Mission:A Faultline in the Sands of Time - Draw out Nocturne
Draw out Nocturne
I have a plan. Arbiter Sands is still in Faultline, probably trying to avoid detection until he can escape to the Rogue Isles. The PsychoChronoMetron requires psychic powers to activate, and Arbiter Sands has none. However, he does have a rival who has access to psychic powers, is antagonistic to Sands, and may know how and when he plans to escape Paragon City: Nocturne, the Night Window. The plan is to lure Nocturne into a trap, and get the information from her.
We know that Arbiter Sands and the Night Widow Nocturne are enemies. From what we know of the internal structure of Arachnos, this isn't an uncommon situation, and we can turn it to our advantage. I will plant false information that Longbow has potential blackmail material against Sands hidden in our base in the dam. If she takes the bait, we catch her and find out about Arbiter Sands most likely escape routes and times. Your job is to catch her in the dam. It's a long shot, but it's all we have.
I'd recommend you get any allies with you into the computer room before springing the trap. Being separated would be very bad when Arachnos arrives.
Unnecessary Solicitation:
If we don't catch Nocturne now, we may never get a shot at Sands.
Mission Objective(s)
It's all quiet now, but once the trap is sprung, the fireworks will begin.
- Ambush Nocturne
- Activate Trap, Defeat Night Widow Nocturne
You sprung the trap and defeated Nocturne the Night Widow!
Notable NPCs
- Operative Jenkins (Arachnos Wolf Spider Tac Ops)
- Night Widow Nocturne (Archvillain)

Night Widow Nocturne:
- Now, my minions, search this place!
- With Longbow's files on Arbiter Sands I will be able to break him!
- And claim the PsychoChronoMetron for my own!
Wolf Spider Assault:
- Ma'am! There's nothing here, but Jenkins said he saw Character!
Night Widow Nocturne:
- Character! It's a trap!
- Kill Character, then we must escape!
You've done excellent work today. Nocturne is on her way to Zigursky, but I learned what we needed to know from her. I told her Sands sold her out to us to keep her from screwing with his plans, and she was more than willing to talk to get back at him. She was able to tell us how and when Sands plans to escape, but she also told us that she gave that information to someone else in an attempt to delay Sands: Captain Castillo, of the Sky Raiders.
That was a difficult operation. I'm glad to see you made it through.