Kyle Peck

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Kyle Peck
Kyle Peck.jpg
EPA Investigator
Zone Steel Canyon
Coordinates (-3423, 0, 1943)[Copy]
Level Range 10-14
Introduced By == Level 5-9 ==
Samuel Pierce
Henry Peter Wong
== Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Sanjay Chandra
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Haley Philips
Hugo Redding
Alfonse Rubel
Wes Schnabel
Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Willy Starbuck
Wilson Zucco
Introduces == Level 10-14 ==
Carla Brunelli
Sanjay Chandra
Athena Currie
Everett Daniels
Lorenzo DiCosta
Haley Philips
Hugo Redding
Alfonse Rubel
Wes Schnabel
Dr. Trevor Seaborn
Willy Starbuck
Wilson Zucco
== Level 15-19 ==
Wyatt Anderson
Maggie Greene
Jake Montoya
Colleen Saramago
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Kyle Peck is a hero contact in the Bronze Way neighborhood of Steel Canyon at coordinates (-3423, 0, 1943)[Copy] Kyle Peck is a Science origin contact. His level range is 9-14.


Contact Introduced By

Level 5-9

Level 10-14

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
There are some people I know who can use your help.
Single contact option
There is someone I want you to work with.

Level 10-14

There's a gun dealer named Carla Brunelli who would like to meet you. She's a very responsible, proactive woman who's helped a number of heroes in her time. She is deeply troubled by the Clockwork. Their presence in Skyway City means that she can usually be found there.

Carla is tough but fair.

Have you ever stopped by Sanjay's News? The owner, Sanjay Chandra, is a great guy, real civic minded. He's always looking for ways to help heroes with the Lost and the Skulls. Sanjay's got the scoop over in Skyway City.

Sanjay is one of the most polite people in all of Paragon City.

There's a talented young lawyer named Athena Currie who you should talk to. She's a big community activist and has had some serious run-ins with the Clockwork. Miss Currie practices law in Steel Canyon.

Athena can really use the help of a hero like you.

I know a lawyer, Everett Daniels, who's a pretty good guy. He goes after the big corporations and even the government sometimes, but he's usually on the right side of things. He's always got a lead on the Clockwork. Mr. Daniels' practice is in Skyway City.

Everett will get you into the thick of things.

I know a confidential informant named Lorenzo DiCosta. He can provide you with some solid leads on current Council activity. Lorenzo can be found on the streets of Skyway City.

Lorenzo is well placed to provide information; please don't judge him too harshly, Character.

You should talk to Haley Philips over at the Health Department. She specializes in identifying and dealing with health threats posed by the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. She's always looking for more help from the city's heroes. She can be found in Skyway City.

Haley has very strong beliefs about safety.

You might want to go see Hugo Redding, a physician's assistant who specializes in taking care of heroes. He also moonlights as a reporter for a medical website, so he's always hearing interesting tidbits about the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Hugo hangs out in Steel Canyon.

Hugo is keyed into the latest medical practices.

There's this kid, Alfonse Rubel, who's a courier. He zips all over the city, delivering important packages and messages. He sees a lot of what's going down with the Lost and the Skulls. Al's route has him in Steel Canyon for the next few days.

Alfonse is almost always on the move. If you catch him at rest, he can help you out.

I know a private eye named Wes Schnabel who wants to talk to you about the Council. He's always looking for new contacts and good heroes to work with. He usually takes cases in Steel Canyon.

Schnabel is a good, old-fashioned gumshoe.

Dr. Trevor Seaborn expressed an interest in meeting you when I told him about your good work. He's a psychiatrist specializing in criminal behavior, and an expert on the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Dr. Seaborn is in Steel Canyon.

Trevor has a brilliant mind, and his insights on criminal behavior are invaluable.

You ever meet Willy Starbuck? He's a small time hustler, but he knows a lot about the Council, and he's willing to talk. You should stop by and introduce yourself. Willy grifts over in Steel Canyon.

Willy has the kind of mind that can lead you right to the heart of trouble.

I suggest you meet Wilson Zucco. He's an ex-gang member who's turned his life around, and he knows the Lost and the Skulls better than anyone. He also has a great deal of information on the Vahzilok. Wilson keeps an eye on the Lost from within Steel Canyon.

Wilson is one of the only people in the city who bridges the gap between the law and the streets.

Level 15-19

There's a great young historian you should talk to named Wyatt Anderson. He's an expert on the history of all things super-powered, and he can be a big help to new heroes like you. He's especially interested in taking down the Clockwork and the Trolls. Wyatt's research has him in Steel Canyon these days.

Wyatt has a wealth of information.

Maggie Greene is a class act and a good reporter. She'll do good by you. Her investigations have led her to focus on the Clockwork and the Trolls. Maggie files her reports in Skyway City.

Maggie has better instincts than almost anyone I know. Listen to her and you will have plenty of action.

Did you ever hear of the Red Tiger? He retired right after the war, and now he's just Jake Montoya. He may not wear a costume anymore, but he can sure help those who do, especially with information on the Clockwork and the Trolls. Jake has retired to Skyway City.

Jake has his eye out for new blood to take up the mantle of heroism.

Do you have any contacts with Hero Corps yet? Even if you do, you should really talk to Colleen Saramago. I think she'd be happy to give you some assignments dealing with the Clockwork and the Trolls. Hero Corps has stationed Colleen in Steel Canyon.

Hero Corps has a very good information network.


EPA Investigator

Kyle Peck is a die-hard environmentalist who realized he could do more good working from the inside than through protest. He's a huge proponent of alternate fuel sources and of any new technology that might change the world for the better. Kyle keeps a careful eye out for any kind of technology that he thinks might prove harmful to the environment. In his experience, the most dangerous technology is in the hands of criminals. The EPA is not equipped to handle those kinds of threats, so he is happy to pass on information to the city's heroes.

Prior to Introduction

Sorry, sorry, way too much going on right now. But I know Active Contact needs a hand.

Initial Contact

This city needs cleaning up. I hope you are ready to dig in.


  • We have some big jobs ahead, Character.
  • I have some issues for you to look into.

Too Busy

If you want my advice, you'll clean out some of your old cases before you go asking for more.

No More Missions

Before introducing a higher-level contact
I appreciate all you have done for Paragon City so far. I want you to move on to helping some other people now, Character.
After introducing a higher-level contact
You should help one of your other contacts, Character. Things are going great around here.


  • Inspirations (Luck, Catch a Breath, Enrage)
  • Level 10 Training Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)

I am starting to really admire your commitment, my friend. The latest EPA-approved equipment is all in my store. I want you to call if there's anything I can do to help.

I wish every hero had your dedication, Character. You have my full support. I have access to some new Enhancements that might interest you.

  • Level 15 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (150% base costs)

Story Arc

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 35 Reward Merits.

The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot (10-15)


Water department ID badge

This badge is a reminder of one of your most serious run-ins with the Vahzilok, a mission you've come to think of as:

The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot.

The trail began with several murderous attacks by the Vahzilok. They were killing innocent office workers. You stopped the slaughter and recovered an ID badge from one of the victims. The badge identified the fallen man as an employee of the Paragon City Water Department.

The Vahzilok didn't let their defeat slow them down. Your contact learned that the zombies had hijacked a chemical shipment, and you were sent to investigate. You dispatched the Vahzilok and recovered a shipping manifest. A cleanup crew was sent to recover the stolen chemicals, but, according to the manifest, several canisters were still missing.

Next you were sent to rescue several physicians kidnapped by the Vahzilok. From one of these doctors, you learned that the Vahzilok wanted information about a drug that aids in organ transplants by lowering the body's resistance to the foreign organs. Your contact put together the pieces. The Water Department badge. The missing chemicals. The doctor's new drug. The Vahzilok were coordinating a massive effort to drug the water of Paragon City!

In an effort to distract the city's heroes from their plan, the Vahzilok stepped up their reign of terror on the streets of Paragon City. You responded to the threat, defeating Vahzilok after Vahzilok until you found one that was carrying a faded map. It pointed to the water purification center, and you realized that the Vahzilok inteded to deploy their drug at that location.

You made your way to the seweres and confronted the Vahzilok. You put a stop to the plot to contaminate the Paragon City water supply with the evil taint of Vahzilok.

Stop the Vahzilok slaughter


I've just heard that the Vahzilok are attacking some offices! Apparently they're just slaughtering everyone. You need to stop the Vahzilok slaughter right away. Make certain you examine the area for any clues they might have left.

Mission Acceptance

Hurry! Lives are at stake.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have not stopped that Vahzilok attack. Get over there!

Mission Objective(s)

The Vahzilok have turned this office into a charnel made house.

  • Stop zombie leader and minions
    • Investigate raid, 7 hostages left

ID badge

You found this ID badge on the victim of a Vahzilok attack. The badge identifies the wearer as an employee of the Paragon City Water Department.

Notable NPCs

  • 7 Helpless office workers (Hostages)




That badge you found on the dead man is from the Paragon City Water Department. What do the Vahzilok want with a PC Water employee?

Investigate the chemical hijacking


You did a great job stopping the Vahzilok slaughter at that office building, and I think I can trust you with another big job. A couple of days ago a truck carrying a variety of dangerous chemicals was hijacked. There was no sign of the parties responsible, but the truck was just sighted pulling into a warehouse. Do you think you could investigate the chemical hijacking for me? Take a look around, but we'll handle the chemical cleanup once you secure the warehouse.

Make certain to be careful with those chemicals.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have not secured that warehouse yet. We need to recover the stolen chemicals!

Mission Objective(s)

The hijacked truck is outside, and it's already been unloaded. This is definitely the place.

  • Defeat hijacker and his guards
    • Investigate hijacking

You have defeated the hijackers and found a clue to their motives.

Shipping manifest

This shipping manifest lists the contents of a chemical shipment hijacked by the Vahzilok.


Editor's Note:

Finding the correct glowie and clearing the final room are required to complete this mission.


Good job, Character. I'll look over this shipping manifest you found. I'm sure we recovered most of the hijacked chemicals, but it could be that the Vahzilok managed to make off with something.

I've got another problem I'm hoping you can solve.

Rescue the physicians from the Vahzilok


Vahzilok's zombies attacked a conference over at the hospital a few hours ago and kidnapped several of the attending physicians. One of the hostages managed to get a call out on his cell phone. I need you to rescue those physicians from the Vahzilok. I have grave fears about this. The office raid, the chemical hijacking, and now this attack on The hospital. It's clear that the Vahzilok are up to no good.

Mission Acceptance

Make certain none of the hostages are harmed.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You haven't rescued those doctors from the Vahzilok.

Mission Objective(s)

Notes from the conference are scattered here and there, marked by the dark, odorous footprints of the undead.

  • Rescue the physicians
    • 3 hostages remaining

Physician conversation

One of the doctors you rescued told you:

'You know, people warned me about this city when I came here for the conference, but I never believed them. Thank you for saving me! I have to tell you, I think they were after me in particular. They kept asking me about the new drug I've been testing; it reduces the likelihood of the body rejecting an organ transplant. I hope this information helps.

Notable NPCs

  • 3 Hostages (Hostages)




I think I've figured this out. If I'm right, we're in real trouble.

Ok, let's add it all up. The man who died during the Vahzilok's office attack was a Paragon City Water Department employee. And there were some key chemicals missing from the hijacked shipment you recovered from the Vahzilok. I couldn't figure out what they were for, until you told me about the doctor you rescued. He was working on an experimental drug to prevent tissue rejection, right? Well, these missing chemicals are just what the Vahzilok need to manufacture that drug. You know what I think?

Combat the Vahzilok rampage


Based on the clues you've recovered, I'll bet the Vahzilok are trying to dose the Paragon City water supply with an experimental drug. I think it will lower our resistance to implants, making it easier for Vahzilok to turn any Paragon citizen into a zombie! I heard that one of Vahzilok's lieutenants called Slaughter ordered an increase in their attacks. I think he's trying to obscure their true motives. I need you to combat the Vahzilok rampage. See if you can pick up any more information.

Combat the Vahzilok rampage

Mission Acceptance

Look in Perez Park or Kings Row for Vahzilok.


After accepting the mission you will be ambushed by a wave of Vahzilok zombies

Unnecessary Solicitation

You haven't made enough of an effort to slow down the Vahzilok rampage.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat the Vahzilok rampage
    • Defeat 10 Vahzilok

You found a tattered map.



Tattered map

This map is worn, but it looks like it might show a portion of the Paragon City sewers. It will require expert analysis.


One of the Vahzilok dropped this map? Looks like it might show part of the sewer system. If I'm right, and the Vahzilok are trying to drug the water supply, you may have just found the clue we need to turn their plan on ear.

We need to have this map examined by an expert.

Take the map to the city representative


I'll bet anything this map you found has something to do with the Vahzilok's plan to drug the water supply. I need you to take the map to the city representative. She can tell us exactly what part of the sewer it references.

Take the map to the city representative

Mission Acceptance

Watch your back. The Vahzilok may be aware you found this.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You really need to get that map to the city representative.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take map to city representative


Hmm, yes, you took this map off a Vahzilok you say? I'll get this to someone in the city planner's office at once.


I'm glad you're back. I just heard from the city planner's office. That map marks the location of the purification system. I'm right, I know I am! The Vahzilok plan to drug all of Paragon City's water!

I think the purifiers would eliminate this drug, so Slaughter must plan to bypass them in order to introduce the drug to the system.

Stop Trepanator from drugging the water


According to the city planner, this map you found marks the location of the water purification system over in Kings Row. If Trepanator manages to introduce his drug to the water there, it'll be bad news for everyone with a faucet. Character, you've got to stop Trepanator from drugging the water. If you hurry, lives can still be saved.

Stop Trepanator from drugging the water

Mission Acceptance

The Vahzilok will have their drug stored at several strategic positions. You need to destroy it before they can release it into the water system.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You haven't stopped the Vahzilok from drugging the water supply? It may be too late by now!

Sewer map

This sewer map marks the location of the water purification system. It is there that the Vahzilok will try to introduce their drug to the city's water supply.

Vahzilok drugs

Mission Objective(s)

Right now, families are washing dishes and bathing children, unaware that you are the only thing standing between their water and the Vahzilok's strange drug.

You have stopped the Vahzilok plan to poison the city.

Notable NPCs


  • The name of the Vahzilok varies. Possible names include Butcher, Gangrene, Slaughter, Trepanator, and Incision.




You destroyed those chemicals just in time!

Well, we stopped them. If I'm right, that Vahzilok drug would have impaired the immune system of every person in this city. It would have been easier for Vahzilok to transform people into zombies, since his victims would have a much lower chance of rejecting the tissue grafts.

It also would have made us less likely to fight off infections and viruses. Before long,the hospital wards would be full of people dying from flu or the common cold! Thank you so much; you've done this city a great service.


Save the surgeons from the Vahzilok (9-15)


Matthew Montrose and Grant Eastings, brilliant ER surgeons, have been kidnapped. We think they've been taken to an abandoned office. It'll be dangerous, but I need you to save them from the Vahzilok.

Mission Acceptance

I marked the entrance to the office on your map. I don't know what the Vahzilok want with surgeons like Matthew Montrose and Grant Eastings, but it can't be good.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have not rescued Matthew Montrose and Grant Eastings from the Vahzilok.

Mission Objective(s)

The damp, mildewed carpet squishes beneath your feet. It bears a thick trail, the mark of a helpless human form being dragged.

  • Save surgeons from Vahzilok
    • Rescue Matthew Montrose, Help Matthew Montrose find organs, Rescue Grant Eastings

You rescued the surgeon and arrested one of Doctor Vahzilok's disciples.


  • The names of the surgeons to be rescued can vary.
    • Possible names for the first surgeon include Anthony Barton, Raymond Callahan, John Gray, Matthew Montrose, and Mark Rollins.
    • Possible names for the second surgeon include Josh Carson, Grant Eastings, Mason Lews, Harold Parks, and Andrew Wells.

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After rescuing the surgeon, you will be ambushed by one wave of Vahzilok.


This blood is labelled as coming from Crowne Memorial hospital. The blood came from a fallen hero known as Sundown. Unfortunately, when he filled out his organ donor card he didn't know he was going to end up as spare parts for the twisted experiments of Doctor Vahzilok and his disciples.




Matthew Montrose said those organs were the remains of fallen heroes. It seems that through doctors like Grant Eastings, Vahzilok has a pipeline to the hospitalshopsitals, which he's using to siphon off the best donated organs for his own dark purposes. The way Grant Eastings described Dr. Vahzilok's experiments, they seem nothing shortsort of brilliant. If only he would confine himself to legal experiments, his brilliance could be a great boon to mankind.

Hit the streets, defeat Vahzilok and come up with a good story (10-14)


This Vahzilok threat is becoming a media nightmare. I've got reporters everywhere looking to do human interest pieces on them for the late editions. They want an account from someone who has personally fought these zombies and lived to tell the tale. Would you be willing to handle this assignment? I just need you to go out and defeat a few Vahzilok and summarize the experience for a print interview. Pretty easy stuff.

Mission Acceptance

You should look for Vahzilok in Kings Row or Perez Park. Those areas are overrun. Steel Canyon has had issues with them as well.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You don't have enough material for a good article yet.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Work on Newspaper Article
    • Defeat 10 Vahzilok

You feel you have enough material for a good story now.

Your Report

You do your best to make fighting the zombie Vahzilok exciting, and not something you do every day. It's a passable piece, should do well once it has some editing.


Wow, this is great stuff! Sometimes I wish I was a hero so I could have adventures half as cool as this.

Go to Steel Canyon and stop the Vahzilok Lab Raids (10-14)


The neighborhood watch in Steel Canyon is reporting a serious problem with the Vahzilok. The zombies have been breaking into labs and making off with all the medical equipment. Sometimes they even take a technician! You've got to get to Steel Canyon and stop the Vahzilok lab raids. I don't know what the Vahzilok plan to do with that equipment, but it can only mean more tragedy for Paragon City.

Mission Acceptance

I'd recommend getting to work in Blyde Square or the Copper District.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Vahzilok are still raiding labs in Steel Canyon!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Vahzilok in Steel Canyon
    • Defeat 10 Vahzilok

You have stopped the Vahzilok lab raids.


Thanks, Character. The Vahzilok will think long and hard before raiding any more labs.

Security Chief Missions

A character can complete each of these missions only once. If any of these missions is active or completed from another contact, this contact won't offer that mission.

See Perez Park Security Chief (7-9)

Talk to Security Chief


The Security Chief for Perez Park asked for you by name. You should take that as a compliment. Go talk to him. He's located in Atlas Park near the gates to Perez Park.

Mission Acceptance

Perez Park is a dangerous place these days. Clearly the Chief thinks you can handle it, but take a couple of friends with you, just in case.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Perez Park Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief


Take this briefing seriously. I need you to deal with some of the Circle of Thorns mystics that have been plaguing the area. Try looking for them in Bettis Hills.

Perez Park briefing

Perez Park used to be a beautiful place to take your family for an afternoon picnic. Now, no one in his right mind wanders in there. Most of the area has been abandoned, largely due to the rumors of unholy Circle of Thorns rites taking place deep within the forest. The park is entirely overgrown, a perfect place for those strange mystics to summon up a demon or two. This zone is so deadly that even heroes shouldn't go in there in groups of fewer than three.

Keep the peace in Perez Park

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Circle in Perez Park!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep the peace in Perez Park
    • Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns

You have defeated 10 Circle of Thorns mystics.


Circle of Thorns


I guess the Chief's confidence in you was well placed. Fantastic job, Character.

Talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief (10-11)

Talk to Security Chief


There is trouble in Steel Canyon. Get your assignment from the Security Chief.

Mission Acceptance

You will probably be dealing with the Outcasts, so be ready for anything.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief in Steel Canyon


Here is some info on the area. I need you to get out on the streets and contain the Outcasts. They can usually be found in Blyde Square or the Copper District.

Steel Canyon briefing

Steel Canyon is the financial district of Paragon City. Many national banks, insurance companies, and investment firms have their headquarters in this zone. In fact, so much money flows through Steel Canyon, Paragon City ranks among America's richest cities. Success has spurred the construction of so many skyscrapers that the place looks like a canyon made of concrete, glass and metal. The zone isn't without its dangers, though. The Outcasts have claimed the area as their own, and they've recruited a lot of kids with mutant powers related to the elements. That's what the Outcasts love best—beating down their enemies with the power of the elements.

Keep peace in Steel Canyon

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Outcasts for Security!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Steel Canyon
    • Defeat 10 Outcasts

You have defeated 10 Outcasts.




Well done; those Outcasts are a powerful bunch. It seems the number of mutants in the city is increasing rapidly.

Talk to the Boomtown Security Chief (12)

Talk to Security Chief


Lately, the Clockwork have been tearing Boomtown apart. Report to the Security Chief for that zone and he will tell you what to do.

Mission Acceptance

I don't know why they do this, but the Clockwork are becoming more of a menace every day. Watch out for the huge monster, Babbage!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief


Here is some info on Boomtown, Character. I need you to stop the Clockwork! You could start looking for them in Primer or the Cannonade.

Boomtown briefing

Baumton was the city's first marketplace, where tradesman and farmers went to sell their wares. After the Rikti Invasion, people started calling it Boomtown, because the devastation reminded them of a bomb crater. It's pretty dangerous. If I were you, I wouldn't go in without a few other heroes for backup. The place is infested with those Clockwork robots. They look like toys, but they cause plenty of havoc by stealing bits of machinery and metal from all over. Even worse, a giant clockwork monster called Babbage prevents any pacification of the zone. Be especially careful of him.

Keep peace in Boomtown

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Clockwork for Security!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep peace in Boomtown
    • Defeat 10 Clockwork

You have defeated 10 Clockwork.


We used to laugh at the Clockwork. Not anymore. Well done, Character.

Talk to the Skyway City Security Chief (13-14)

Talk to Security Chief


The Trolls are rampaging again! The Security Chief asked for you by name. Find him, and get your assignment.

Mission Acceptance

These rampages are happening more and more. Something has to be done!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief


Take this and get on the streets immediately. Stop those Trolls! They've caused a lot of havoc in Vista Plaza and the Astral District.

Skyway City briefing

Back in the 1970's, there was a huge drive to create highways to relieve congestion in the city. No one would need to drive on the surface streets - instead, we would drive above them! So the city started building high spanning bridges everywhere, and Skyway City quickly turned into one big highway in the sky. Now this zone is home to a street gang that likes to camp out underneath bridges: the Trolls. These are thugs who've mutated, thanks to taking a bit too much Superadine. But watch out; the drug has given many of them inhuman strength and resistance.

Stop rampage in Skyway City

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Trolls for Security!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Stop rampage in Skyway City
    • Defeat 10 Trolls

You have stopped the rampage.


Good job today. There must be some link between Superadine and these rampages. The Trolls need to be cut off from their supply.