy]
Level Range 1-50
Introduced By None
Introduces DJ Zero
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge event HandsomeBeautiful.png Handsome
v  d  e

Ganymede is a City of Heroes contact that is located in Pocket D during Valentine's Events. He is a special contact that is only available during the events. His coordinates, when present, are (-52, 0, -1014)[Copy] . He is the villain counterpart of Scratch.


Contact Introduced By

  • None. Ganymede starts assigning missions immediately to all heroes. Upon logging on a character for the first time during a Valentine's Event, a pop-up window will appear with the following message:

Ganymede needs to talk to you in the Pocket D! You can find an entrance in King's Row, Talos Island or Founder's Falls in Primal Earth, or via Studio 55 in Imperial City in Praetoria.

Contact Introduces

Have you been introduced to DJ Zero? He's pretty impressive for a mortal, and I hear he needs a hand.

Hey, now that you've proven yourself, DJ Zero has another problem he needs taken care of. Head to the middle of the Pocket D and see what you can do for him.

DJ Zero is the driving force behind the Pocket D, you can find him in the middle of the dance floor.


Emissary of Eros

Ganymede was a mortal who impressed the gods so much he was made the cup bearer of Zeus. Now he's at the Pocket D on a task from Eros.

Wrong Faction

Sorry but I need a Hero to lead this mission, maybe you should talk to Scratch over on the other side.

Contact Unlocked

Ganymede needs to talk to you in the Pocket D! You can find an entrance in King's Row, Talos Island or Founder's Falls.

Initial Contact

Glad you made it. Eros needs some help and I think you might be the one.


Greetings Character, pleased to meet you.

Too Busy

When you're not busy I have a task from Eros that needs looking after.

No More Missions

Thanks for you help Character, you may want to check with the crowd on the other side, I heard Scratch saying something about needing help from a real Hero.


Find out where Arachnos is keeping Aphrodite's girdle


Eros has discovered that Arachnos has managed to get their hands on Aphrodite's girdle. Despite his efforts, he has been unable to retrieve his mother's artifact and has asked DJ Zero to get a group together who can find and recapture the girdle. This task requires the expertise of both Heroes and Villains alike. You should also check with Chilly or Dram upstairs and pick up some Dimension Drop powers to help you out! Find out where Arachnos is keeping Aphrodite's girdle.

Mission Acceptance

Alright Character, the Council have been keeping an eye on Arachnos and seem to know a bit about the artifact. Head into their outpost, take them out and go through their data banks to find out where Arachnos is hiding the girdle.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't lose heart Character, Eros has faith that you can find where his mother's girdle is being stored. If you're having trouble go talk to Chilly or Dram and get a few of the Dimension Drop powers to help you out.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the blipping of Council computers further in.

  • Defeat all Council in base
    • Search the computers!

You have removed the Council from the picture and found the location of the girdle.

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

Girdle Location

You have discovered where the girdle of Aphrodite is being kept.


You are a worthy one!

Bring the girdle of Aphrodite back to Ganymede


Now that you know where the girdle is all you have to do is help a Villain, Rogue, or Loyalist break into the Arachnos compound and take it back. Retrieve the girdle of Aphrodite for Eros.

Mission Acceptance

Remember Character, you'll need a Villain, Rogue, or Loyalist to break the magic that is keeping the girdle from us. After they destroy the artifact, retrieve the girdle and bring it back to me. If you succeed Eros won't soon forget it. If you need some extra help go talk to Chilly or Dram upstairs and pick up one of the Dimension Drop powers to give you a boost.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Eros really wants his mother's girdle, Character. Remember, you have to team up with a Villain to defeat the defenses. If you're having problems go see Chilly or Dram upstairs and pick up a Dimension Drop power.

Mission Objective(s)

Somewhere in this complex Aphrodite's girdle is locked away.

  • Destroy the lock box and take the girdle
    • Get a Villain, Rogue, or Loyalist to destroy the lock box
  • Take the girdle of Aphrodite!

Now you can take the girdle back to Ganymede.



Notable NPCs


Pass Key

This is a security pass key you found on Operative Tupelo.


Despite your best efforts, you're unable to destroy the lock box. You will need someone who is a Villain, Rogue, or Loyalist to help you.


Your mere presence manages to cause the box to crack, and then after a few moments, shatter, releasing Aphrodite's girdle!


Thanks for you help Character, you may want to check with the crowd on the other side, I heard Scratch saying something about needing help from a real Hero.


Completing both this mission as well as the Get a hero to the cauldron and destroy it mission from Scratch will award the Handsome Badge for male characters and the Beautiful Badge for female characters, along with the Nectar temporary power.


Eros can bring out the beauty in any being.


Ranged, Targeted Area of Effect, Foe: Confuse, Placate

Eros has fashioned a version of Ambrosia from the waters of the Well of the Furies, which he has dubbed 'Nectar'. Eros' Nectar can be used up to 20 times on opponents to beguile them, effectively placating and confusing them

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 3 Reward Merits.

See what DJ Zero needs help with


DJ Zero has asked for some help with assisting the powers of Spring, Friendship, and Love this season. I think it's a wonderful idea! Why don't you go find out what he's talking about? He seems pretty panicked, I bet he can use all the help he can get.

Mission Acceptance

Wonderful! Well, he's all of about ten yards away, so this should be easy.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you talked to DJ Zero yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with DJ Zero


Hey Character, guess what? It's that time of the year again! I've seen it a million times in trillion places, but it's always a rush. Flowers blooming, glances across the dance floor - feelings of renewal, friendship, love...

DJ Zero busts out into a dance move or two, then abruptly stops.

Whoa, getting carried away again! So tell me, want to help make the season a success?

  • Yes
Perfect! Let me attune you to the transdimensional Valentines, and pretty soon they'll all be taken care of. Voila!
  • Wait, what? Valentines?
Every year around this time, people send each other Valentines. Some are physical, some metaphorical, some are just wishes in the air. Most of them never get where they're supposed to go, sad face. So I thought to myself, 'Zero, old chum, wouldn't it be great if all those missed connections actually hit their target?' And before I knew it... Voila! Rules rewritten. Metaverse altered. To be honest, I didn't expect it to work. And actually, it didn't quite work...
  • No
Are you suuuure? You'll miss out on the fun! Plus, I haven't even told you what's up!
  • What is this about?
Every year around this time, people send each other Valentines. Some are physical, some metaphorical, some are just wishes in the air. Most of them never get where they're supposed to go, sad face. So I thought to myself, 'Zero, old chum, wouldn't it be great if all those missed connections actually hit their target?' And before I knew it... Voila! Rules rewritten. Metaverse altered. To be honest, I didn't expect it to work. And actually, it didn't quite work...
  • How?
Every year around this time, people send each other Valentines. Some are physical, some metaphorical, some are just wishes in the air. Most of them never get where they're supposed to go, sad face. So I thought to myself, 'Zero, old chum, wouldn't it be great if all those missed connections actually hit their target?' And before I knew it... Voila! Rules rewritten. Metaverse altered. To be honest, I didn't expect it to work. And actually, it didn't quite work...
  • Go on
The only teensy snag is, I sort of jumbled it and left a lot of bits and pieces floating around in the ethereal planes. Long story short, there are a lot of Valentines which still need delivering, and now I've got no time to do it!
Look, it's real simple. All I have to do is attune you to the vibe of the Valentines. You'll start running across them out in the world or when you do something Spring-related. Then all you gotta do is deliver them!
So how about it?
  • Alright
I knew it! You'll be perfect for it. Alright, here we go!
DJ Zero looks at you intently, cracks his knuckles and snaps both his fingers simultaneously.
Voila! I, DJ Zero, deputize you, Character, as a transdimensional Valentine agent! Go forth and shake it up!
  • Leave