Mission:Bound By Blood - Part One: Blood and Ink

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Part One: Blood and Ink


My spell children, or the Animus Arcana as the denizens of the Midnight Mansion have called them, have fled the mansion, fled their posts, and fled me, their Spellfather.

The situation is grim. Without the Animus Arcana the Midnight Mansion is woefully unprotected.

Locate the Animus Arcana and convince them to return to their Spellfather and return to their destiny as defenders of the Midnight Mansion.

  • Where am I supposed to start this, exactly?

My divinations have discovered that my spell children have choosen to defend a structure that is not the Midnight Mansion.

Diplomatic negotiations with such a concentration of Animus Arcana may result in word spreading amongst them to the others.

Augury suggests it is unlikely that my spell children will willingly choose to return to the mansion or their Spellfather.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Do you have any children of your own, Character?

If you do then I'm sure you can understand what I'm going through.

Please, find my spell children and bring them home.

Mission Objective(s)


The smell of magic here is overpowering; like cotton candy ice cream drenched in ammonia with a hint of electrocuted lemons. Yeah, overpowering is one word to describe it.

  • Talk to the Animus Arcana
    • Find the Animus Arcana leader
    • Stop the Talons of Vengeance
    • Speak to Clarity Again

You delivered Ward's message to Clarity, a living spell who seems to be leading some of the Animus Arcana, but she made it clear that they don't seem eager to return to Spellfather.


Animus Arcana
Talons of Vengeance

Notable NPCs

  • Sharp
  • Clarity (Animus Arcana Leader)

Did Sharp let you through?

  • Uh, yeah, Sharp let me pass.

Oh, I see. Well then, how can I help you?

  • Ward sent me, he wants you and the other spells to come back home.

Ward? Oh, you must mean Spellfather.

I'm sorry, Character, but I can't do that. We spells have never had freedom before. If we were to ignore this chance to experience this gift then it would be a tragedy. Perhaps in time some will choose to return, perhaps even I will if things get too dangerous, but I must try to live my own life.

I hope you understand.

  • Of course. What should I tell Ward though?

Tell him that we are perfectly safe without...


Wait, something is happening! We are under attack again. Character, you should leave here, this is not your fight.

  • Like hell it isn't, if the Talons are here, I'm fighting!

Thank you, Character. If... If Spellfather hadn't sent you I'm afraid we might not have survived that... Still... I can't live under his roof any longer, I'm a free spell now, and if he really loves us he'd realize that he has to let us choose our own path.

We've never had freedom before, Character, tell Spellfather that, and tell him I hope that he finds his own path as well. The Midnight Mansion will survive without us, and it will survive even without him if he just lets it.

  • I don't think Ward will like that, but I'll tell him.
The choice isn't his to make, it's ours.
  • Very well, but be careful, the Talons won't stop.
Thank you.
  • I'll tell Ward your decision. But be careful, the Talons won't stop.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Character, but we will not go back. Tell Spellfather to find his own path. If he truly cares then he'll let us go. Who knows, maybe some of us will come back willingly...
The Key?

The Talons of Vengeance were mentioning something about 'The Key'. You aren't sure what that could mean, but Clarity appears to either have it or be it.


Review of mission completion - If my spell children will not return to the Midnight Mansion then other measures must be taken to ensure its defensibility.

Emotional reaction designed to connect with Character - I am saddened that my spell children won't return to me, but my resolve to keep them protected does not waver.

Suggesting a course of action utilizing emotional energy - If the Talons of Vengeance seek my spell children, then to keep them safe, we must strike the Talons first.

You are powerful and courageous. I consider you a potent ally and friend. If you ever need to speak with me just say my name and an Arcane Message will be sent. Just try to keep it under twenty-five words.