Mission:Common - Get the Rikti technology away from the Freakshow

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Get the Rikti technology away from the Freakshow (31-35)


The Freakshow got wind of a lab in Paragon City that's keeping Rikti technology for study, and they've raided the facility. Alien weapons, armor and medicines, all gone. Fortunately, one of my contacts was brave enough to trace the Freakshow back to their hideout. Someone's got to get that Rikti technology away from the Freakshow. As far as I'm concerned, you're the one for the job. You'll have about 90 minutes to prove me right.

Mission Acceptance

If anyone knows how to abuse high tech weaponry, it's the Freakshow. This could turn into a disaster, and fast. There are two ways to control this situation. First, you could just fight and defeat all the Freakshow in that hideout, and let the city handle the clean-up. Or, you could locate all of the stolen alien technology and take it from the Freaks before they can use it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I don't see any Rikti technology around here, do you? Hurry, the Freakshow still has it!

Mission Objective(s)

The screams you hear aren't the Freakshow's typical raucous bellows. It sounds like the Freaks are already in a fight for their lives.

  • Retrieve Rikti tech from Freaks (Timed, 90 minutes)
    • 3 crates to search (or Defeat all Freaks)

You prevented the Freakshow from using the stolen Rikti technology.


Rikti weapons

These plasma-based assault weapons could level a city block within minutes.

Rikti devices

These small devices would have made perfect implants for the Freakshow. They perform a variety of functions, from estimating a target's defenses to enhancing the wearer's physical strength.

Rikti medicines

These alien medicines are far beyond the best human science has to offer. They can cure grave wounds within minutes, leaving the recipent fully refreshed and ready for battle.


Good work, Character. I guess the Freaks will have to make do with human science for a while.