Mission:A Hero's Epic - Part Four: Destroy all evidence of Vanguard's software

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Part Four: Destroy all evidence of Vanguard's software


Looks like I spoke too soon. Even though you destroyed all the scanners on Praetoria, Neuron got his hands on Vanguard's communication software. That's got a collapsing algorithm that he can use to piggy-back on our communications channels like we were doing to theirs, and that's not good. We need to get to Neuron's mainframe and remove all traces of that software. Vanguard is willing to offer up one of their best, Serpent Drummer, to assist in this mission. I am getting the coordinates to Neuron's lab now.

  • Destroy all evidence of Vanguard's software

In Neuron's hands, that software is extremely dangerous. Purge every copy you can find.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Every second you waste is a day of research to a speedster like Neuron.

Delete Vanguard's Software

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a sound that strangely resembles a purr.

  • Purge Software
    • Delete Vanguard's Software
    • Delete Backup File
    • Delete Secondary Backup File
    • Defeat Bobcat

You defeated Bobcat and deleted the data.


Neuron's Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Bobcat's final words

Bobcat mentioned that Praetor Berry, aka Neuron, was already using parts of Vanguard's code to get what he needs. You have no idea what that is though.

Go to Tina Macintyre with the information you have

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to Tina Macintyre with the information you have

Unnecessary Solicitation

Tina helped Vanguard put that software on those scanners, go talk to her.


Bobcat mentioned that Neuron was already using the software? Hmm, our communication channels might already be compromised. If I were you I'd portal directly into Neuron's HQ and stop whatever insane plan he has cooked up. We don't have time to piece together exactly what he might be doing. I am going to call Maria Jenkins and see if she'll send one of her personal friends along to help.

Defeat Neuron, purge software

Mission Objective(s)

The sweat on the back of your neck chills you as you step into the climate-controlled lab.

  • Defeat Neuron, purge software
    • Delete Vanguard's Software,
    • Defeat Neuron

You defeated Neuron but learn that Emperor Cole already has some plan underway.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need to know what Neuron is playing at!


Neuron's Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Neuron's final words

Neuron mentioned that his plan was already underway. Whatever he's up to, you are one step behind.


I am worried about what Neuron meant. If Emperor Cole is planning something, we defintely don't need it to be a surprise. Positron tells me he has the entire Freedom Phalanx on ready-alert and investigating this matter as well.