Rogue Robots

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In their attempts to create even more intelligent robots than the deadly machines they currently field, the Council has added organical material to them, thus creating unwillingly artificial life. Now these creations have developed their own plans and have turned against their masters.

This faction is present only in CoH, and will only spawn during its own mini-Story Arc, available from Merisel Valenzuela or Allison King. (Levels 30 - 34)


There is no official background about this group at this time.

Villain types


Zenith Mech Man

Rogue Mech Man

These former Council Robots have achieved sentience and no longer obey their programming. They now seek to further only their own inhuman goals.


SuperStrength Punch.png Cybernetic Blade Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal)
A Cybernetic Blade is a powerful lethal attack.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Zenith Mech's Blast sends a focused beam of energy that can knock foes back.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Resistance Res( S-15 L50 P60 ), Prot( Sl 100 Fr 100 )

Zenith Hoverbot

Rogue Hoverbot

These former Council Robots have achieved sentience and no longer obey their programming. They now seek to further only their own inhuman goals.


Flight TravelFlight.png Fly Self Fly
Hoverbots can Fly.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Robot Missile Launcher Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Lethal), Foe Knockback
Hoverbots can launch small missiles at long range.

Power Missing.png No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Zenith Hoverbots don’t have any Melee attacks at all

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Resistance Res( S-15 L50 P60 ), Prot( Sl 100 Fr 100 )


Mk I Zenith Warcry

Rogue Warcry Mk I

These former Council Robots have achieved sentience and no longer obey their programming. They now seek to further only their own inhuman goals.


PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Power Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Missile Launch Ranged (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Fire/Lethal), Foe Knockback
Zenith Warcries can launch small missiles at long range.

Inherent Brawl.png Pummel Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Zenith Warcry brawling attacks.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Prot( Kb 75% )
Zenith Warcries are highly resistant to Knockback.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Resistance Res( S-15 L50 P60 ), Prot( Sl 100 Fr 100 )


Mk II Zenith Warcry

Rogue Warcry Mk II

These former Council Robots have achieved sentience and no longer obey their programming. They now seek to further only their own inhuman goals.


PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Power Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockdown
Power Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.

AssaultWeapons ARBurst.png Missile Launch Ranged (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Fire/Lethal), Foe Knockback
Zenith Warcries can launch small missiles at long range.

Inherent Brawl.png Pummel Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
Zenith Warcry brawling attacks.

Temporary PVP BuffDefense.png Resistance Prot( Kb 75% )
Zenith Warcries are highly resistant to Knockback.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Resistance Res( S-15 L50 P60 ), Prot( Sl 100 Fr 100 )

Named Bosses

  • Prototype A12 (Mk II Zenith Warcry)
  • Prototype B15 (Mk II Zenith Warcry)
  • Progenitor Runtime 001 (Mk II Zenith Warcry)