Mission:Collateral Damage - Part One: Net Victory
Part One: Net Victory
Mission Briefing
Alright. The first thing we need to do is to try to get a bead on what, exactly, is causing the 5th Column to become so active in this region.
My intel team has been tracking their comm traffic, but it's encrypted. We can't figure out what they're saying, but we CAN figure out who's talking to whom - and we've located a hub of recent activity.
If we can get our hands on their encryption codes, we might be able to get the inside info we need.
- I'm guessing that's where I come in.
Well, sort of. I've already made the recommendation to another local hero recruit, goes by the name Leon. He's got an infiltration mission underway.
I think he can handle himself in there, but that's only based off his record.
In the interest of being safe, and of coordinating your efforts, I thought you might want to provide some backup.
Unnecessary Solicitation
It looks like Leon is still in the field. He could probably use your assistance.
Mission Objective(s)
You encountered the bodies of 5th Column guards outside the entrance to the base. It appears Leon doesn't believe in taking prisoners.
- Infiltrate the 5th Column Base
- Find Leon
- Talk to Leon
- Escape the base with Leon.
You managed to exit the 5th Column base relatively unscathed.
Notable NPCs
- Leon (Rogues Gallery) Paragon City Hero
Upon Entry
Further in
Further in

Leon glares at you irritably
As I'm sure you've overheard, I have this situation under control. I've taken out their commander, and most of the base's defenses. I doubt the remaining troops will put up much resistance.
Leon sighs.
But, I suppose having someone to watch my back isn't so bad. I'm Leon. What do I call you?
- Character is fine.
- Right. Well, Character, there's not much more for us here. The facility itself has been crippled, but they managed to completely wipe their database before I could stop them.
- At this point, I don't think we're going to get any valuable info from this place. I recommend we with draw and search elsewhere.
- We could bring their Commander in for interrogation...
- He's not in any shape to be answering questions, Character, and neither are his troops. If you catch my meaning.
- Leon's face goes hard, and he gestures to the motionless body of the nearby commander.
- Yes, I see. That's... unfortunate.
- You hear muffled shouting from the direction you came. It sounds like the Column is getting reinforcements of their own.
- I think it's time we let ourselves out.
- Oh, don't worry about me. I'm just some lowly *novice*, hardly worth your attention.
- Leon scowls at you.
- No need to get your tights in a bind, pal. I told Lockhart that I have the situation under control, and I do. As you can plainly see.
- Leon gestures to the motionless body of the nearby commander.
- And I suppose you have the data we need as well?
- That data was wiped long before I got here. I know what I'm doing, and I don't need you hounding my tail, trying to second-guess me.
- Look, I can't stop you from tagging along on this counterintelligence goose chase but I sure don't have to put up with you interfering with my work.
- No, it looks like you failed this mission just fine on your own.
- Leon's eyes flare at your remark. He opens his mouth to say something, but thinks better of it.
- You hear muffled shouting from the direction you came. It sounds like the Column is getting reinforcements of their own.
- Time for us to leave. Try to keep up.
They wiped the info? Damn! I was sure we'd get a lead on this one.
I don't why they would have wiped their logs, Character. That's not standard Column procedure. Either Leon took his sweet time reaching the main database, or something leaked.
Laura's face twists into a wry smile, and she cocks an eyebrow at you.
Its possible that my arrival in Paragon has drawn more attention than I expected.