League decline (Slash Command)

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league_decline offererName teamOffereringDBID receiverName

Clear your league invite queue.}}
Partially functional. Although this command partially works, it is either unfinished or an internal command used by the game system. A better and wholly functional command to use instead would be /dialog_no or /dialog_answer no.

This command will clear the league invite queue, in effect declining a league invitation. It does so without any prompt, notification, or indication that a league invitation was denied... for either party. Also, it will not close any invitation dialog window that is currently open.

  • offererName is the name of the character that is inviting you to form a coalition, however the command will accept any character (A-Z, 0-1).
  • teamOffererDBID is a the game's database ID number for the team that is inviting you to join a league. Although players do not have access to this information, the command will accept any character (A-Z, 0-1).
  • receiverName is the name of the character receiving the league invitation, however the command will accept any character (A-Z, 0-1).
  • As usual, any name with spaces must be enclosed within quotes.


It's recommended that you avoid using this command. The reason the command works at all is probably due to the many redundancies in the game that check to see if the correct information is being processed, and if not an error is reported that clears the transaction in the queue. In other words, this command is non-functional, however the errors it generates causes the game to try to correct the situation by starting over. It's possible that the errors generated might cause additional conflicts that would be undesirable.


/league_decline 1 1 1