Mission:Common - Find out who's supplying the Freakshow with the new weapons

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Find out who's supplying the Freakshow with the new weapons (31-35)


The Freakshow seem to have acquired a new source of weapons. They're unlike anything we've ever seen before: ballistics and robots that seem to be based on steam power! That's right, steam. Until today, I would have sworn nobody had built a steam powered vehicle in a hundred years. But from what my informants tell me, the steam-tech is actually quite sophisticated. I need you to find out who's supplying the Freaks with these new weapons.

Mission Acceptance

The main thing to do here is to confiscate this weird technology so the Freakshow can't use it, and try to find out who's supplying it to them. My informants tell me that the Freak to look for is a juicer called 'Dap-Dap;' he's the one making the deals. These machines are really quite incredible. You have to admire the ingenuity.


Unnecessary Solicitation

I really want to know who's supplying the Freaks with these steam-powered gizmos.

Mission Objective(s)

The Freakshow is always interested in the newest, hippest weaponry. It's surprising that steam weapons would hold any appeal for this techno-powered gang.

  • Find source of Freaks' weapons
    • 2 weapon crates to destroy!

You defeated the villains and recovered some steam-powered weapons.



Notable NPCs

From the wreckage, you recovered a steam-powered gun.

Steam-powered gun

This gun may be powered by outdated steam technology, but it is otherwise state-of-the-art. Even the bullets are incredibly sophisticated, built for tearing through the tough hide of some of Paragon City's toughest tankers.

From the wreckage, you recovered a steam-powered robot part.

Steam-powered robotic part

Other than it's power source, there is nothing archaic about this robot part. The flexibility, strength, and speed of the assembled robots would undoubtedly be top notch.

Temporary Power

At the completion of the mission, the hero will receive the Nemesis Staff temporary power.


Ranged, High damage (smashing), Foe knockback, disorient

You confiscated this strange, steam-powered staff from a Freakshow hideout. The staff shoots a bolt of energy that deals damage, knocks back foes, and may stun them. You should test the weapon in the field, then return it to the DATA labs for study within 24 hours.


So, the Freakshow's suppliers called themselves Nemesis? Interesting. I assume you've heard of the arch-villain, Nemesis, who tried to take over the United States during the 40's. No one's heard of him since before the Rikti War; it seems unlikely that he's still alive and in control of this army. Maybe they're simply a bunch of copycats. Whichever way it plays out, we'll have to keep a close eye on these Nemesis soldiers.