Mission:Christine Lansdale - Defeat Sky Raiders in Terra Volta

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Defeat Sky Raiders in Terra Volta (25-29)


The word is out that the Sky Raiders think that they're close to being unopposed in Terra Volta. I'd like you to show them just how wrong they are.

Mission Acceptance

The Sky Raiders shouldn't be hard to find, but I've heard that the Challenger Technology center and the Carter Engineering complex are particularly overrun right now. That doesn't mean you have to confine yourself to those areas, though.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Sky Raider operations are a threat to all of Terra Volta, and that means they're a threat to the City at large.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Raiders in Terra Volta
    • Defeat 30 Sky Raiders

You have defeated enough Sky Raiders in Terra Volta.


Sky Raiders


The word is out that the Sky Raiders are reassessing their activities after the battle you gave them. Good work.