Jamie Ross's Business Card

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From the Trial "Market Crash" given by Ada Wellington.
This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 40-50.

Souvenir's Text

Jamie Ross's Business Card

You received this card from the District Manager of Wentworth's after you rescued her from the Freakshow. A heartfelt thank you note is hastily scribbled on the back, a reminder of the mission you call:

Market Crash

It all started when a delivery truck carrying a Chekhov Power Core was trapped in the collapse of the tunnels leading into Kallisti Wharf. You were tasked to investigate the site and retrieve the Power Core if possible; unfortunately, the Freakshow got there first. You defeated their leader, but were unable to locate the Chekhov Power Core.

Jamie Ross was called to Kallisti Wharf to advise on the situation, but the Freakshow kidnapped her en route. You rescued her from a warehouse where the Freakshow were celebrating their new alliance with none other than the Sky Raiders. In exchange for a large supply of Jetpacks, the Freakshow had given up the Chekhov Power Core, abducted the District Manager in order to obtain her access codes, and were planning a joint assault of the Wentworth's warehouse!

You rushed to stop the Freakshow rampage, then entered the warehouse and rescued Wentworth's employees from the Sky Raiders. It was then that the PPD informed you that Captain Castillo was on the scene, and you met in battle. Castillo revealed what the Sky Raiders had used the Chekhov Power Core to create a giant Jumpbot, and you had just become the test subject for its combat capabilities. While Castillo escaped, you managed to destroy the Crimson Prototype and save Talos Island.

See Also