Homecoming Wiki:Invention Origin Enhancements

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This article discusses how to create an Invention Origin Enhancement/Recipe article. These articles are highly templated and thus may be difficult for users who are unfamiliar with the templates to create without such a guide.


{{InventionEnhHead|Kinetic Crash}}

== Effects ==
{{IOEffectPreamble|recharge time|endurance reduction}}
{{IOEffectTables|num=2|from=21|to=50|Recharge|Endurance Reduction}}

== Recipe ==
{{DropRecipeHead|Kinetic Crash|U}}
|{{ISalvage|Ancient Artifact|1|21-25}}<br />
{{ISalvage|Boresight|1|21-25}}<br />
|{{ISalvage|Masterwork Weapon|1|26-40}}<br />
{{ISalvage|Iron|1|26-40}}<br />
|{{ISalvage|Nevermelting Ice|1|41-50}}<br />
{{ISalvage|Mathematic Proof|1|41-50}}<br />
{{ISalvage|Chaos Theorem|1|41-50}}}}

[[Category:Invention Set Enhancements]]

(See Kinetic Crash: Recharge/Endurance for the results of above.)

Templates Template


== Effects ==


== Recipe ==
|{{ISalvage|||}}<br />

[[Category:Invention Set Enhancements]]



See also: {{InventionEnhHead}}

The template takes one argument: the name of the IO Set that this enhancement is part of. For example:

{{InventionEnhHead|Kinetic Combat}}

This will put the IO's image at the top of the page, as well as some text saying what set the IO is part of.

NOTE: If the enhancement is a Common, use {{InventionEnhHeadCommon}} instead. If the enhancement is Attuned, use {{AttunedEnhHead}}


See also: {{IOFlagUnique}}, {{IOFlagUniqueStealth}}, {{IOFlagProc}}, {{IOFlagGlobal}}, {{IOFlag50}}

Place these templates in the article if any of the flags apply.

  • {{IOFlagUnique}} Unique: No more than one enhancement of this type may be slotted by a character.
  • {{IOFlagUniqueStealth}} Unique: No more than one enhancement of this type may be slotted by a character. This includes enhancements from other sets with the same stealth effects.
  • {{IOFlagProc}} Proc: This enhancement has a chance of taking effect each time its power is used.
  • {{IOFlagGlobal}} Global: This enhancement functions as a set bonus and is always on, even if in a toggle that is turned off.
  • {{IOFlag50}} Level 50: Characters must be level 50 to slot this enhancement.


See also: {{SuperPackPurchase}}

The template is used to denote enhancements obtained from Super Packs and takes one argument: a code for the super pack type. Code HV is used for Heroes and Villains super packs, code RV for Rogues and Vigilantes super packs, and LW for Lords of Winter super packs. For example,


Will produce an infobox describing the super pack type from which the enhancement can be obtained, which in this case is Heroes and Villains


See also: {{MeritCost}}

The template takes one argument: the Merit Vendor cost to purchase the specific set recipe. For example:


Set to 0 if it is not purchasable at a Merit Vendor. The following text will result:

"This recipe cannot be purchased at a Merit Vendor."


See also: {{IOEffectProc}}

Some IO's do not actually enhance any aspect of their slotted power. Instead, they provide a chance for a proc to happen or confer global bonuses.

For enhancements that provide a proc, use {{IOEffectProc}} to provide the information about the proc. It requires two parameters, one which details the nature of the proc, and one which specifies the number of procs per minute. There is also an optional parameter for describing the proc chance. The documentation for {{IOEffectProc}} provides more information, but some code examples are:

{{IOEffectProc|custom=a chance to reduce your target's damage resistance by 20%|ppm=3.5}}
{{IOEffectProc|chancemod=minor|other=knock down|ppm=1}}
{{IOEffectProc|damage=minor negative energy|ppm=3}}

Some enhancement examples are:

For enhancements that provide a global bonus, the global effects should be manually created. The section should be brief, but thorough. Include all numbers available, and any restrictions or oddities. Some examples are:

Some IOs include an enhancement portion and a global bonus or proc. In this case, provide a brief description of the global bonus and/or use {{IOEffectProc}} for the proc, followed by {{IOEffectPreamble}} for the enhancement portion. Some examples are:


See also: {{IOEffectPreamble}}

This template establishes the aspects of the power enhanced by the IO. It takes between one and four arguments, each being an aspect of the power. Please see the template's documentation for the recommended wording to be used for various aspects.

Some examples:

{{IOEffectPreamble|accuracy|damage|recharge time}}
{{IOEffectPreamble|accuracy|damage|recharge time|endurance reduction}}


See also: {{IOEffectTables}}

This generates the tables that provide the percentage improvement conferred by the enhancement on each of the aspects it improves. It takes several named arguments and several position arguments. It needs from and to parameters to specify the level ranges of the enhancement. It needs a num parameter that specifies how many aspects the enhancement has (1, 2, 3, or 4). And it accepts up to four position parameters, which should be the names of the aspects it enhances (Accuracy, Damage, Recharge, etc.).

Some examples:

{{IOEffectTables|num=4|from=30|to=53|Accuracy|Damage|Endurance Reduction|Recharge}}

NOTE: If the enhancement is a Common, use {{InventionEnhHeadCommon}} instead.


See also: {{DropRecipeHead}}

This template opens up the Recipe section of the article. It provides the recipe's image, the recipe's rareness and how to obtain it, and it indicates how much it sells for in stores. It also leads into the next template.

The template gets two parameters, the set's name and its drop rarity (see template page for rarity keywords). For example:

{{DropRecipeHead|Bruising Blow|U}}

The template can take a third parameter to override the level it is treated as for crafting purposes, as well as one or more optional parameters as described in the documentation for {{DropRecipeHead}}

NOTE: If the enhancement is a Common, use {{InventionEnhHeadCommon}} instead.


See also: {{DropRecipeTables}}

NOTE: If the enhancement is a Common, use individual {{RecipeTableEntry}} templates for each recipe level.


See also: {{ISalvage}}

Used to link to Invention Salvage; used instead of direct links to facilitate lists of where salvage is used.