Mission:A Matter of Honor - Part Four: A Worthy Host
Part Four: A Worthy Host
We are few in number, Character. If we are to show Lorn that the Order is in danger, we must do so with the backing of many sword brothers. I believe Sir Emric was seen leading a host of knights into the earth beneath The Digs, no doubt to seek out the Talons and destroy them before they can spread. I suspect that they may be marching to their doom if you do not aid them.
- I will bring back as many of them as I can.
Thank you, Character. I know I ask much of you, but you also understand me like no other, for you know the destruction the Talons are capable of first hand. Had I my sword I would go with you and fight at your side, but alas, my exile took both blade and shield. If I am to reclaim them then first I must reclaim my honor.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I believe Sir Emric may have lead his host of knights into a trap. Find Emric and let him know that he does not fight alone.
Mission Objective(s)
Waves of malice ripple through the air in this hateful place.
- Find Sir Emric and his host
- Rescue Sir Emric
You rescued Sir Emric, aiding him and his Knights in the annihilation of a great many Talons of Vengeance!
Notable NPCs
- Gorgon (Elite Boss)
- Sir Lucane (Lt. Ally)
- Sir Emric

You rescued Sir Emric from the end of a Gorgon's blade, and saved many of his men from being devoured and turned by the Talons of Vengeance!

The Gorgon who had nearly killed Sir Emric taunted you with the knowledge that the Black Queen would soon open the Eternal Prison for them. If this is true, then knowledge of this will surely prompt Lorn to rally the Black Knights against the Talons.
Sir Emric and the Knights who survived the battle with the Talons have joined our cause, Character. He assured me that had your arrival not been so timely, that he would have met his end upon a Gorgon's blade!
He also gave me these, the blade and shield of a fallen sword brother. I accepted them out of respect for all that Emric and his men sacrificed, but I also made a vow that I would not draw steel until I was made a Knight of the Eternal Order once again...
I'm not sure what to make of the words of a Talon, but threatening the death of the Black Queen will certainly aid us in turning Lorn to our side.
I would be honored if you were to accept the honorary title of Knight Penitent. I could not have done any of this without you, Character. You have my eternal gratitude.
- On with the quest.