Mission:Borea - Go after the Rikti leader regrouping his forces

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Go after the Rikti leader regrouping his forces


Character, Vanguard intel suggests that a Rikti Leader is regrouping his contingent under Neighborhood. We need you to get down there and stop him before he has a chance to rally another assault.

This Rikti Leader will have his forces rejoin the assault on Neighborhood within the hour. You have to stop him before then. The Vanguard is depending on you, Hero. We ask that you not let us down.

You have 60 minutes to complete this mission.

Mission Objective(s)

You enter the Rikti chambers only to find them rested and ready for battle.

Oh well, if it was easy, they wouldn't have asked you to do it.

  • Defeat the Rikti Leader before he attacks (60 minutes)
    • Defeat Rikti Leader

You have succeeded in your mission.



Notable NPCs

  • Rikti Leader (Boss) (Chief Soldier)

Cannot continue: Exhausting battle.
Anger: Birth Body Presence: Defeat It.


If every Vanguard member was as effective as you, humanity could sleep easy. Well... easier.