Part Two: One Opposed
Mission Briefing
I'd love to give you some long briefing here, Task Force Name, but to be honest, I've got nothing. We can end this right here, though, if we go rescue the city council from the Freakshow!
The location that Mr. Alderman gave me leads to an office building nearby!
If you hurry, we can rescue all of them and be on our way!
Great! I'm going to work on tracking down Clamor. Her mind is hard to read... there's just a ton of chaotic thoughts going around Independence Port right now that I can't pinpoint which one is hers. Maybe you'll luck out and she'll be there with the hostages!
Rescue the City Council
Unnecessary Solicitation
I still can't find Clamor, Character. I'm doing my best, though!
Mission Objective(s)
The Freakshow have made this office their home. Time to kick them out and get back the City Council.
- Rescue the City Council
- 4 members of the City Council to rescue
You've settled things in Independence Port, but the city council has gone missing!
Notable NPCs
- e4RTH5h4KeR (Freakshow Tank)
- 8R3Ak3R (Freakshow Tank)
- R4Mp493R (Freakshow Tank)
- 5L4U9H7ErEr (Freakshow Tank)
City Council Hostage Dialogue
Before Combat:
- City Council Member: What do you want with us? Where's Alderman?!
- e4RTH5h4KeR: Leave Alderman to us, you're all gonna be useful to our cause!
Combat Start:
- City Council Member: Please! Don't let them kill me!
- e4RTH5h4KeR: Just like we planned, take down the heroes!
Hostage Freed:
- City Council Member: Thank you so much! They said we were going to be very useful to their cause... what did that mean?
Before Combat:
- City Council Member: We're only trying to help the people! Why would you be against that?!
- 8R3Ak3R: You don't got a clue what the people want, it's time to change things up!
Combat Start:
- City Council Member: Help! Over here!
- 8R3Ak3R: I've been looking forward to KILLING some heroes!
Hostage Freed:
- City Council Member: I just don't understand it, we're only here to give the people what they want!
Before Combat:
- City Council Member: Please, we won't get anywhere like this, we can talk this through!
- R4Mp493R: Time for talk is over! We're changing how things work around here!
Combat Start:
- City Council Member: Let's all just calm down, please!
- R4Mp493R: You're too late to stop us, heroes!
Hostage Freed:
- City Council Member: Thank you! Have you seen Alderman? He was never taken here with us!
Before Combat:
- City Council Member: There's no way you're going to succeed, you know that, right?
- 5L4U9H7ErEr: Your time's through, lady. Just be lucky we got ourselves orders!
Combat Start:
- City Council Member: Here comes the cavalry, you're through!
- 5L4U9H7ErEr: Heroes, come ON!
Hostage Freed:
- City Council Member: I knew you'd show up, we can always depend on heroes to save the day!
Rescue Robert Alderman
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm not sure what the Freakshow are up to, but we need to work fast to save Robert Alderman!
Mission Objective(s)
The helicopter drops you off in front of a warehouse in Terra Volta. You storm inside only to find... the bodies of Freakshow strewn across the floor.
- Rescue Robert Alderman
- 3 Council raid leaders to defeat to gain access to the bottom floor
- Rescue Robert Alderman
Before Combat:
- Council Raid Leader: We have Alderman? Excellent. Spread out, Clamor will have to be nearby!
Combat Start:
- Council Raid Leader: Task Force Name? You made a poor choice in coming here!
Before Combat:
- Council Raid Leader: How did she come up with such complex schematics from within the Zig?!
Combat Start:
- Council Raid Leader: Bah, hero interruptions!
Before Combat:
- Council Raid Leader: It's gone! Clamor must've taken it already!
Combat Start:
- Council Raid Leader: We don't have time to deal with the likes of you!
Robert Alderman Cutscene
Ascendant Archon: You purposefully broke Clamor out of the Zig to destroy Terra Volta?
Robert Alderman: The taxpayers are paying too much to keep that artifact powered!
Robert Alderman: If it was gone, we could rebuild a better generator with one TENTH of the money!
Ascendant Archon: And now, Clamor has access to Terra Volta with an improved Council sonic wave generator.
Ascendant Archon: One that could destroy all of Paragon. Thanks to you, Mr. Alderman.
Ascendant Archon: The Center has ordered your immediate execution, followed by Clamor!
Ascendant and Alderman Dialogue
Before Combat:
- Robert Alderman: Don't do this! I never wanted to cross the Council!
- Ascendant Archon: You should have realized that when you freed that woman from the Ziggurat, Mr. Alderman.
Combat Start:
- Robert Alderman: Task Force Name! Please! I'm sorry, for everything! Help!
- Ascendant Archon: This isn't your business. The Council will handle bringing Clamor in.
Upon Rescue:
- Robert Alderman: I'm sorry, for everything! The Freakshow took me here to meet with Clamor, I told you the location of the others to buy us some time.
- Robert Alderman: She left, saying she made a new sonic device, one that could destroy the entire city! I never wanted any of that!
- Robert Alderman: The Council showed up to take her down, but it's too late. She's already in Terra Volta, arming her device! You need to stop her!
Stop Clamor from Destroying Paragon City!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Alderman...! Why would he do such a thing?!
Mission Objective(s)
The helicopter drops you off outside the Terra Volta reactor.
If you don't stop Clamor here, Paragon City will be destroyed by her super sonic device!
- Stop Clamor from Destroying Paragon City!
- Defeat Clamor
- 4 computers to activate at the same time to stop Clamor's device!
You've saved Paragon City from Clamor's sonic device!
Notable NPCs
- Clamor (Freakshow Arch-Villain)
Before Combat:
- Freak Buckshot: This is it! We're gonna see the entire city change!
Before Combat:
- Enforcer Swiper: A new world order is gonna come from this, TOTAL anarchy in the streets!
Clamor: We're on the brink of a new Paragon, no more classes, no more divisions, no more control!
Clamor: The city will be remade, and YOU, Task Force Name, won't stop me!
Combat Start:
- Clamor: This'll be your grave, Task Force Name!
50% Health:
- Clamor: Activating emergency teleporter, I'm not going to bother with you weaklings!
Combat Start:
- Mad Freak Gunner: Slice 'em apart!
The computers reset the sonic device!
Combat Restart:
- Clamor: FINE! I'll kill all of you, reset the device, THEN destroy Paragon!
Wow, you guys did an AWESOME JOB! Clamor is back in the Zig, where she belongs, and the guards that helped her escape are also in there with her.
Robert Alderman was also arrested for aiding a super villain in a city-wide destruction plot. I hear that's really serious.
I almost feel bad for him, I mean, he just wanted to help the people of the city, right? It's just to bad that he was so short-sighted that he thought that he could help everyone by using a psychopathic killer.
Task Force Name, you guys saved Paragon City, and I get the feeling that this isn't the first time you've done it. We all make a really good team, let's work together again in the future!