Mission:Common - Clear out the Clockwork base
Clear out the Clockwork base
I've got a good lead on what might be the Clockwork's base of operations in Galaxy City. If we can shut it down completely, we may manage to derail their production for a short time. That means fewer robots, fewer attacks, and a lot less work for you! Will you clear out the Clockwork base? I know you can get the job done.
Mission Acceptance
If you can find out anything about the Clockwork's future plans, I'd appreciate it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to clear out that base, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
The Clockwork's recent finds include a car door, a broken traffic light, and a cracked refrigerator.
- Defeat all robots in warehouse
- Find clues to Clockwork plans
You destroyed the Clockwork base.

You found these human bones in a Clockwork base. Many of the bones are broken, and the skull has been sawed in two.
I wonder: could these bones could be the remains of the Clockwork King himself? I guess you've seen those pictures of the King that Maggie Greene published in the Paragon Times. A human brain, housed in a massive robot body. I wonder what could have driven him to such an act!