Halox Von Horn

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Halox Von Horn

Halox Von Horn is an NPC in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park. He is not a contact. His coordinates are (298, 32, -709)[Copy] . He looks like a magic-origin hero in a purple and green costume. He was added with Issue 21. The player cannot interact with Halox Von Horn. Halox Von Horn stands near a group of reporters.

Dialogue by Halox Von Horn with reporters:

  • Halox Von Horn: No, I will not be going back to the city. My work there is done. What will I be doing? I will be here, of course. We do have serious problems with the Hellions, you know.
  • News Reporter: What's the bottom line? What happened in Galaxy City?
  • Halox Von Horn: Interesting question. I am not certain the exact science behind the meteors, but I am prepared to say they were not a natural occurrence.
  • News Reporter: What is the situation in Galaxy City?
  • Halox Von Horn: The current situation in Galaxy City is not good. The police have sealed off all entrances into the city.
  • Halox Von Horn: Yes, I can confirm vast destruction in Galaxy City. There are portions that are practically unrecognizable.
  • News Reporter: What role did Back Alley Brawler play in this event?