Invention Salvage

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Invention Salvage (a type of Salvage), along with Recipes, are used to craft enhancements, costumes, respecs, and powers first introduced by the Invention System in Issue 9. Invention salvage is acquired by defeating PvE enemies, spending Reward Merits, spending Tickets, trading with other players, or buying from the Auction House.

Salvage Details


In all, there are 108 different pieces of invention salvage. Each piece has an origin, a level bracket, and a rarity, and there are six different pieces in each possible combination of these categories.

There are two origins: Arcane and Technological. Which origin an enemy might drop depends on its faction. Most enemies will drop only one or the other, although a few can drop either.

There are three level brackets: Low-Level, Mid-Level, and High-Level. Low-Level invention salvage may be dropped by enemies from levels 4-25. Mid-Level salvage may be dropped by enemies level 20-39. High-Level salvage may be dropped by enemies level 35+. Note that these ranges overlap. Enemies in an overlap might drop invention salvage from either valid bracket.

There are three rarities: Common, Uncommon, and Rare. The rarity of a piece of salvage is reflected by the color of its title and by the "Invention Salvage Found!" message: white for Common, yellow for Uncommon, orange for Rare. For each drop, the Common:Uncommon:Rare ratio is 22:5:1:

  • Common: 22 in 28 chance (78.57%)
  • Uncommon: 5 in 28 chance (17.86%)
  • Rare: 1 in 28 chance (3.57%)

A player receives the following message upon receiving the first piece of invention salvage:

You have received your first piece of Invention Salvage. This can be used with more Salvage and Recipes to create Enhancements, Costume pieces, or Temporary Powers. To learn more about the Invention System, see any trainer.

Drop Rates

Each enemy you defeat has a chance of dropping one piece of invention salvage, provided it is at least level 4 and its con color is green or higher.

  • Underling: never
  • Minion: 8%
  • Lieutenant/Sniper: 10.64%
  • Boss/Elite Boss: 25%
  • Archvillain: either never or 43.22%, depending on the AV

The chance of a drop depends entirely on the critter's Rank. Higher-level enemies do not drop salvage more often. Teams also do not directly increase the chance that each enemy might drop invention salvage, although they indirectly increase the total amount of invention salvage found by causing more, and higher-ranked, enemies to spawn. However, this increase is offset by the fact that each enemy can drop only one piece of invention salvage regardless of team size, and each drop goes to a random team member.

Enemy Origins

Enemies and enemy groups that will drop Arcane salvage only: Banished Pantheon, Bat'Zul, Black Swan, Cabal, Cap au Diable Demons, Carnival of Shadows, Cimeroran Traitors, Circle of Thorns, Coralax, Diabolique, Fir Bolg, Ghosts, Hellions, Infernal, Lanaruu, Legacy Chain, Luddites, Midnight Squad, Minions of Igneous, Mother Mayhem, Psychic Clockwork, Red Caps, Rularuu, Shadowhunter, Shadow Shard Reflections, Slag Golems, Snakes, Spectral Pirates, Tsoo, Tuatha de Dannan, Tyrant, Wailers, Warriors, Winter Horde.

Enemies and enemy groups that will drop Technological salvage only: Antimatter, 60's Arachnos, Arachnoids, Battle Maiden, Bobcat, Cage Consortium Guards, Crazed, Crey, Dockworkers, Family, Freakshow, Gold Brickers, Hydra, Infected, Knives of Artemis, Lost, Loyalists, Malaise, Malta, Marauder, Mooks, Nemesis, Neuron, Nictus, Outcasts, Paragon Police Department, Peacebringers, Prisoners, Rikti, Rogue Island Police, Rogue Robots, Scrapyarders, Security Guards, Shivans, Siege, Skulls, Sky Raiders, Spetsnaz Commandos, Thugs, Trolls, Turrets, Vahzilok, Werewolves.

Enemies and enemy groups that will drop both Arcane and Technological salvage: 5th Column, Arachnos, Axis America, Chimera, Clockwork, Council, Council Empire, Devouring Earth, Dominatrix, generic/mission heroes, generic/mission villains, Longbow, Rogue Arachnos, Vanguard Shield, Vanguard Sword, Vindicators, Void Hunters, WISDOM, Wyvern.

NPC Sale Value

Invention salvage sells for the following influence/infamy values to NPC stores and contacts:

Common: 250 inf
Uncommon: 1000 inf
Rare: 5000 inf


See also: Invention System Capacity

Each character can hold up to 200 total invention salvage pieces in their Invention Salvage tab, and up to 100 more in their Vault Reserve inventory. The total storage capacity of both increases with the character's level, and personal storage can be increased by other means as well.

Invention Salvage Items

What follows is an alphabetical listing of all available invention salvage, with accompanying descriptions and links. For a more compact overview, see Invention Salvage Tiers.

Alchemical Gold

See also: Alchemical Gold Salvage

Salvage AlchemicalGold.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This was once lead, but has been alchemically changed into gold.

Alchemical Silver

See also: Alchemical Silver Salvage

Salvage AlchemicalSilver.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This was once tin, but has been alchemically changed into silver.

Ancient Artifact

See also: Ancient Artifact Salvage

Salvage FaLakAmulet.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

This could be extremely valuable, or complete garbage. Hard to tell.

Ancient Bone

See also: Ancient Bone Salvage

Salvage BoneFragment.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This bone holds more secrets than you can know.

Black Blood of the Earth

See also: Black Blood of the Earth Salvage

Salvage RYlehSRain.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

No, it's not oil, it's the Black Blood of the Earth.

Bleeding Stone

See also: Bleeding Stone Salvage

Salvage BleedingStone.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

People who use the phrase 'like getting blood from a stone' obviously have never seen this.

Blood of the Incarnate

See also: Blood of the Incarnate Salvage

Salvage BloodSample.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A vial of blood from a recipient of the power of the Well of the Furies.

Carnival of Shadows Mask

See also: Carnival of Shadows Mask Salvage

Salvage CarnivalofShadowsMask.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A mask from the Carnival of Shadows.

Clockwork Gear

See also: Clockwork Gear Salvage

Salvage ClockworkGear.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A gear from one of the Clockwork King's minions.

Clockwork Winder

See also: Clockwork Winder Salvage

Salvage ClockworkWinder.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

The big key seen sticking out of the back of so many of the Clockwork King's creations.

Deific Weapon

See also: Deific Weapon Salvage

Salvage EnchantedWeapon.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A weapon lored to have belonged to an ancient god.

Demonic Blood Sample

See also: Demonic Blood Sample Salvage

Salvage KheldianBloodSample.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A blood sample of a demon from the Netherworld.

Demonic Threat Report

See also: Demonic Threat Report Salvage

Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

An official report from MAGI about the threat demons possess to the material world.


See also: Destiny Salvage

Salvage Scrolls.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

Does this hold a person's true destiny? Can destiny be changed?


See also: Diamond Salvage

Salvage Diamond.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

An extremely rare gemstone.

Empowered Sigil

See also: Empowered Sigil Salvage

Salvage ArcaneGlyph.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This powerful rune has many uses.

Enchanted Impervium

See also: Enchanted Impervium Salvage

Salvage EnchantedImpervium.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

An enchanted chunk of impervium, the hardest metal in the known universe.

Ensorcelled Weapon

See also: Ensorcelled Weapon Salvage

Salvage EnchantedWeapon.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A weapon empowered with magic.

Essence of the Furies

See also: Essence of the Furies Salvage

Salvage EssenceFuries.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

Water from the Well of the Furies, slightly tainted.


See also: Fortune Salvage

Salvage Scrolls.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A cryptic message that tells you more about yourself than what the future may hold.

Hamidon Goo

See also: Hamidon Goo Salvage

Salvage ShivanEctoplasm.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A souvenir of a battle with the Hamidon.

Lament Box

See also: Lament Box Salvage

Salvage MagicalArtifact.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A rare puzzle box, too complicated for you to open.

Living Tattoo

See also: Living Tattoo Salvage

Salvage Tatoo.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This ink work seems to dance on the patch of skin its attached to.

Luck Charm

See also: Luck Charm Salvage

Salvage Ring.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

You're not sure what it is, but people claim it improves their luck when they have it.

Magical Conspiracy

See also: Magical Conspiracy Salvage

Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This is big. Really big.

Masterwork Weapon

See also: Masterwork Weapon Salvage

Salvage ThornFragmentold.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

This weapon is of exquisite workmanship.

Mu Vestment

See also: Mu Vestment Salvage

Salvage Cloak.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

One of the vestments worn by the Mu.

Nevermelting Ice

See also: Nevermelting Ice Salvage

Salvage IceShard.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

Odd how this ice stays cold to the touch, but never seems to melt away completely.

Page from the Malleus Mundi

See also: Page from the Malleus Mundi Salvage

Salvage ParagonPoliceFiles.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

One of the missing pages from the infamous book of global devastation, the Malleus Mundi.

Pangean Soil

See also: Pangean Soil Salvage

Salvage ArcanePowder.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

Fertile soil from the time before time.


See also: Prophecy Salvage

Salvage Scrolls.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

Only the Fates know if this prophecy will come true.

Psionic Ectoplasm

See also: Psionic Ectoplasm Salvage

Salvage Ectoplasm.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

Physical residue from the manifestation of psionic powers.

Psionic Manifestation

See also: Psionic Manifestation Salvage

Salvage Saber.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A remnant of a psychic manifestation.

Psionic Threat Report

See also: Psionic Threat Report Salvage

Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

An official FBSA report on psionic threats to Paragon City.

Psionicly Charged Brass

See also: Psionicly Charged Brass Salvage

Salvage PsionizedMetal.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

Brass pieces that are covered in psychic ectoplasm.

Regenerating Flesh

See also: Regenerating Flesh Salvage

Salvage Tissuesample.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This piece of flesh seems to be growing into... something.


See also: Ruby Salvage

Salvage Ruby.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A red colored precious gem.


See also: Rune Salvage

Salvage MagicalWard.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A symbol of magical writing, containing within it great power.

Runebound Armor

See also: Runebound Armor Salvage

Salvage RuneboundArmor.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

An armor plate empowered with runes.


See also: Sapphire Salvage

Salvage Sapphire.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A blue colored precious gem.

Soul Trapped Gem

See also: Soul Trapped Gem Salvage

Salvage SoulTrappedGem.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A gemstone with the soul of a sentient being trapped inside of it.

Soulbound Armor

See also: Soulbound Armor Salvage

Salvage SoulboundArmor.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A piece of armor with an unwilling soul bound into it.

Spell Ink

See also: Spell Ink Salvage

Salvage TsooInk.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

Inks used in the transcribing of powerful magic spells.

Spell Scroll

See also: Spell Scroll Salvage

Salvage Scrolls.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A scroll describing a simple spell.

Spirit Thorn

See also: Spirit Thorn Salvage

Salvage HellishTooth.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A thorn from the Spirit Tree.

Spiritual Essence

See also: Spiritual Essence Salvage

Salvage MysticFoci.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

Physical evidence of an ethereal spirit.

Strand of Fate

See also: Strand of Fate Salvage

Salvage StrandofFate.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

One of the strands of fate that determine the destiny of everyone on the planet.

Symbiotic Armor

See also: Symbiotic Armor Salvage

Salvage SymbioticArmor.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A piece of armor with a willing entity bound into it.


See also: Symbol Salvage

Salvage MagicalWard.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Arcane)

A powerful piece of magical writing.

Temporal Sands

See also: Temporal Sands Salvage

Salvage ArcanePowder.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

Sand from an ancient hourglass.

Thorn Tree Vine

See also: Thorn Tree Vine Salvage

Salvage ThornTreeVine.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This is a vine from the Thorn Tree.

Unearthed Relic

See also: Unearthed Relic Salvage

Salvage CrystalSkull.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

A powerful magical device.

Unquenchable Flame

See also: Unquenchable Flame Salvage

Salvage UnquenchableFlame.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This fire never consumes it's fuel, and is impossible to put out.

Volume of the Obsidian Librum

See also: Volume of the Obsidian Librum Salvage

Salvage Demonlogica.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Arcane)

One of many copies of the multiple volumes of the Obsidian Librum.

Alien Blood Sample

See also: Alien Blood Sample Salvage

Salvage KheldianBloodSample.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A blood sample taken from an alien life form.


See also: Boresight Salvage

Salvage Boresight.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A simple sight used to aim weapons.


See also: Brass Salvage

Salvage Brass.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A small bar of brass.

Ceramic Armor Plate

See also: Ceramic Armor Plate Salvage

Salvage CeramicArmorPlate.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

An armor plate made of high-density ceramics.

Chaos Theorem

See also: Chaos Theorem Salvage

Salvage Treatise.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A mathematical theory describing the behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems.

Chemical Formula

See also: Chemical Formula Salvage

Salvage Treatise.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A chemical formula, useful in experiments.

Chronal Skip

See also: Chronal Skip Salvage

Salvage TechHardwareold.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A device that allows the user to skip forward in time.

Circuit Board

See also: Circuit Board Salvage

Salvage CircuitBoard.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A printed circuit board used in many high-tech devices.

Commercial Cybernetic

See also: Commercial Cybernetic Salvage

Salvage SyntheticOrgans.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A cybernetic implant approved for medical use.

Complex Chemical Formula

See also: Complex Chemical Formula Salvage

Salvage Notes.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

With a chemical formula this complex, you can achieve remarkable results.

Computer Virus

See also: Computer Virus Salvage

Salvage MercuryCircuits.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A simple virus used to cause havoc with personal computers.

Conspiratorial Evidence

See also: Conspiratorial Evidence Salvage

Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

Who knew that the simple aglet's true purpose was so sinister?

Corrosive Gas

See also: Corrosive Gas Salvage

Salvage CorrosiveGas.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A canister of corrosive gas. Handle with caution.

Daemon Program

See also: Daemon Program Salvage

Salvage DataFiles.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A hidden, resident, computer program.

Data Drive

See also: Data Drive Salvage

Salvage SkyRaiderDevice.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A small multi-gigabyte data storage device.

Energy Weapon

See also: Energy Weapon Salvage

Salvage BlasterTech.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A high-tech energy-based weapon.

Enriched Plutonium

See also: Enriched Plutonium Salvage

Salvage EnrichedPlutonium.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

Uranium that has been enriched into a weapons-grade Plutonium.


See also: Gold Salvage

Salvage Gold.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A small bar of gold.

Heads Up Display

See also: Heads Up Display Salvage

Salvage HeadsUpDisplay.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A laser based sight used to aim weapons.

Heavy Water

See also: Heavy Water Salvage

Salvage HeavyWater.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

Irradiated water from a nuclear reactor.

Holographic Memory

See also: Holographic Memory Salvage

Salvage CortexDevice.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A three-dimensional data storage device.

Human Blood Sample

See also: Human Blood Sample Salvage

Salvage BloodSample.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A small amount of human blood.

Hydraulic Piston

See also: Hydraulic Piston Salvage

Salvage HydraulicPiston.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A liquid based piston.


See also: Impervium Salvage

Salvage Impervium.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

The hardest metal in the known universe, impervium is virtually indestructible.

Improvised Cybernetic

See also: Improvised Cybernetic Salvage

Salvage SyntheticOrgans.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

The technology behind this cybernetic implant is iffy, at best.

Inanimate Carbon Rod

See also: Inanimate Carbon Rod Salvage

Salvage InanimateCarbonRod.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

In Rod We Trust

Inert Gas

See also: Inert Gas Salvage

Salvage InertGas.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A canister of non-flammable gas.


See also: Iron Salvage

Salvage Iron.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A small bar of iron.

Kinetic Weapon

See also: Kinetic Weapon Salvage

Salvage SkyRaiderWeapon.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A low-tech weapon that deals minimal damage.

Mathematic Proof

See also: Mathematic Proof Salvage

Salvage Notes.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A mathematic proof, useful in various equations.

Military Cybernetic

See also: Military Cybernetic Salvage

Salvage SyntheticOrgans.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

Armored and reinforced, this cybernetic is military grade.

Mutant Blood Sample

See also: Mutant Blood Sample Salvage

Salvage BloodSample.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A blood sample taken from a known mutant.

Mutant DNA Strand

See also: Mutant DNA Strand Salvage

Salvage DnaMutation.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A strand of DNA from a known mutant.

Mutating Genome

See also: Mutating Genome Salvage

Salvage MutatedSample.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

This genome is undergoing constant mutation, and is a thrill to research.

Photonic Weapon

See also: Photonic Weapon Salvage

Salvage RiktiPlasmaRifle.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A high-tech photon weapon.

Plasma Capacitor

See also: Plasma Capacitor Salvage

Salvage PlasmaCapacitor.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A storage device for superheated plasma.


See also: Platinum Salvage

Salvage Platinum.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A small bar of platinum.

Pneumatic Piston

See also: Pneumatic Piston Salvage

Salvage PneumaticPiston.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A gas based piston.


See also: Polycarbon Salvage

Salvage Titanium.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A thermoplastic used in manufacturing.

Positronic Matrix

See also: Positronic Matrix Salvage

Salvage StableProtonium.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A learning computer that can adapt to any given situation.

Reactive Gas

See also: Reactive Gas Salvage

Salvage ReactiveGas.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A canister of flammable or explosive gas.

Rikti Alloy

See also: Rikti Alloy Salvage

Salvage RiktiAlloy.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

An alloy of Rikti metals, making for a lightweight, extremely durable, metal.

Scientific Law

See also: Scientific Law Salvage

Salvage Notes.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A proven scientific principal.

Scientific Theory

See also: Scientific Theory Salvage

Salvage Notes.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A simple theory of science, outlined in a notebook.


See also: Scope Salvage

Salvage BlackMarketSuperGear.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A lens-based sight used to aim weapons.


See also: Silver Salvage

Salvage Silver.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A small bar of silver.

Simple Chemical

See also: Simple Chemical Salvage

Salvage PrototypeElement.png

Common Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A simple chemical, in a sealed container.

Source Code

See also: Source Code Salvage

Salvage InnovativeCode.png

Rare Invention Salvage (Low-Level Technological)

A collection of files that can be converted from a human readable format to a computer-executable one.

Stabilized Mutant Genome

See also: Stabilized Mutant Genome Salvage

Salvage DevouringCulture.png

Common Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

This is a genome of a harmless mutation.


See also: Steel Salvage

Salvage Steel.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (Mid-Level Technological)

A small bar of steel.

Synthetic Intelligence Unit

See also: Synthetic Intelligence Unit Salvage

Salvage Nanites.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A self-aware artificial intelligence.

Temporal Analyzer

See also: Temporal Analyzer Salvage

Salvage TemporalAnalyzer.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A chronal device that tracks the current fourth dimensional offset and velocity.

Temporal Tracer

See also: Temporal Tracer Salvage

Salvage AbberantTech.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A device that allows its user to determine what time period a given object is from.

Titanium Shard

See also: Titanium Shard Salvage

Salvage TitaniumShard.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A shard of titanium.

Unused Invention Salvage

This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

These salvage items were for a time implemented but unavailable and have since been removed.

Android Armor Plate

See also: Android Armor Plate Salvage

Salvage ArmorShard.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

A piece of Praetorian Clockwork Android armor, you occasionally catch a glimpse of glowing nanites flickering on its surfaces.

Android Blaster

See also: Android Blaster Salvage

Salvage BrokenRiktiWeapon.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

This sophisticated weaponry removed from a Praetorian Clockwork Android is in perfect condition.

Android Circuitry

See also: Android Circuitry Salvage

Salvage PoweredArmorCircuitry.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

Highly advanced circruitry from Praetorian Clockwork Androids.

Brain Lichen

See also: Brain Lichen Salvage

Salvage EctoplasmicResidue.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This sample of Devouring Earth Brain Lichen is intact and not a little bit disgusting.

Plague Spores

See also: Plague Spores Salvage

Salvage HamidonSpore.png

Uncommon Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

A piece of Praetorian Clockwork Android armor, you occasionally catch a glimpse of glowing nanites flickering on its surfaces.

Editor's Note:

This is the current ingame text, correct text is expected later on.

Primordial Moss

See also: Primordial Moss Salvage

Salvage ExoticCompound.png

Common Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

This spongy organic material is commonly found growing on Devouring Earth creatures.

Progenitor Lichen

See also: Progenitor Lichen Salvage

Salvage HamidonLichen.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Arcane)

The Lichen gives the impression of being far more evolved, possibly closer to the Hamidon in origin.

Undamaged Android Brain

See also: Undamaged Android Brain Salvage

Salvage Nanites.png

Rare Invention Salvage (High-Level Technological)

The surface of this highly advanced artificial intelligence control unit flickers with busy little nanites.

See Also