Mission:A Faultline in the Sands of Time - Defeat Captain Castillo
Defeat Captain Castillo
We now know how, when, and where Sands is planning to escape with the PCM, but Nocturne also told Captain Castillo. I don't think Castillo really knows what the PsychoChronoMetron actually does, just that it's valuable. He's certain to try and get it. I think the best option is a pre-emptive strike to stop him.
Taking out Castillo may destabilize the area and allow Arachnos to get entrenched, but we don't have any choice. If the Sky Raiders even have a chance at getting the PCM, it could show up anywhere on the black market. Defeating Castillo now will not only keep him from interfering with the recovery operation, it should also keep the Sky Raiders off our backs until the situation is resolved.
Mission Objective(s)
The Sky Raider supply warehouse is remarkably well kept. They're pretty organized, at least.
- Defeat Captain Castillo
- Find Castillo's Info, Defeat Captain Castillo
You have defeated Captain Castillo and found some vital information.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Capture Captain Castillo. Then we can start the final phase.
Notable NPCs
- Captain Castillo (Archvillain)

A quick search through Castillo's desk finds mostly men's fashion magazines, hair-care and personal grooming products, and signed glossy photos of himself; but eventually you find his paperwork. There are numerous memos from between Captain Castillo and Colonel Virgil Duray, the leader of the Sky Raiders, about the status of efforts in Faultline and the battle with Arachnos, as well as several patronizing and inept, though heartfelt, love-letters to Dr. Delilah Stein. But most important, there is the information from Nocturne about Arbiter Sands, confirming the information she gave you. There are also several books written by Dr. Stein on super-human history, none of which have ever been opened.
Castillo is in custody, and the information you retrieved confirms what Nocturne told us. It would be better if we could get a third source, but Arachnos has changed their codes, and there's no time. Arbiter Sands is leaving soon. You've got to stop him.