Mission:Brass Tuesday (Hero) - Part Three: History Repeating
Part Three: History Repeating
The Jaeger has stopped hopping around, and is now vibrating rapidly. If you didn't know better, you'd almost think this thing was... excited.
It's finally complete. My Lord Nemesis... what glory you have wrought! Oh joyous day...
Character! Now is the moment of truth. You will see what TRUE POWER looks like, in the hands of the greatest mind this world has ever known!
- What are you talking about?
You will see, Character. You have stood against my master thus far, but when you see his latest creation, you will understand. This will be the place - where he was humiliated so many years ago. No one will deny his power now.
The Jaeger's voice modulates, becoming deeper. It seems to be trying to sound ominous.
No one.
Repel the Nemesis Attack
Unnecessary Solicitation
It's too late, Character! Do not think to surrender now... now you must pay the price for defiance!
Mission Objective(s)
- Repel the Nemesis Attack
Rogers appears surprised by your sudden approach.
Character? Positron told me you were going to be out of commission for a bit, said you were working on a project that was gonna take the fight to Nemesis. You take him down yet?
- Not quite, Rogers. Has there been any activity in Steel Canyon?
None so far. We've got officers in place to-
Rogers is cut off as you both hear a series of explosions in the distance. Almost immediately, Rogers's police radio erupts with frantic chatter.
Son of a... that's Blyde Square! We need to mobilize. Character, come with me!
- Right behind you. (Start Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
This is it. If you can't stop Nemesis here, Paragon City may be doomed.
- Repel the Nemesis Attack
- Defeat the Nemesis Monstrosity
- Defeat Incarnate Warhulks to absorb their energy (optional)
You have destroyed the Nemesis Monstrosity, and crippled the Nemesis army!
Notable NPCs
- Nemesis Monstrosity (Incarnate Automaton Monstrosity)

If you are able to defeat all Incarnate Warhulks (30), the fight against the Nemesis Monstrosity should be relatively simple and safe.
You have absorbed the power of an Incarnate Warhulk!

The Primordial Energy flows through you. Your power grows with each stack of this power.

The Primordial Energy flows through you. Your power grows with each stack of this power.

Glad to see you up and about, Character. You've been through quite a lot. How are you feeling?
- I've been better. What did I miss?
- As it turns out, that massive construct you defeated was housing the majority of the energy from Pandora's Box. The moment you defeated it, the Antikythera tried to absorb it.
- Unfortunately, I do not believe the Antikythera was ever intended to house all of that power at once. It must have reached a breaking point, because shortly after the Nemesis Monstrosity was defeated, the Antikythera shattered. The explosion was... impressive.
- That must have been when I blacked out.
- Yes, that's likely. WJLA has been showing footage of the blast - someone managed to catch it on a cellphone camera near Platinum Lake.
- Shortly thereafter, Nemesis's empowered automatons began to collapse. I believe that he built them as a sort of network - Jaegers and Warhulks all drawing power from the central unit.
- With the Nemesis Monstrosity depowered, they lost most of their power. At that point, the PPD was able to sweep most of the Nemesis army out of the city, with some help from local Heroes.
- So... what's our next step?
- Positron pauses for a moment. When he speaks, his voice is grim.
- We won, Character, but it was close. Lately, the Phalanx's response to threats has been... lacking. The ordeal with Pandora's Box has illustrated this fact quite clearly.
- The time for mourning has passed - the loss of Statesman is no longer an excuse. It's time for the Freedom Phalanx to become a symbol of hope again.
- Still, we will need allies. Your help in this matter - both in finding Pandora's Box and in stopping those who would abuse it - has been invaluable. I'm sure that the time will come when the Phalanx will need your help again.
- Until then, Character, I wish you well. Keep up the fight. I've come to the conclusion that you just might be good at it.
- You too, Positron.
- I feel... weak. Empty.
- Positron looks you over.
- Hmm... I can't say that I'm surprised. For at least a moment, I'd estimate you became the most powerful being on the planet.
- Returning to your normal state, by comparison, must feel like an extreme loss of potency. It should pass fairly quickly. Give yourself some time to adjust.
- What happened, exactly?
- As it turns out...
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- There's no time for that. What about Nemesis? The invasion?
- Positron raises his hands in front of him, in a calming gesture.
- Whoa there, easy. Fight's over, Character. We won.
- The Phalanx is already working with disaster relief teams. Blyde Square looked bad, but we'll have it cleaned up in no time. Paragon City is fairly resilient, when it needs to be.
- So... Nemesis called off his forces?
- As it turns out...
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
Confront Mender Silos
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Jaeger appears to be short-circuiting. An audio loop playing from its speakers:
Hail Lord Nemesis! Hail Lord Nemesis! Haillll Looooorrrrddd Neeemmmmeeessss...
The audio begins to skew, then shuts off entirely. The Jaeger stumbles slightly, then tips over and lands on its side, exposing its underbelly. On it's underside casing, you can see a small engraving in the metal:
Jaeger Mk XXVI
Serial #: 11-07-2932
Unit Designation: Heldenjaeger
Mission Objective(s)
- Confront Mender Silos
Mender Silos looks apprehensive, yet relieved. He favors you with a faint smile as you approach, which seems exceedingly odd on the generally stoic Silos.
Greetings, Character. I feel that I must commend you. The power housed within Pandora's Box represented a significant portion of humanity's latent power.
Handling such power is often treacherous, but you have managed to prevent any... significant catastrophes from occurring. That implies, to me, a remarkable strength of character.
Now, you have come to me with questions? I believe I may be able to answer some of them, at least in part.
- If you knew all this would happen, why did you hide it from me?
- Mender Silos looks away from you for a moment. His face remains impassive... but you can sense some degree of shame in him, as well.
- It was necessary, Character. I'm not proud of this moment in history... but I do see how crucial it is. Believe me, I have tried to find ways to avoid just this scenario... but every attempt has ultimately led to disaster.
- Power has a tendency to accumulate, Character. It's not direct, but it has a sort of... gravity all its own. Those with power become addicted to it, and they have the strength to claim more. The weak eventually wither - either crushed underfoot by their superiors, or coddled and protected by them.
- Consolidation. This is the problem we face. When a single entity gains the power to dominate all others - that is what you would call a 'Champion', to give the concept a name. But a Champion is not enough. The Coming Storm fast approaches, and all of Earth's forces must be brought to bear if it is to survive.
- So you purposely prevented me from finding the Box?
- Quite the opposite. I've tried to change this point in history, many times... but every time I have meddled here, disaster has followed.
- I've seen timelines in which some hero of Paragon acquires the power from Pandora's Box, yes. I've also seen Nemesis slowly spreading his madness across the globe, declaring himself its emperor. In most instances, it has been you, Character, that has inherited the Box's legacy.
- But... it did not matter. Each instance was the same. The power would tip the scales irrevocably to one side, forever skewing the world's progress. And when the Storm finally arrived...
- Mender Silos trails off, shaking his head sadly.
- No. This is how it had to be. I'm sorry, Character. I could find no other way.
- What happened to the energy contained in Pandora's Box?
- It has dissipated, Character. The power still exists, yes - in one form or another. But it has spent too long disconnected from a host, and has lost all form. In time, it will manifest in other ways, but never again to the same degree.
- Mender Silos is staring directly at you as he tells you this. You get the feeling that he's trying to gauge whether or not you believe him - or, perhaps, he is daring you to challenge his statement. It is difficult to tell.
- Do you know where Nemesis is now?
- Mender Silos's eyes harden.
- Where is he? I fear that is not something I can help you with, Character.
- I do know, however, that you have hurt him. You injured the one part of him still capable of feeling pain: his pride. He skulks in the shadows, plotting a thousand intricate revenges - on you, on Paragon City, on the world.
- He continues to believe, stubbornly, that he is a man apart from the world he lives in. And I fear that it will be a long, long time before he begins to realize his error in this belief.
- But for now, rest easy, Character. You have earned it... and, I fear, you will need it for the trials to come.
- Actually, no. I don't need your answers.
- Very well, Character.
- You may not realize it, but today has been a good day for the future of Earth. Your efforts are the primary cause of this, and for that, I feel I must congratulate you.
- Mender Silos inclines his head slightly.
- Well done, Character. Well done.
- Actually, no. I don't need your answers.
- Mender Silos raises his eyebrows in surprise.
- That... is unexpected, Character. I thought that you- that there would be-
- Silos furrows his brow, and turns from you. He begins to mumble to himself.
- I don't understand. This has never happened before. I don't believe I overlooked anything... perhaps when I...
- Mender Silos appears to be lost in thought. He no longer even seems to be aware of your presence.
- Leave