Mission:Brass Tuesday (Hero) - Part One: Plots Within Plots
Part One: Plots Within Plots
This Jaeger automaton appears to be moving erratically, and its speakers are blaring a brassy marching song reminiscent of Ride of the Valkyries. It doesn't seem to be taking a threatening stance, or brandishing weapons of any sort. When you approach, the music cuts off abruptly, and a tinny voice begins to emit from the Jaeger's speakers.
Greetings, Character! Have you come to pay homage to our great Lord Nemesis? Thanks in no small part to your efforts, his might will soon span the entire globe!
Or... perhaps you have the hubris to oppose him? A laughable notion, indeed, but not atypical of so-called 'Heroes' like yourself!
- Agree to form a task force.
Hmph! Typical! You think you can stand against Lord Nemesis himself? The hubris! The sheer arrogance!
Let me tell you something, Character. No one in this world or any other can match our great Lord Nemesis in power or intellect. You and your precious Paragon City are doomed! Nothing but the first step towards total global domination.
Watch helplessly as his armies descend upon City Hall, crushing your pathetic government and its heroes underfoot. Soon Paragon City shall recognize its new ruler, so you'd best either prepare to kneel or vacate the premises!
Warn Positron
Unnecessary Solicitation
Given up? Decided to lay down and let the inevitable come? Or, better yet - have you come to pledge your services to Lord Nemesis himself?
Mission Objective(s)
- Warn Positron
Character, it's good that you're here. I've been working with the local FBSA branch to coordinate and prepare Paragon's defenses for any imminent-
- Nemesis is planning on attacking City Hall.
Positron looks surprised by your declaration.
That's certainly a likely target... but what are you basing this on? We've got Longbow's intelligence operatives working around the clock to monitor Nemesis activity, and we haven't come up with much yet.
- A Jaeger told me about it.
- Positron looks exceedingly puzzled as you relate to him your interaction with Heldenjaeger.
- Most peculiar, Character. This is one of Nemesis's creations we're talking about. I'm not sure we can trust that it's telling the truth here.
- Can we risk ignoring it?
- That's...
- Positron looks ready to argue the point, but thinks better of it.
- No, you're right. I trust your judgement, Character. I'll assemble the Phalanx and we'll prepare to defend City Hall.
- Let's head out immediately, unless... is there anything else?
- No, let's head out.
- Let's head to Atlas, then. I'll meet you there, Character.
- On my way.
- This is Nemesis we're talking about. What if City Hall is a diversion?
- Positron scratches his chin thoughtfully.
- You have a point, Character. I'll have Longbow run one more sweep...
- Positron speaks into his communicator for a few minutes. When he finishes, he turns to you and smiles.
- Good instincts, Character. Longbow detected suspicious activity in Skyway City. Apparently Nemesis was holding a strike force in reserve, hoping to catch us off-guard. I'll assign Citadel and Numina to organize a counterattack.
- Alright, let's head out.
- Let's head to Atlas, then. I'll meet you there, Character.
- On my way.
- Still, what if he's got more up his sleeve?
- I doubt that Nemesis would have-
- Positron stops himself mid-sentence.
- Ah, there it is again. I need to stop underestimating my opponents. Let's see... so far he's been fairly conventional in his attack patterns. I feel like we might be missing something here.
- Well... he's got automatons in the streets spreading propaganda.
- Ah ha! Psychological warfare. I don't want to waste resources sweeping the streets for Jaegers and fake civilians, but he might be working on something larger in scope...
- Positron fiddles with a device on his arm for a moment.
- Ah! Bingo. I'm detecting a faint subsignal that's running alongside local radio stations. I'm betting Nemesis has agents inside one of Paragon's broadcasters... I'll send Synapse and Manticore to check it out.
- Fantastic. I'm ready when you are.
- Let's head to Atlas, then. I'll meet you there, Character.
- On my way.
- Do you think that's all that Nemesis has planned?
- That's the best I've got, Character. At this point, I'd just be guessing at high-priority targets... wait, hold on.
- I seem to recall Portal Corporation informing me of an alternate dimension they discovered in which Nemesis had succeeded in taking over the world in 1932. If Nemesis is aware of this dimension, and plans to open a portal there...
- It's not worth the risk. I'm sending Penelope Yin and Back Alley Brawler to investigate. We can't let Nemesis get ahold of Portal Corp.
- Sounds good. Let's go.
- Let's head to Atlas, then. I'll meet you there, Character.
- On my way.
- Skyway, the media, Portal Corp... this just doesn't add up.
- Positron looks exasperated by the situation.
- I swear, trying to predict this insanity is like trying to play chess blindfolded.
- I'll admit, City Hall and Skyway aren't the most strategic targets in Paragon. They're grandiose, though, and my understanding of Nemesis has always been that he prefers to put on a show. Still, that may be an underestimation. If I were intent on crippling the city, I'd be aiming at its power infrastructure. I'll go to Terra Volta and investigate personally.
- That leaves you to handle City Hall yourself. Are you feeling up to it, Character?
- I'll be fine, Positron.
- Glad to hear it. You'd better head to Atlas soon, if an attack on City Hall is as imminent as you say.
- On my way.
- Hold on... we may be overthinking this.
- Positron nods.
- I'm beginning to feel the same way. We need to be ready for whatever Nemesis has planned, but if we start jumping at shadows we're going to spread Paragon's defenses too thin. Let's take a moment to clear our heads, and start over.
- Agreed. (Contact box disappears to start from the beginning)
- That's... not important now. Trust me on this.
- That's...
- Positron looks ready to argue the point, but thinks better of it.
- No, you're right. I trust your judgement, Character. I'll assemble the Phalanx and we'll prepare to defend City Hall.
- Let's head out immediately, unless... is there anything else?
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

Depending on how far you go through the briefing with Positron, you will receive one or more of the following clues. These will determine which members of the Freedom Phalanx join you in the "Save City Hall" phase of the mission.

Positron discovered Nemesis forces in Skyway City, and sent Numina and Citadel to investigate.

Positron detected a subsignal playing alongside local radio and television broadcasts. He sent Synapse and Manticore to investigate.

You and Positron suspect that Nemesis may strike at Portal Corp in the near future. Positron sent Penelope Yin and Back Alley Brawler to ensure that the facility was secure.

You and Positron considered the ramifications of a Nemesis attack on the city's power grid. Positron decided it would be best if he investigated personally.
Save City Hall
Unnecessary Solicitation
Given up? Decided to lay down and let the inevitable come? Or, better yet - have you come to pledge your services to Lord Nemesis himself?
Mission Objective(s)
Heldenjaeger wasn't fooling you. This is definitely an all-out assault!
- Save City Hall
- 4 Macht Jaegers to defeat
- Repel the assault on City Hall!
You have defended City Hall from a Nemesis assault!
Notable NPCs
- Back Alley Brawler (Independent Hero) (Ally)
- Citadel (Freedom Phalanx Hero) (Ally)
- Manticore (Freedom Phalanx Elite Boss) (Ally)
- Numina (Freedom Phalanx Hero) (Ally)
- Penelope Yin (Freedom Phalanx Hero) (Ally)
- Positron (Freedom Phalanx Hero) (Ally)
- Synapse (Freedom Phalanx Hero) (Ally)

As the battle continues during this mission, captions and dialogue will vary depending on which allies have joined you. If you didn't choose to send anyone to cover other areas of the city during Positron's briefing, they will be called away during this mission at the appropriate phase.

The number of Incarnate Warhulks that spawn in this phase will vary from one to three, depending on if you have any allies.
The Jaeger hops up and down at you, clearly agitated.
How... how DARE you? You measly, wriggling worm! You uncultured filth! You miserable, stinking wretch! To think that my Lord Nemesis's plans are in ruins... oh! It is too much for me to bear!
But do not think you have forestalled my master, Character, oh no! Far from it! His master plan extends far beyond your reach. You will see, soon enough!